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Big round shoulders....mostly genetics?

Does your family lift weights and try to develop big muscles? Untrained bodies aren't relevant to genetics, it's how you respond to training and how muscles are formed once their developed. My grandpa is skinny, doesn't mean he has bad genetics.

Awesome post. People talk about untrained people all the time and speculate about their genetics.
EQ + GH (Along with proper training). Gh for the 3D look and EQ for its "cupping" affects.

I noticed a big big difference since I have (hypothetically) been experimenting with gh delt shots.
OK--I have a THEORY for those who seemed to have made gains by switching to isolation movements..

PRESSING movements gave you STRENGTH! Now, with this NEWFOUND STRENGTH, you can REP more weight for more repetitions! ;)

Go back to doing presses now(mostly STANDING) and watch your shoulders explode again.

nice pic Queef ;)

I agree with the first half, I will admit dumbell presses were a staple in my shoulder routine for the first 2-3 years. It took me SO fucking long to go from 45-50 lbs when I started up to 110 finally before I stopped doing them. Chest seems like my dumbells got heavier every week but that jump from 70 lbs to 80/90 took what felt like fucking years!!!!
I am a firm believer in genetics, they can be beat but never cheated. I have always had great genetics for calves, quads, chest, tris, but my back, shoulders and bi's have always sucked in comparison. When I made the decision to start adding AAS into my program I did begin to start seeing the proper changes in my problem areas, but all my stronger points got even stronger and better thus still overshadowing my weak points. So like i said i beat my bad genetics for my weak points, but everything else grew like crazy
Like most of the other guys here I stopped focusing on heavier pressing movements and concentrated on more lateral exercises. I noticed doing more lateral work and higher reps/volume helped bring up my shoulders more.

For myself after a certain point I don't get the same mobility on shoulder presses as I could with lateral movements.
My deltoids are monstrous and they were a severe weak point at one time..

PRESSES, PRESSES, AND MORE PRESSES. Lateral raises do not allow you to move significant poundages(with perfect form) and they allow for lots of cheating. I do 15 set of JUST PRESSING movements alone, and THEN go in to rear delts, side delts, and front delts. Traps are insane too, lots of heavy barbell shrugs to the front AND back. PROGRESS with heavy weight on all different forms of PRESSES(seated, standing, barbell, dumbell) and your delts WILL grow..:lightbulb:

ALSO--my REAR delts are huge from doing BACK! I do lots of WIDE GRIP horizontal cable rows, absolutely murders your rear delts with SERIOUS POUNDAGES!

Your posts make me laugh... in a good way. You look great matey but I have never seen anyone describe themselves and come up with...

'My deltoids are monstrous'
'Traps are insane too'
'my REAR delts are huge'

All in one post ;) Please don't post pics of your shoulders :D
Presses definitely give the shoulders a beefier look.

and we all want to be beefcake!
Delts are one of my best body parts. Pretty much the only specific thing I get compliments on. Genetics have got to play a part.

I don't train them much as they tend to overpower my arms I think. It's usually just some sort of bb press, behind the neck seated for years and years, now standing overhead presses. Then maybe db or a machine press and some rev pec dec work. I hate laterals.

I've read that shoulders have some of the highest concentrations of androgen receptors in the body, and I've always believed in a strong test base to cycles. They also seem to be very sensitive to whether I'm fully carbed up or not.

rereading my post, bb work, androgens, and plenty of food :rolleyes: I'm so insightful, haha
EQ + GH (Along with proper training). Gh for the 3D look and EQ for its "cupping" affects.

I noticed a big big difference since I have (hypothetically) been experimenting with gh delt shots.

I'll add Tren and Primo to that list. But yes EQ/Tren/Primo/GH give you that round shoulder look.

The width, that's clavicle nature. That is what seperates the men from boys in regards to wide, big, round shoulders. The drugs simply enhance the look, but the genetic portion is the structure.

It's my favorite bodypart to work out probably because of my response to it. I stick to side laterals, rear delt raises and wide grip upright dumbell rows. Those three, each about 3-4 sets a week three times in varying rep ranges(from the program I'm using). Usually high rep DB laterals, moderate reps rear delt, and low reps upright rows.
Your posts make me laugh... in a good way. You look great matey but I have never seen anyone describe themselves and come up with...

'My deltoids are monstrous'
'Traps are insane too'
'my REAR delts are huge'

All in one post ;) Please don't post pics of your shoulders :D

haha everything is so definite too. Everyone in the whole thread will be like "In my experience A works"

Ross: "you HAVE to do B to get my ROUND"
Not: "in my opinion" "or in my experience" but "DO this" YOU MUST" haha love the guy so unique. Like Elvia said: in a good way :D
LOOKING GOOD QUEEFER ! props to ya..;)
Just bumping this up cos I came across a great video about rear delts. I was gonna put it in the beginners section cos it is very basic but I think it could be very useful to many. Obviously this subject has come up alot and for people seeking balanced development rear delts are neglected quite alot. I need to development all areas significantly but have started really concentrating on rear delt work. By reason of this my overall strength especially in pressing has increased.

As BNS highlighted increase your strength in pressing movements and that should add strength in your isolation work. However the opposite can also be applied by increasing the strength of support muscles such as rear delts. Chris cook explains things very well. I had seen the last exercise before but had not tried it... complete killer. I done it at the end of a big shoulder workout and only used 2.5kg db's for 20 reps for a few sets but even that weight was a struggle. Obviously increased weight will be added in the future.

IFBB Pro Chris Cook teaches rear deltoid technique from GMV - YouTube
I finally found a post I can jump in on! Laterals of all sorts are what I feel worked for me. When I press they look good but when the laterals come they blow up nicely. For me that is.

Not much for pressing here either, though Osteo Arthritis in my left shoulder prevents me from doing them now, in my earlier days I I did do front presses in the Smith machine.

Training with Johns been a godsend because we do hardly any pressing, mainly rear delts and side work. Even rear delts I cant go heavy because of a tear in around my supraspinatus area so I go relatively light but contract HARD and rep out alot.

I feel my shoulders have made good progress despite not pressing the last 4 years. I do miss it though.

**and yes I have posing trunks on, lmao.**


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Good info Shelby..

Remember to hit rear delts HARD... they are often neglected / under-trained.

From the side, and even the front, the rear-delts give a much more capped look to the shoulders.

In a most-muscular pose, it's the rear delts that are adding the most "width"; the side delts are pretty much in the front when hitting that pose.

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