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How do you treat bad cholesterol?


May 24, 2012
I need some advice for treat bad cholesterol. Do you use drugs for this? (maybe explain the dosage also :) ) I already take lipid stabil.. but.. if this isnt enough?

Fish oil, more cardio, and cleaner diet. Cholesterol meds like lipitor would a last resort type of thing as they have some bad sides.
Tons of threads on this in the main forum, try a search.
Short answer to add onto jm425 who hit the basics includes niacin, the right kinda animal proteins and fats and ultimately knowing which aas compounds do what to you and perhaps avoiding certain compounds
Fish oil, more cardio, and cleaner diet. Cholesterol meds like lipitor would a last resort type of thing as they have some bad sides.

Can you describe me some of this sides?

Ty for the replies..
you can get your thyroid checked. sometimes low thyroid cause high ldl.

if its genetic you will most likely need to incorporate a statin at some point in your life.

My daughter recently went to the National Institute of health to see some specialists. My daughter's 'roommate" in the hospital room was a young girl with an LDL of 600. Yes I said 600!

She was being treated by the #1 doc in the country on cholesterol. I asked him about non-pharmaceutical remedies like plant sterols and he said if the high cholesterol is genetic, the genes will override any natural remedies eventually making them useless.
Lipitor Side Effects |

My main issue with it is liver toxicity.

IMO, the sides of statins is way overblown. I personally know 5 people on it including me and none of us has ever had a single bad side effect. I have been on statins the past 4 yrs after my heart attack. Just get yearly bloodwork done on your cholesterol and liver enzymes. I use Niaspan to raise my HDL, Niacin otc works ok too as long as its the regular kind and not nonflush.
IMO, the sides of statins is way overblown. I personally know 5 people on it including me and none of us has ever had a single bad side effect. I have been on statins the past 4 yrs after my heart attack. Just get yearly bloodwork done on your cholesterol and liver enzymes. I use Niaspan to raise my HDL, Niacin otc works ok too as long as its the regular kind and not nonflush.
Been on and off [mostly on] statins for the last 12 years. Indeed the fears of them are overstated. Benefits for me far outweigh the potential negatives none of which have materialized for me save maybe consistently slightly elevated liver values but nothing too far out of whack
Been on and off [mostly on] statins for the last 12 years. Indeed the fears of them are overstated. Benefits for me far outweigh the potential negatives none of which have materialized for me save maybe consistently slightly elevated liver values but nothing too far out of whack

Hey saps and Maldorf, would you feel that possibly by incorporating COQ10 or Ubiquinol
has played a role for you in not forming muscular degeneration that some report from Statins, I frequent a few other health boards, there's a few members that Statins Therapy has debilitated them from simple tasks such as walking the shortest of distances, Neither were taking COQ10 when Statin therapy was started years ago. Sad
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IMO, the sides of statins is way overblown. I personally know 5 people on it including me and none of us has ever had a single bad side effect. I have been on statins the past 4 yrs after my heart attack. Just get yearly bloodwork done on your cholesterol and liver enzymes. I use Niaspan to raise my HDL, Niacin otc works ok too as long as its the regular kind and not nonflush.

I was on a statin many years ago but wasn't on it long enough to know if it would affect me negatively. I agree that blood work needs to be done often to check liver values and HDL/LDL levels. IMO, I think statins should be a last resort option if all else fails. Most people can lower their HDL/LDL by simply doing more cardio, cleaning up diet and taking OTC supps.
Hey saps and Maldorf, would you feel that possibly by incorporating COQ10 or Ubiquinol
has played a role for you in not forming muscular degeneration that some report from Statins, I frequent a few other health boards, there's a few members that Statins Therapy has debilitated them from simple tasks such as walking the shortest of distances, Neither were taking COQ10 when Statin therapy was started years ago. Sad

No, I dont think so. I took the statins for about 6-12 months before I started up with Co Q10. Then I switched to Ubiquinol about 2 yrs ago. Those 2 supplements seemed to give me a bit more energy perhaps but nothing remarkable and I dont even know if they would give me more results than a placebo honestly. There is a chance though that they might have helped my heart heal, once I started taking them along with Emeric's Humanofort my ejection fraction went up a couple of percentage points.

The sides you mention of rhabdomyolysis are extremly rare from what I have read, I suppose the people you know that have that trouble are just unlucky. The occurance is really low.
I was on a statin many years ago but wasn't on it long enough to know if it would affect me negatively. I agree that blood work needs to be done often to check liver values and HDL/LDL levels. IMO, I think statins should be a last resort option if all else fails. Most people can lower their HDL/LDL by simply doing more cardio, cleaning up diet and taking OTC supps.

I think that is true for some but not all, it depends again on that person's genetics are just how bad their levels are. Some people have really high LDL even though they exercise and eat fairly well. My father in law, who happens to be a retired neurologist, is one of those people. He went too long untreated and finally had to have quintuple bypass surgery. What sucks is he cant take the statins now because he also had surgery for diverticulitis and had a large portion of his colon removed. I guess his body wont tolerate taking statins now because of that, so he has to really watch his diet.
Yeah to be honest I started Lipitor in 2000 and first started regular coq10 in like 2009. I mean I will always have coq10 now but nine years without it and to the best of my knowledge nothing to complain about damage wise from not having it in the mix

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