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  1. T

    Long time syntherol users - any complications?

    Hi everyone I've just started syntherol in my calves. I've been reading some case studies on pubmed today, and it seems like a lot of the problems from SEO use come many years later rather than during or just after the cycle. It's usually things like scar tissue/fibrosis buildup, connective...
  2. Yourmuscleshop

    Wishing you a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day

    Dear Customers, Wishing you a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day filled with joy and happiness. May this green celebration bring you bliss and prosperity. Warm Regards Team Yourmuscleshop
  3. N

    Nick Trigili is SCAMMING people with HYDRONICS

    Hi guys. I created this account so i could tell you the truth about nicks new product he sells. His sellingpoint was that this was better then mediphorm, ALOT better. And that it would last 8 to 12 MONTHS in the muscle (!?) Wich is not true, gives even less pump that medi. Ive done mediphorm...
  4. S

    100ml Syntherol - No results !?

    Hey guys ! * First of, to all the synthol haters. Please leave this thread alone, im here to hear from the experienced users. Next from Sweden so grammar isn't my best side. I turn to this site cause from what I understand there's a lot more guys here that are willing to go the...
  5. R

    Syntherol in Calves day 1 out of 30

    Hello all. This is my first post as I'm new to the forums, but I've done many cycles I just never really committed to forums but would read them very often to double check my knowledge. Like many, my calves genetics are horrible and I've turned to Syntherol to gain size in them. I am using Big...
  6. S

    Syntherol for Glutes(girl this time)

    Hey all, I'm a pro weight lifter and powerlifter. I started the sport in hopes of getting larger legs and ass but with my genes it just ain't meant to be. I'm 5'2, 118lbs, hyper flexible, and have moved my squat up to 260lbs full atg, deadlift 285lbs easily, and front squat 210lbs. I'm...
  7. D


    I'm about to start a GLUTE protocol with synthol. I do deep squats and lunges and a variety of exercises that target the glute area and its always been a lagging body part. Anybody have experience or advice re how to optimize the results?
  8. D

    Synthol Glutes

    Hi, ive been training for a number of years and my glutes have always lagged in development. I DO squat, lunges and a variety of exercises for quads and butt and wondering if synthol in my glutes would get me desired results. Size and shape. And also where would i inject the SEO for best...
  9. E

    Days 1-30 Synthol for weak calves

    Day 1: weak calves and Synthol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to say thks to all of the guys whom answered my questions and gave tips to help me with this. My first post was in regards to small calves and injury. After reading all...
  10. E

    Day 1: weak calves and Synthol

    I would like to say thks to all of the guys whom answered my questions and gave tips to help me with this. My first post was in regards to small calves and injury. After reading all of the threads etc...I decided to take the plunge! I'm about an hour away from first injection..kinda nervous...
  11. E

    Synthol and small calves due to accident...will it help?

    I'm new to the forum...just joined today. Anyhow, I'm 42yr.old 6'2" 215lbs and about 14%BF. I've been training off and on since 16yrs old. 2005 had a bad motorcylce accident and shattered my left shin. Couldn't walk for 9mos. and one day convinced doc to give me Gh script..Within 6 weeks I was...
  12. AJW91

    Synthol's Effect on Strength

    Hey there, Newbie here. I've never used synthol before and I don't plan on using it until I hit a serious plateau. But I'm wondering, how do synthol injections affect strength in the long run? If the oils really do clear out of the muscle after a few weeks and if this really does permit...
  13. Big A

    Site Enhancing Oils (synthol) - a how to guide

    Big A IFBB PRO / Moderator Registered: Oct 2001 Location: Posts: 425 Site Enhancing Oils - a how to guide Here's my old article on how to use Site Oils. Due to the requests, I am posting it again and I'll try to keep it bumped. --------------------------------------------- Site Enhancing...

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