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Yanks & Limeys - what do we love about each other and what confuses us?

What did you think of Luther? I personally really enjoyed it, the TV show that is, not so sure about the movie.

I haven't seen it but I have heard it's good. Off the top of my head my fav tv series have been...

Game of Thrones
Peaky Blinders
Prison Break
The Alienist
The Queen's Gambit
Money Heist
Van Helsing
Stranger Things

If anyone wants to watch a really funny but very different British comedy show try "Peep Show" and give it a chance. For something with violence that is gritty try "Kin" which is new and like a modern day peaky blinders.
When you guys come to San Diego you party hard. There is an ongoing "slur" about english people that they have horrible teeth. I always figured it was a bs stereotype until I watched a documentary about the english explosion of SUGAR,and all the baked sugary treats and sugar in teas the scoops were heaping mass gainer protein style scoops lol. I have a solid homey in London from Bangladesh. He is a Muslim scholar but fascinated with the gang and gang history of California lol. We have some excellent convos about spirituality etc.

I have observed england has a knife problem while others may "arguably" say we have a gun problem.
So many stabbings in England compared to gun violence.
You guys kicked off your own style of classic rock but I think when the beatles came to OC/LA they were heavily influenced by the beach boys, and of course the haight ashbury district (why do I have a feeling @alfresco has been there?)

a lot of skinheads from what I have gathered. But if you study skinhead history, the original skinheads were NOT RACIST and they originate in England. It was a working class protest type thing. Ritchie Edwards is a client of mine and I am working on watty from the exploited.

PUNK was BORN in England. The Damned, CRASS, trendier bands like the CLASH, Conflict, GBH, EXPLOITED

OI was also born in England, so I would venture to say england has a ton of great rock bands and a bad ass music scene

George harrison is my favorite beatle because he was a hippy and into the occult.

aleister crowley is a legend out here to those who also know! the BEAST 666 he stirred hell all over england and the world while he was alive. I have a homegirl who is a WITCH and her husband is a sorcerer in the temple of the golden dawn (his occult magick order)
Agree on the skins people love to hate on them. A bunch used to go to my old gym all good guys.. everyone was big into MMA too.
I was surprised how clean Newcastle city centre was.

Are you able to understand the fellas from New Castle? Fuckin hell, the guys I met from there while in Saigon... I could barely pick up every 3rd word.
You're barking up the wrong tree little man.

Don't DM me, wtf dude? You're fucking weird.
I mean at least you could do is buy the guy some Mc d's too bad you can't be there to talk about all the blue states though. I mean he doesn't want you to dm him so I could understand if your angry and just want to walk away from the relationship. Why work on it if you're the only one???
Interesting. But accents and lingo are always cool from brits, and alot of other eu people.
I don't follow politics either at home (UK) or abroad. Don't vote, don't have any interest. All politics does is create division between people for nothing. Don't know about US, but in the UK it doesn't matter if it's labour or Tories nothing really different happens. They all do the same thing really - the media just tries to convince us it would be different if the other was in power. That's my take, anyways.

Gyms definitely are busier here now than they were pre-covid - I think a lot of people got into fitness over lockdowns. Super markets seem to have less queues now cause we have lots of self-scanning machines.

Gotta say I'm fascinated by the southern states. Will definitely be heading over to do motorcycle tour around the south!
Do you guys still have bags at stores and grocery shops? Over here some states are starting to ban plastic bags. Need a bag for your groceries or Walmart haul? Buy one or bring one lol.
Agree on the skins people love to hate on them. A bunch used to go to my old gym all good guys.. everyone was big into MMA too.
yup, I have skinheads I am cool with, solid crips, bloods, surenos, nortenos, GD, paisa homeys, you name it.
If you are cool and evolved and don't bring that shit around me no problem. As long as you are not active with your bullshit its all good.
I gave cpr to an aryan brotherhood cat In 2021, had no idea until I saw him without his shirt on. Real mfers keep that shit on the low, espec when they're validated (mafia associated) or mafia themselves.
My experience with people from the UK has been only with UK expats in China/Thailand over the past 9 years. I'd only ever encountered 2 in my 26 years in America. I also did an online master's in education through a UK university where all my professors were English, as were most of the classmates. I've also been teaching UK curriculum for maths/economics for the last 9 years despite being American myself.

Professional realm: They are extremely insular and only hire other brits or commonwealth country passport holders in the international school job market and are really reluctant to hire Americans, whereas Americans hire brits no problem. They make bad workers/teachers and often have a white savior complex of trying to change culturally Chinese or Asian things and act as if their way of doing things is universally superior. Some of the things they do seem needlessly bureaucratic and inefficient and just done for the sake of tradition. I don't like working with them as colleagues in general.

On a more personal level, they've been much better. Even though they have the white savior complex way more than Americans abroad, they tend to be way more likely to study the local languages and cultures than American expats. American women NEVER date Chinese or Thai guys and despite vocal shitlib "i'm anti-racist, black lives matter blah blah" talk, in their personal lives they have a lot of trouble forming and maintaining with the most basic social relationships who aren't from the west, particularly males. , But UK girls often date and marry Chinese guys and just seem way more open minded to interacting with people from different cultures and ethnicities. They seem more racist when it comes to professional stuff, but much less racist in their personal lives which is kind of odd.

UK fitness people are generally far more "hardcore" than American counterparts. We all know some 180lbs 5'10 15%bf twerp running shit tons of gear but barely lifting or living the bbing lifestyle, but as far as I'm aware this happens far less in UK Fitness culture. They are generally more polite to strangers than Americans are. I like the UK fitness/bodybuilding culture overall much more than the American counterpart, even though I'm American.

I don't watch much TV or movies these days, but imo the UK entertainment industry is a lot better and higher quality than American.

UK maths curriculum is far more rigorous and well designed than American. America does Algebra, Trig, Pre-calc, and then AP Calc. UK just teaches a section of each subject at elevating levels of rigor throughout the years which I think is great and breaks the monotony. They also get into far more advanced topics in A2 Maths and Further Mathematics than anything that's seen in American high school curriculums. Some of the things in Cambridge Further Maths are literally things I had never encountered until I was a 23 year old graduate student already. Things like calculus based probability, mechanics, or rigorous proof are just not taught at all in American high school maths.

UK Economics curriculum is really bad compared to American though. They treat the subject more like a humanities and less like a quantitative subject.
My experience with people from the UK has been only with UK expats in China/Thailand over the past 9 years. I'd only ever encountered 2 in my 26 years in America. I also did an online master's in education through a UK university where all my professors were English, as were most of the classmates. I've also been teaching UK curriculum for maths/economics for the last 9 years despite being American myself.

Professional realm: They are extremely insular and only hire other brits or commonwealth country passport holders in the international school job market and are really reluctant to hire Americans, whereas Americans hire brits no problem. They make bad workers/teachers and often have a white savior complex of trying to change culturally Chinese or Asian things and act as if their way of doing things is universally superior. Some of the things they do seem needlessly bureaucratic and inefficient and just done for the sake of tradition. I don't like working with them as colleagues in general.

On a more personal level, they've been much better. Even though they have the white savior complex way more than Americans abroad, they tend to be way more likely to study the local languages and cultures than American expats. American women NEVER date Chinese or Thai guys and despite vocal shitlib "i'm anti-racist, black lives matter blah blah" talk, in their personal lives they have a lot of trouble forming and maintaining with the most basic social relationships who aren't from the west, particularly males. , But UK girls often date and marry Chinese guys and just seem way more open minded to interacting with people from different cultures and ethnicities. They seem more racist when it comes to professional stuff, but much less racist in their personal lives which is kind of odd.

UK fitness people are generally far more "hardcore" than American counterparts. We all know some 180lbs 5'10 15%bf twerp running shit tons of gear but barely lifting or living the bbing lifestyle, but as far as I'm aware this happens far less in UK Fitness culture. They are generally more polite to strangers than Americans are. I like the UK fitness/bodybuilding culture overall much more than the American counterpart, even though I'm American.

I don't watch much TV or movies these days, but imo the UK entertainment industry is a lot better and higher quality than American.

UK maths curriculum is far more rigorous and well designed than American. America does Algebra, Trig, Pre-calc, and then AP Calc. UK just teaches a section of each subject at elevating levels of rigor throughout the years which I think is great and breaks the monotony. They also get into far more advanced topics in A2 Maths and Further Mathematics than anything that's seen in American high school curriculums. Some of the things in Cambridge Further Maths are literally things I had never encountered until I was a 23 year old graduate student already. Things like calculus based probability, mechanics, or rigorous proof are just not taught at all in American high school maths.

UK Economics curriculum is really bad compared to American though. They treat the subject more like a humanities and less like a quantitative subject.
Good insight. American education in many parts is terrible, inner city especially. Those schools get way more funding than more rural schools with zero results.

I'm surprised the UK economics curriculum is worse than American. I took economics micro and macro but I didn't think it's required. Most Americans have no idea about supply and demand, the consequences of raising minimum wage, etc. People say they support higher wages but then complain about automation taking jobs or price hikes. Many claim they are underpaid but can't tell you why, think they shouldn't have to pay back loans, etc. IMO economics should be part of the required curriculum in any school system.
It's a weird one. My opinion of the show... complete shit. Although in the past it was very funny in parts but it just got too silly and over the top and repetitive and all the people I know that liked it have gone off it.
ā€œChewin the fatā€ ? Anyone?
Yea I know itā€™s Scot
You ever had a Hot woman cab driver that wanted you to pay the fair in sex?? I always wondered about if that was real. And like who is the one in the room filming these stepmoms all the time? Some of em have like 20 stepkids.....I just don't get it. I've known a few stepmoms here and there and I never seen any camera man just hanging around. Like hello my name is Jenny and this is Dave my camera man...I've just never heard anyone say that. Also do a lot of chicks like it in the bum over there? I hate to be crass but this is all I can think of.
Bland food
Poor music
Over inflated sense of country's importance


When the accent is proper it can make a man sound like a scholar and a woman sound interesting and sexy

The religious and intellectual tradition has produced some absolute gems, like CS Lewis

Sense of humor is off but every once in the while strikes gold

Occasionally produces good films

And the American revolutionary war was most likely unjust and wicked rebellion against a lawful ruler

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