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I know some of you want to laugh after reading this but Dianabol is...

I totally agree!! Dbol get anticatabolic properties binding to glucocorticoid receptor and prevent cortisol from binding and increasing LPL activity. It reduces to a potent estrogen: methyl-estradiol but at a less ratio than testosterone(it depends on your aromatase enzyme, so you if are enough lean you do not worry because estrogens are necessary, to low E give bad feeling and poor results). Dbol probably increases dopamine level giving well being mood and more lipolitic properties. It permit you to workout with power when on diet and to retein more nitrogen(the two things are correlated).
A good article about cutting: T NATION | Steroid Dieting
okay i got a laugh

but id say thats pretty awesome fi you dont bloat of dbol

i personyl gain 5 pounds of water just in my face from the stuff

annoys the fuk outa me coz i love the feeling of the dbol pump in the arms, things fukin sick

that is until i get the dbol pump in the lower back and spend half my gym workout lying down on a bench press lol
okay i got a laugh

but id say thats pretty awesome fi you dont bloat of dbol

i personyl gain 5 pounds of water just in my face from the stuff

annoys the fuk outa me coz i love the feeling of the dbol pump in the arms, things fukin sick

that is until i get the dbol pump in the lower back and spend half my gym workout lying down on a bench press lol

Have Phil, Shelby or Mountaindog to do your diet and your face wont even get bloated trust me. I used to have the same problem when bulking (eating shit outside) high sodium ect. The minute I cleaned up in the kitchen, all the bloat went away!
Dbol didn't cause me any bloat except in my arms and chest! It worked quite well! I did notice acne issues. Haven't used it for years now but did like it! Seemed to be magic mixed with a little primo!;)
okay i got a laugh

but id say thats pretty awesome fi you dont bloat of dbol

i personyl gain 5 pounds of water just in my face from the stuff

annoys the fuk outa me coz i love the feeling of the dbol pump in the arms, things fukin sick

that is until i get the dbol pump in the lower back and spend half my gym workout lying down on a bench press lol

HAHAHAHAH!!! My thoughts exactly I can relate WORD FOR WORD!!!
At what dose you using to cut? 20-30mg And I don't see much bloat but 40+ I start seeing a lot more sides/water retention
At what dose you using to cut? 20-30mg And I don't see much bloat but 40+ I start seeing a lot more sides/water retention

10mg 4x a day so yeah 40. Keep it clean and have tamoxefen just in case.
Dianabol is the ultimate cutting drug. I can tell you lots of reasons!

I completely agree. Not to mention the cortisol reduction. That can come in handy when your dieting and putting your body through daily stress. I like adrol too but dbol makes me feel great so another reason I would have it as number 1. Tbol is also great for cutting. Have you tried tbol fior the same reasons?
This is the reason why i love dianabol, i dont get bloated from it. I'm using it to bulk instead of testosterone. Judge me if you must lol.
I respond better to drols in regards to getting less bloat than with dbol but the wellbeing from dbol just cant be beat IMO, drols on the other hand, polar opposite, not like debbie downer status but just wicked sluggishness and not being able to get my ass in gear for nothing kind of feeling LOL
I completely agree. Not to mention the cortisol reduction. That can come in handy when your dieting and putting your body through daily stress. I like adrol too but dbol makes me feel great so another reason I would have it as number 1. Tbol is also great for cutting. Have you tried tbol fior the same reasons?

Hell yeah Tbol rocks! I actually like that in the off season as I cant eat a bit of crap now and again and still not get bloated.
works for me, biggest problem for me is I lost everthing when I stopped them.
Friend of mine was an elite level sprinter (sub 10.4 seconds) and he used 20mg per day very sucessfully
Right on!

Ok thats great you like it so much and it gets you lean....but have you dieted down for a contest using Dbol? Because thats what I would call ripped and lean, not beach body lean you can do that on Dbol easily.
Anadrol is even better IMO. Unless it doesn't work for you (strange drug, doesn't seem to work well for all).

Agreed, buddy of mine knew Jeff King and Jeff was a fan of using drol right up till show time. This was at a time when most guys would come of androgens in favor of things like primo and V.
I never had the bloat off of dbol either. It was one of my all time favorites. I did extremely well when I was on it. Not only did I do well physically on it, it also made me feel really well psychologically. I got a good sense of well being while on it like no other AAS. Truly my all time favorite oral. I miss taking dbol!
Agreed, buddy of mine knew Jeff King and Jeff was a fan of using drol right up till show time. This was at a time when most guys would come of androgens in favor of things like primo and V.

Well out here in Turkey and the balkans most guys take Anapolon until the day of the show and some of these brothers are really known for being extremely dry. My training partner came third in the Nationals a while ago and dryness was his trademark!
Well out here in Turkey and the balkans most guys take Anapolon until the day of the show and some of these brothers are really known for being extremely dry. My training partner came third in the Nationals a while ago and dryness was his trademark!

I don't find that hard to believe at all. The guys in Europe and abroad do things differently than guys in the US. It's no coincidence that they are known for their hardness and dry physiques.
I dont know about contest lean, but lower dosed dbol, in the 20-30mg range, with nolva is a great combo, maybe its the perma pump it gives me but I look better when I take dbol, makes me feel good to, was my fave oral, but I try to avoid all orals now, but this thread makes me want to give another go.
Hell yeah Tbol rocks! I actually like that in the off season as I cant eat a bit of crap now and again and still not get bloated.

Yeah tbol is probably my overall fav oral. But to be honest dbol and high dosed avar are up there too. I am a fan of 50mg adrol with 30-40mg dbol daily.
Anadrol is GREAT for cutting, at least IME. I started using 'Drol for cutting after reading how Dan Duchaine used it with Vicky Gates in his Dirty Dieting Newsletters.

I do better with 'drol than dbol for cutting, but I definately agree with everybody else that dbol, and almost any AAS, can be used successfully when cutting....diet is key;)

This of course will vary user to user of course, and in their own individual responses.

But shit, most people here and on all boards do not compete (the majority of members), so the usualy 6% bodyfat gymrat would do great with it. The positives are that it is dirt cheap, potent even at low dosages, and you can control estrogen sides by using an AI and SERM. It will add roundness and fullness like stated above.


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