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Active member
Dec 1, 2018
How many of you have used syntherol/SEO recently? I saw some older threads where @Big A and @Elvia1023 for example did some runs. Also @luki7788 has quite some experience I believe. I´m interested in the experiences over here.

Some example questions:

- Have you ran SEO cycles?
- If not, why not?
- Do you like the results or wouldn´t you do it when you could go back in time?

I personally haven´t, still a bit turned off by all the ´negative´ stories. If I would I would do my shit calves lol.

I tried it once in my biceps looking to add an extra inch. Didn’t make it a week though. Bicep injections leave me with serious PIP. Doesn’t matter what compound I’m using.

Since it irritated my biceps really bad I threw in the towel.

May try it again in the future just not in my biceps…. But my first run was several years ago now.

How many of you have used syntherol/SEO recently? I saw some older threads where @Big A and @Elvia1023 for example did some runs. Also @luki7788 has quite some experience I believe. I´m interested in the experiences over here.

Some example questions:

- Have you ran SEO cycles?
- If not, why not?
- Do you like the results or wouldn´t you do it when you could go back in time?

I personally haven´t, still a bit turned off by all the ´negative´ stories. If I would I would do my shit calves lol.


Have you ran SEO cycles? NO

- If not, why not? I come to find out that any bodypart I trained consistently grew, some parts slower than others but they grew.

- Do you like the results or wouldn´t you do it when you could go back in time? No I would not if I could go back, I've seen way too many people fuck it up and I didn't want to be that guy, once you fuck up or go overboard your pretty much fucked.
It would be interesting to see some pics showing successful SEO use. The net is plagued with all the horror stories so would be good to see the other side of the fence….if there is one.
Could never make myself actually do synthol. I’ve bought a few bottles and they’re still in the bubble wrap from shipping.

IMO it’s one of those things you can’t undo once you’ve done it. As well, I believe guys push it too far and use prematurely instead of putting in the work and actually growing.

I played with some mediform after my last show as I have an old left bicep injury, but got tired of pinning. I think it could have a place before hopping on stage if used right, but outside of that not so much.

Instead I put my money into stem cells, PT work and am just training harder and smarter.

Respect everyone’s opinions and experiences. Those are just mine. 😊
I've thought about using some in my shoulders and have some on hand. I have pretty good genetics, and when I'm honest with myself, I haven't tapped out on all other options so I haven't been able to justify to myself doing it.
I have just replied to your PM but will go over certain things on here as well. SEO can mean many different things but you're asking about Synthetek's Syntherol. I mention that for a very good reason. BBextreme just posted "IMO it’s one of those things you can’t undo once you’ve done it" which for some products is completely true but for syntherol it's not (at all). It's not permanent and it dissipates over time. If someone gets huge arms or calves etc that just stay there for years and they say it's permanent they used something else for that or they are simply still injecting frequently. Things that don't dissipate could potentially also be more dangerous because they are simply stuck inside you.

I have experimented with syntherol many times mainly in my arms and calves. My calves grew more in 3 weeks on syntherol than they did after 10 years of brutal training. The difference was crazy and I posted the pics all over the forum. The image uploading website I used closed down years later so all those pics (every pic I have ever posted on here from years ago) don't show up now and my old computer broke so I don't have them anymore. I might have some pics of my arms loaded up somewhere though.

Anyway so I done my calves (actually done them twice) and I didn't touch them again and the gains held for awhile but over time they pretty much went back to normal. The same for my arms as well. That stretching of the fascia does make a difference in the short and long term though. Nevertheless, if you want to keep that crazy difference I would always recommend a long term maintenance protocol (which I never did). There are loads of guys who do this but many don't like posting about their usage because of the reaction they get. This stuff is so commonly used but it's also hidden by many especially competitors.

You can blow up your arms (etc) so usage can be obvious but it can also be done gradually where no one would ever know. There are some incredibly aesthetic guys who use syntherol to touch up certain muscles (mainly arms and delts) and it really brings their physique to life without it being obvious it's used. Others just want to blow up as big as possible and there is nothing wrong with that either and if you do that with syntherol it will look obvious but once the inflammation goes down it will look much better (person dependent). The difference is knowing when to back off and having a realistic viewpoint so you can essentially create the look you desire. Some don't know when to stop and get carried away and it shows and it never looks good. Obvious SEO usage to me never looks good and I love freaky physiques but some do get carried away trying to get as big as possible.

When I state a long term maintenance protocol I just mean run a standard cycle and once you get that desired size you just lower down the frequency of injections. That could be just 1 day of injections per week and that will be enough. The longer you run it combined with great training and nutrition the better things will be. You don't have to stay on it forever because again it dissipates slowly but for a crazy look you have to put in the work. AAS aren't permanent and Syntherol is no different but it can be an incredible tool and give you the results you want with surprisingly low amounts.

The above brings me onto another subject but I don't want this post to be too long. I am happy to answer specific questions if people need. There is never 1 size fits all and this is no different. I never needed to use much syntherol to get good results but at the same time you're not going to grow your arms 3 inches with a few injs per week and work needs to be put in. To me this should be tapered up (like Big A has always recommended) and that can be done in different views depending upon the individual, bodypart and specific goal.
I would never because I’m a bitch when it comes to injections. But one of my close friends who was a well ranked national SHW used to have me help him load up on it during prep before we would train together. I’m talking 30+ fuckin syringes full of it at a time sometimes. He only would run it during prep leading up to a show and was super specific on where to shoot it … truly if I wasn’t the one injecting it for him I wouldn’t have known / guessed it. When done correctly in moderation pre contest it really just adds a crazy extra full 3D look. He has since retired from the sport and stopped all PED’s for quite a few years - still a very big fella and no noticeable deformities from using it.
I've thought about using some in my shoulders and have some on hand. I have pretty good genetics, and when I'm honest with myself, I haven't tapped out on all other options so I haven't been able to justify to myself doing it.

Over the years many guys have used syntherol in their delts with incredible results. Then there was my mate who was putting 10ml in frequently and it didn't look that good nor did it change him like you think that amount would so there will always be good/bad stories. It is true that most people haven't maximized everything else so do they need SEO... probably not. Although I am all for doing what you want in life and I try not to judge but I will advise against it if someone simply doesn't need it at all. Quite a lot of guys have a very skewed viewpoint of their own physique. Meaning they come to me and say my shoulders (an example) are really weak so I want to use SEO to make them match and I see their pics and their shoulders are just as developed as everything else and they are usually fairly well balanced.

Now there are many guys that are well developed but they have weak bodyparts. Yes they could spend 5 years slightly improving x body part but it's always going to be weak compared to the rest. Calves and arms are the most common of those bodyparts. Granted many don't train their calves hard enough or frequently enough but there are many guys with good legs (big quads etc) and tiny calves and it's mainly just genetics. Although if someone just wants to look freaky or have a freaky looking bodypart go for it.

Most of us are filling ourselves with various AAS, HGH, slin, melanotan etc etc so if syntherol gives you the look you crave why not try it. The main reason I first tried it was because I was embarrassed with my calves and even after abusing them in the gym for years they wouldn't grow. No amount of training/eating could have given me that size difference.

There is only way to know and that is to try it and see for yourself. If you have some on hand you might as well use it before it expires (it's fine long after the expiry date). If you do decide to use the bottles you have on hand and need any help with the injections just PM me.
i tried it after I saw luki post, went above the normal protocol and did like 8 weeks of 3cc in each bicep head. Ended up with no permanent gain just a fuck ton of pain from constantly shooting the muscle, tried to do bicep and tricep but gave up tricep due to pain and only did the extensive bicep protocol

Why not try going into the article forum before even using the search function for countless others you'd see a fricken sticky in there with a list of links to Syntherol logs done by members: https://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/index.php?threads/syntherol-with-pics-collection.69990/
Instead of being a smart ass just use the search function and you will see countless member photos, before & afters as well as progress photos.

Trolls will be trolls my man...
I tried it once in my biceps looking to add an extra inch. Didn’t make it a week though. Bicep injections leave me with serious PIP. Doesn’t matter what compound I’m using.

Since it irritated my biceps really bad I threw in the towel.

May try it again in the future just not in my biceps…. But my first run was several years ago now.

Even just injecting 1 ml (AAS) in my Biceps, with a 30/31G needle, feels awful. The PIP makes working out, working, and grappling Impossible. I could not fully straighten my arm, or bend it, without wincing in pain 😅. While I would love to have thick 22" inch guns, the thought of having to inject so many ml's on a frequent basis just makes me curl up lol
Even just injecting 1 ml (AAS) in my Biceps, with a 30/31G needle, feels awful. The PIP makes working out, working, and grappling Impossible. I could not fully straighten my arm, or bend it, without wincing in pain 😅. While I would love to have thick 22" inch guns, the thought of having to inject so many ml's on a frequent basis just makes me curl up lol
The first week is agony. By the second you hardly feel it any more.
I have used it in my arms, mostly
The biceps. It’s when I was in my 20’s
Chasing those 20” arms. It works.
Now I’m older and you would never know I had used it and arms stay 18+
I tried injecting some PED oil (1cc) in to my lagging bicep a few weeks ago just to test it out. I lasted 2 shots. LOL It was painful to say the least for the rest of the week!
Even just injecting 1 ml (AAS) in my Biceps, with a 30/31G needle, feels awful. The PIP makes working out, working, and grappling Impossible. I could not fully straighten my arm, or bend it, without wincing in pain 😅. While I would love to have thick 22" inch guns, the thought of having to inject so many ml's on a frequent basis just makes me curl up lol
That’s exactly what happens to me. I can’t straighten my arms the following day plus severe pain and it prevents me from doing everyday activities. Haven’t tried a bicep injection in many many years!

I’ll die on my soapbox for this… but…

Just realize you are not growing new muscle or “making room for new muscle”.

Grow your body parts with training and food until you absolutely cannot grow anymore.

Size from SEO (brand doesn’t matter) is from tissue and fluid formation that negatively impacts muscle. It is not “new muscle”. If you take things too far with SEO, the function and formation of your biceps will never be the same.

If you’re a competitor with 19” arms, and it’s what’s going to get you your pro card after years of competing… AND you’re at the tail end of your career… go for it… as long as you know it’s mostly down hill from there.

The size is either temporary swelling/fluid/build up OR permanent damage.

Just because the damage makes the body part look cool… doesn’t mean it’s not damage.

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