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Long time syntherol users - any complications?


New member
Oct 24, 2023
Hi everyone

I've just started syntherol in my calves. I've been reading some case studies on pubmed today, and it seems like a lot of the problems from SEO use come many years later rather than during or just after the cycle. It's usually things like scar tissue/fibrosis buildup, connective tissue replacing muscle tissue, and oil sticking around deep in the muscle and forming sterile cysts that get inflamed at some point.

As there are lots of long time users of syntherol here I was hoping some of you could chime in and report how the muscles are holding up years after SEO use?

Hi everyone

I've just started syntherol in my calves. I've been reading some case studies on pubmed today, and it seems like a lot of the problems from SEO use come many years later rather than during or just after the cycle. It's usually things like scar tissue/fibrosis buildup, connective tissue replacing muscle tissue, and oil sticking around deep in the muscle and forming sterile cysts that get inflamed at some point.

As there are lots of long time users of syntherol here I was hoping some of you could chime in and report how the muscles are holding up years after SEO use?


Are calf injections painful? I have read they are but have zero experience.
If you're looking to see years later the aftermath of someone that ran Syntherol on calves (and a lot of other places haha), check the first post in the 'Pic You Took Today' thread...No bro science or pubmd studies there, that's real world results and many, many years after 😎 ;)
Are calf injections painful? I have read they are but have zero experience.
They're much less bad than I thought they would be, especially the inner head of the gastroc.

If you're looking to see years later the aftermath of someone that ran Syntherol on calves (and a lot of other places haha), check the first post in the 'Pic You Took Today' thread...No bro science or pubmd studies there, that's real world results and many, many years after 😎 ;)
I mean can't argue with those slabs of meat lol. I'm just hoping that for every success there's not someone (me) who fucks up somehow.

@luki7788 has a log on it
Just been reading that 😬 although maybe the volumes were much bigger than the single cycle with 5 bottles that I'll be doing. I guess scar tissue would be less of problem with arms, but I don't want to have problems walking around etc when I'm in my 40s from calf scar tissue.
They're much less bad than I thought they would be, especially the inner head of the gastroc.

I mean can't argue with those slabs of meat lol. I'm just hoping that for every success there's not someone (me) who fucks up somehow.

Just been reading that 😬 although maybe the volumes were much bigger than the single cycle with 5 bottles that I'll be doing. I guess scar tissue would be less of problem with arms, but I don't want to have problems walking around etc when I'm in my 40s from calf scar tissue.
if you overdo it with seo you can be sure to gain a lot of scar tissue - that's what happened to my arms
if you overdo it with seo you can be sure to gain a lot of scar tissue - that's what happened to my arms
Do you regret it though? Given you don’t plan to compete anymore and wanted the freak look, they definitely look freaky! Should be even cooler once all the tattoos are done.
Do you regret it though? Given you don’t plan to compete anymore and wanted the freak look, they definitely look freaky! Should be even cooler once all the tattoos are done.
Certainly with my current experience I would do it differently - but I can't turn back time so there's no point in regretting the things we can't change.
Certainly with my current experience I would do it differently - but I can't turn back time so there's no point in regretting the things we can't change.
Very good outlook. Curious, do you still even train arms?
I mean can't argue with those slabs of meat lol. I'm just hoping that for every success there's not someone (me) who fucks up somehow.
Another member here that I remember off the top of my head that ran calves was Thunder...Check out his log in, there's a link in the Articles forum.

I ran Syntherol on bis and tris twice...I used the small paint roller to massage the areas throughout the day to keep lumps and inflammation down...Scar tissue you will deal with if you've stayed in the game long enough. Using the amounts and cycles that Luki did is going to cause that much quicker. But if you're following the protocol that's not something you should need to worry about.

Main thing I have seen with those that have failed using Syntherol...They're not lean enough to see the individual muscle heads to actually hit the areas correctly. Also those that cannot take the pumps that come from that amount of oil daily over the course of a 30 day period.

Calves, for me, fuck it, I stayed with small veiny ones bahaha...I hit calves with Winny twice (one in each outside calf) and holy shit did that fucking kill for a couple days! Said screw it, I'll stick to hitting other areas :cautious::LOL:
put 3 bottles in my calves in the late 90's. would have to walk flat footed for days after the shot because of the tightness. was not worth it.

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