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I.A. Recomp/growing log


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Hey guys! I'm excited to begin my International Anabolics log. I am 27 years old 5'8" currently 242lbs. I have been conditioning my body the last four weeks for this log and have already made drastic improvements with just 300mg test p per week. I have only trained these four weeks consecutive in the last 9 months due to work. I've been training German Volume and cycling my carbs.
I will continue the GVT training for probably 4-6 more weeks and then switch to DC training or maybe back to conventional powerlifting.

Ok cycle lay out
Weeks 1-10 or 12
900 EQ
600 Test E
600 Tren E
2ng Adex EOD
2 iu IA GH per day (low but that's all I have,will be serum and IGF testing)
Weeks 1-4
Anavar 100mg per day
Weeks 6-10
Anadrol 100mg per day

So this is my basic layout if I make adjustments I will note them here.

As far as service and communication International Anabolics has been top notch along with T/A.
Now I injected my weekly total EQ in one shot smooth as silk I injected Test and Tren also smooth as silk. Normally Tren has a bite to me but this doesn't. Very thin oils with no lumps. Makes pinning for 3 months much more tolerable plus I can inject more muscle groups without fear of lumping a bicep or something.

Before pics to come.
Subbed bro.. looks awesome!!

Hey guys! I'm excited to begin my International Anabolics log. I am 27 years old 5'8" currently 242lbs. I have been conditioning my body the last four weeks for this log and have already made drastic improvements with just 300mg test p per week. I have only trained these four weeks consecutive in the last 9 months due to work. I've been training German Volume and cycling my carbs.
I will continue the GVT training for probably 4-6 more weeks and then switch to DC training or maybe back to conventional powerlifting.

Ok cycle lay out
Weeks 1-10 or 12
900 EQ
600 Test E
600 Tren E
2ng Adex EOD
2 iu IA GH per day (low but that's all I have,will be serum and IGF testing)
Weeks 1-4
Anavar 100mg per day
Weeks 6-10
Anadrol 100mg per day

So this is my basic layout if I make adjustments I will note them here.

As far as service and communication International Anabolics has been top notch along with T/A.
Now I injected my weekly total EQ in one shot smooth as silk I injected Test and Tren also smooth as silk. Normally Tren has a bite to me but this doesn't. Very thin oils with no lumps. Makes pinning for 3 months much more tolerable plus I can inject more muscle groups without fear of lumping a bicep or something.

Before pics to come.
Tonight is chest and back. I will log my weights and reps here. I write them in a notebook as I workout. The weights used will be sub maximal,remember a 60sec rest between sets is used in GVT. This makes even 60% of your 1rm tough by the time you get to set 5-6.

Diet so far
1 cup oats
1 banana
50g protein from liquid egg whites

8oz chicken
1-1/2cup brown rice

2 cans tuna
3 slices whole grain bread

Each meal on training days I shoot for 50g protein and 50-60g carbs. Post workout I take in 50g protein and 100g carbs in the form of liquid egg whites and gator ade.
Tonight is chest and back. I will log my weights and reps here. I write them in a notebook as I workout. The weights used will be sub maximal,remember a 60sec rest between sets is used in GVT. This makes even 60% of your 1rm tough by the time you get to set 5-6.

Diet so far
1 cup oats
1 banana
50g protein from liquid egg whites

8oz chicken
1-1/2cup brown rice

2 cans tuna
3 slices whole grain bread

Each meal on training days I shoot for 50g protein and 50-60g carbs. Post workout I take in 50g protein and 100g carbs in the form of liquid egg whites and gator ade.

Looks nice and clean bro, good luck with this!!
Ok tonight's training

Flat DB bench straight sets 60sec rest between sets 65lb DB
10,10,10,10,10,6,8,7,7,5 reps
T bar row 2 plates 60 sec between sets
Lat pull super set with cable flye
165x10 60x10,150x8 60x10, 135x9 60x10
4 sets cable crunches and I was smoked!
Good work bro, still waiting on the before pics lol
I'm getting them bro I promise!! Tomorrow no doubt! Just need my wife to help take some pics and post them. Don't want to just post selfies lol
I know I look like crap but hey I haven't trained or eaten right in about 9 months. So I think I'm doing ok with just these four weeks training lol
My legs look better than that but I didn't flex them. And my back shot is my best shot(my back is my strong point) Mike Arnold told me that!
I'm thinking of going ahead and switching to DC or powerlifting training again,what do you guys think? I feel like I'm wasting roids doing the high intensity low rest training. I can recomp without roids I think I should use them to grow!
Any opinions?
You don't look crap at all mate, you look awesome, keep training hard and staying on point with your diet! Really glad to see someone keeping it real. Good luck with this!
You don't look crap at all mate, you look awesome, keep training hard and staying on point with your diet! Really glad to see someone keeping it real. Good luck with this!

Would you switch up training styles? I still haven't started the GH waiting on my bac water!!

Thanks RS!
Ok I strated back DC training yesterday. First time I've lifted heavy in a while. It felt good intensity was up a feel the Var is starting to kick because the pumps are starting to hurt!!

My diet is still the same
Training days around 400g protein and 400g carbs trace fats
On non training days around 400g protein 200g fats and trace carbs

Here is my training session from last night
Seated DB curls(both arms at same time) 20lbs-15 30-12 50-8+2+2 rest pause
Lying rope hammer curls 60-12 70-20 80-10
Seated calve raise 1plate-15 2plates-15 3plates-10
Stiff leg deads 95-15 135-12 185-12+6+7 rest pause
Cybex leg press(only counting weight from plates not sled) 450-12 720-10
900-6 720-18 <widow maker

I rested 2 minutes between each set and about 20-30 seconds between each rest pause set.
Then I pushed my truck for 30-40min while my wife steered. That was brutal....
So next time these exercises are in rotation my goal is to beat the reps or weight on each exercise.
Ok I strated back DC training yesterday. First time I've lifted heavy in a while. It felt good intensity was up a feel the Var is starting to kick because the pumps are starting to hurt!!

My diet is still the same
Training days around 400g protein and 400g carbs trace fats
On non training days around 400g protein 200g fats and trace carbs

Here is my training session from last night
Seated DB curls(both arms at same time) 20lbs-15 30-12 50-8+2+2 rest pause
Lying rope hammer curls 60-12 70-20 80-10
Seated calve raise 1plate-15 2plates-15 3plates-10
Stiff leg deads 95-15 135-12 185-12+6+7 rest pause
Cybex leg press(only counting weight from plates not sled) 450-12 720-10
900-6 720-18 <widow maker

I rested 2 minutes between each set and about 20-30 seconds between each rest pause set.
Then I pushed my truck for 30-40min while my wife steered. That was brutal....
So next time these exercises are in rotation my goal is to beat the reps or weight on each exercise.

Sounds intense bro, glad to hear everything is going well.
Sounds intense bro, glad to hear everything is going well.

I love DC training but I love to rotate training routines every 6-8 weeks. I don't know if that's a good thing or not but it keeps me from getting board.

I will post tonight's training session tomorrow!! The Anavar has defiantly kicked in!! My waist is fighting up nicely even taking in extra Cals!!!

Today's eating was not that great lol

1-1 cup oats,some raisins,honey and cinnamon. 50g protein from egg whites
2-70g carbs from pasta 200g lean ground beef ,organic spaghetti sauce
Meal 3 and 4 were the same
5-Post training a large slushy and 50g protein from egg whites(normally I do gator ade but wanted something different)
6-A foot long sub Philly steak and cheese a small power ade and a small bag of baked ruffles

Yes I went a little crazy today but it was good!
Its all about consistency, seems like your on the right track bro.
I try to change up my training every few weeks, and I find even adding something like mk677 makes huge changes in my appetite and recovery.
Ok guy's here is my last two training sessions. Which woukd be Tuesday and Thursday. I really feel everything picking up. Tuesday was a great workout and intense but last night was not. I was tired because I didn't hardly sleep the night before and I only ate two meals. So I probably shouldve skipped it for the day but didn'tm.

Hammer Strenght incline press. 1 plate per side-20,2 P.P.S-10 3 P.P.S-9+3+2
Smith behind the neck press 135-10 185-6+3+2
Smith reverse grip bench 135-15 205-7+5+5
Wide grip lat pull 150-10 180-10 200-6+3+3
Deadlift 135-10 225-8 315-8
I was just dead by the time I got to deadlifts that's all I could muster!!

EZ bar curl-65-15 75-10 85-10+5+4
Reverse grip EZ bar curl-65-12 75-20
Leg press calve raise-2 plates-20 6 plates-15 8 plates- 10
Sumo leg pres- 8 plates-15 12 plates 8+8+7
Smith front squat-135-10 225-10
And that was it man my intensity sucked so did I!!
Making sure I sleep well and not miss meals is the big thing!
Any updates on your training bro, hope your ok.

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