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Yanks & Limeys - what do we love about each other and what confuses us?

a lot of skinheads from what I have gathered. But if you study skinhead history, the original skinheads were NOT RACIST and they originate in England. It was a working class protest type thing. Ritchie Edwards is a client of mine and I am working on watty from the exploited.

PUNK was BORN in England. The Damned, CRASS, trendier bands like the CLASH, Conflict, GBH, EXPLOITED

OI was also born in England, so I would venture to say england has a ton of great rock bands and a bad ass music scene

AHH, a fellow punk! For sure it was born in London, but it was a continuation from Iggy pop, new York dolls, Richard hell etc - just another example of how US and UK cultures have bounced off each other.

Yeah we still have a small skinhead scene in UK which I grew up around - and as you say it's non-racist and non-political for the most part. In the 80s far right groups did infiltrate the skinhead scene but by the 90s they'd moved onto football hooligans (and now internet nerds make up the majority of the UK far right from what I know) leaving the original skins to re-establish around a love of scooters, reggae, ska and mod-revival bands. Oi is pretty dead in the UK now, couple of bands around but nothing much to note. Punk & ska scene is booming right now though. Lots of exciting bands.

Have you seen Only Fools and Horses? That's probably the best classic comedy series ever made.

It's one of the most beautifully written pieces of TV history. A mix of slapstick, ire, sarcasm and wordplay makes up the humour, but then also able to sensitivily handle very serious subjects (grandpa's death, Cassandra miscarriage) and yet still inject humour. Incredible. I'm not sure how well it would translate to American tastes because the humour often relies on a knowledge of UK life. But I think for Americans in terms of cultural impact Only Fools is our version of the Simpsons - not in the style or the humour, but in how it's engrained and even influenced our collective consciousness.

When I was a young lad, I enjoyed watching the Benny Hill Show.


You know I was pleasantly surprised over the last few years to find benny hill references appearing in American sitcoms (big bang, Simpsons, 2 and a half Men) - I had no idea you guys had gotten into that. Benny lived a few roads over from where I live now.
So what is the fascination with Brits doing mostly low dosed Test cycles?

Also, it seems there's to be some popularity of throwing in 70mg Tren Hex as well. Is this for a nutrient partitioning effect?

Eurgh. I think it's a mix of everyone trying to reinvent the wheel to make themselves relevant and the fact that a large majority of UK coaches (who are "no names" who run coaching via Facebook or similar. I'm sure the big name coaches all have more tailored approaches for each client) copy Justin Harris, who in turn copies Victor Black. So if you read the online forums yeah it appears a lot of low test, high primo and small traces of NPP or tren. Reality in gyms though with the people who aren't "terminally online" is still a solid test base with deca or EQ. Anadrol and Dbol remain popular.

As for the knife crime - yeah it's a problem in certain parts of London, Manchester, Birmingham - any big city really. But only in small parts. Generally the UK is pretty safe. Its similar to there being areas in Detroit, LA, New York etc that are pretty dicey - not a reflection of the city as a whole.
If you want to see a funny Brit show, find and watch Mrs.Browns Boys. At least I find it funny as hell !! Especially an episode where the grandmother waxes herself........I had tears rolling I was laughing so hard
The chocolate in the UK fuckin ROCKS! Makes USA chocolate taste like wax. Literally, wax! It's disturbing.

Benny Hill and Mr. Bean still crack me up lol

Forget the Beatles... Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Sabbath, Whitesnake, Bon Scott of AC/DC??? Come on! Metal was born in England!

We have much to be thankful for from the UK.
When I was a young lad, I enjoyed watching the Benny Hill Show.


Just For Laughs Gags

A hidden camera show with almost no sound, they are insane.
Have you seen Only Fools and Horses? That's probably the best classic comedy series ever made.
I haven't.

I've seen all of Fawlty Towers, all of Black Adder, all of Are You Being Served, most of Open All Hours, and bits and pieces of others. As you can tell it's mostly older British shows they air here.
If you want to see a funny Brit show, find and watch Mrs.Browns Boys. At least I find it funny as hell !! Especially an episode where the grandmother waxes herself........I had tears rolling I was laughing so hard
I'm British, and don't know a single person who likes that show, most actively hate it in fact (me included)
Years ago I went to the original Godiva shop in Bruge, OH MY GOD

It was so good it made Cadburys taste like vomit.
A double edged sword: a short trip in heaven for your taste buds but everything becomes mediocre thereafter...
Thread was suggested by @Muay Thai from a comment I made on another post.

For the record - I absolutely love you yanks. One of the best things about the internet is how we can interact with people all over the world and develop friendships that otherwise wouldn't be possible due to geography.

I hope this thread doesn't descend in to politics (it's just boring) or lazy stereotypes. Sure if I believed the media portrayed over here all yanks are either fundamentalist Christian racists or blue haired gender confused weirdos. I have met enough yanks to know that's complete bollox.

I think it's important to note that US and UK are incredibly intertwined both via a shared history and the nature in which we share culture. You have us Elvis and buddy holly, we gave you the Beatles and the rolling stones. You gave us lynard skinard, we gave you black Sabbath etc. it cannot be denied that our arts, music and film have bounced off each other over the last 60 years and created something beautiful.

So what do I, as a Brit, think you yanks do really well?

I love your passion. You really throw your heart into anything you support - the atmosphere at sporting events, the way you tell stories. Wonderful. Compared to Brits who are typically very reserved it's very endearing to seem. I can't remember which wrestler now but he explained how in the US when they want to get heat they go out and say "X state/town they are in sucks" and the crowd reacts with boos. Do it in the UK and crowd cheers and replies "yeah, it's a shithole" 😂

I'm always amazed how friendly and warm you guys are. Whenever I encounter Americans abroad, within a short time Its like they've been a friend for life. Very welcoming. Very generous too. Great conversationalists. Will literally talk to anyone.

Film - particularly action films, no other country can make an action movie that comes close to what America makes.

What I really don't understand about America -

Your junk food. It's gross. Twinkies, Reece's, McDonald's, taffy. None of it tends to have any flavour to me. I dunno, I just don't get it. Especially what you call chocolate. The American version of Fanta is poles apart from the British version. Ours has actual orange juice in. Also funions? What the fuck is that bland as hell nonsense.

You guys are also really offended by the word "cunt". It's not that offensive here and a key part of our vocabulary - it's almost a term of endearment depending how it's used.

Also why don't you fuckers walk anywhere? In the UK we wouldn't dream of driving somewhere less than a mile away. You guys will literally drive to the end of the road. I guess your petrol is alot cheaper than ours!

I'll think of some more later - but what do you yanks think of us limeys?
Not too familiar with the UK but in USA lots of Yanks are getting tired of the crime and bs politics, fleeing blue/cities and moving south.

I will say, one thing I've noticed is lines are longer everywhere. Gym more crowded, grocery store lines, Walmart, worse traffic. Technology and medicine have made darwinism/social darwinism almost irrelevant :(
Not too familiar with the UK but in USA lots of Yanks are getting tired of the crime and bs politics, fleeing blue/cities and moving south.

I will say, one thing I've noticed is lines are longer everywhere. Gym more crowded, grocery store lines, Walmart, worse traffic. Technology and medicine have made darwinism/social darwinism almost irrelevant :(

I don't follow politics either at home (UK) or abroad. Don't vote, don't have any interest. All politics does is create division between people for nothing. Don't know about US, but in the UK it doesn't matter if it's labour or Tories nothing really different happens. They all do the same thing really - the media just tries to convince us it would be different if the other was in power. That's my take, anyways.

Gyms definitely are busier here now than they were pre-covid - I think a lot of people got into fitness over lockdowns. Super markets seem to have less queues now cause we have lots of self-scanning machines.

Gotta say I'm fascinated by the southern states. Will definitely be heading over to do motorcycle tour around the south!
I would like to experience a proper traditional Thanksgiving once before I die.
if I could swap you I would I hate fucking turkey and everything else besides stuffing and mashed potatoes i don't know what sick bastard originally made pumpkin pie but if I ever invent a time machine first thing I am doing is taking that motherfucker out. Then it will be chocolate creme pies for everyone!!!!!!
Not too familiar with the UK but in USA lots of Yanks are getting tired of the crime and bs politics, fleeing blue/cities and moving south.

I will say, one thing I've noticed is lines are longer everywhere. Gym more crowded, grocery store lines, Walmart, worse traffic. Technology and medicine have made darwinism/social darwinism almost irrelevant :(

I just want to say that this individual does not represent all of us yanks, he’s a special kind of idiot. Carry on.
I'm British, and don't know a single person who likes that show, most actively hate it in fact (me included)

It's a weird one. My opinion of the show... complete shit. Although in the past it was very funny in parts but it just got too silly and over the top and repetitive and all the people I know that liked it have gone off it.
I haven't.

I've seen all of Fawlty Towers, all of Black Adder, all of Are You Being Served, most of Open All Hours, and bits and pieces of others. As you can tell it's mostly older British shows they air here.

As the OP posted I am not sure how American audiences would take to it. They would probably not like it. It is the best out of a lot including all the great shows you just listed so I would look out for it if it ever comes on. If you like those I am sure you will enjoy it. Granville from Open All Hours is the main character in Only Fools and Horses.
As the OP posted I am not sure how American audiences would take to it. They would probably not like it. It is the best out of a lot including all the great shows you just listed so I would look out for it if it ever comes on. If you like those I am sure you will enjoy it. Granville from Open All Hours is the main character in Only Fools and Horses.
What did you think of Luther? I personally really enjoyed it, the TV show that is, not so sure about the movie.
I did my undergrad in Liverpool, UoL of course not 'No Hope'.

Great place to live and great people in my experience. I've still got friends there and I'm going over next month to see a friend.

Lived right in Kensington in my final year, right next to Gym21. Whether it was rough or not didn't actually effect me because the locals just left the 'stoodies' alone. So it was sound.

WOW. I never thought I would see Gym21 being posted on here :D Kensington was a shit hole but as you state people usually just keep themselves to themselves and don't really bother the students. I remember watching a TV program and it had Kensington listed as the most deprived area in the entire UK :D I have been back to some parties in Kenny back in the day. After winning the capital of culture award there was a lot of redevelopment in the city centre and that influenced surrounding areas such as Toxteth and Kensington. I remember going to my ex gf's (Toxteth) years ago and you would have shit houses with really nice and brand new apartments the next street up. It's such a big student area that meant higher numbers so higher rent and nicer apartments over the years but it still has it's roots. There are loads of nice Georgian houses in the outskirts of the city centre and I would definitely like to live there myself (Sefton Park etc).
I just want to say that this individual does not represent all of us yanks, he’s a special kind of idiot. Carry on.
I need you to pick me up some Mickey D's for cheat day... better not be any onions ...hate em on a burger 😘

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