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100 mcg mod grf 1-29 (cjc-1295 no DAC) + 100mcg ipamorelin x 3 times a day increased my IGF-1 from 227ng/ml to 406 ng/ml


Active member
Dec 27, 2011
Most of you know me, as I used to use MK-677 for years on end, at least 4 years straight, with 6 months break each year, as it could not be used for more than 6 months, as the increased levels started to drop at month 6, tolerance to MK677. I switched to peptides to get rid of sides and looking for something that I could use every day for life, no breaks needed.

Update: I have been extremely pleased using a blend of 5mg mod grf 1-29 (cjc-1295 no DAC) + 5mg ipamorelin (100 mcg of each) x 3 times a day, 1st thing in morning, pre-workout or pre-cardio on non workout days, and pre-bed, I've been able to get down to my lowest bodyfat and most musculature ever possible personally in combination with my normal 200mg Test Cyp a week, I can use this indefinately: never loses effectiveness like MK-677 as MK-677 is a derivative of ghrp-6, which does loose effectiveness after 6 months. Mod grf 1-29 and ipamorelin can be used every day for life, never weakens like MK677, as it is not a derivative of GHRP-6. I can get a blend of 5mg mod grf 1-29 and ipamorelin for around $60 that last me 18 days at 100mcg of each x 3 times a day. I can afford the cost of this per month, it's so worth it.

I prepare the 3 injections for the day, store in fridge in 3/10 syringes. I take one dose with me to work, and store in lunch in fridge, but take it in mid day apart from food, last break. I will continue to use this for the rest of my life. Had blood work done for $70, just as effective as my old mk-677 25mg dose, very impressed. Producing the GH and IGF-1 of an 18 years old, and I'm 52. ZERO bloat, ZERO hunger, ZERO cortisol released using the ipamorelin, smooth as silk....MK677 use to bloat me and make me hungry all the time and does not burn fat, where as the peptides do great job of burning fat, this stuff sheds fat instead, no side effects, deep sleep with vivid colored dreams like I've never had before. Studies indicate ipamorelin gives same GH and IGF-1 as ghrp-6 but without all the sides (hunger, cortisol increase) of GHRP-6.

I get a summer pass and go to the waterpark at least once a week, my body fat was finally down so low, a group of teenagers stopped me and asked me questions about working out, then all said "woaah" in unison as they gazed at me, totally freaked me out, my wife was with me....this has not happened in quite a while at the waterpark.

IGF-1 range for my age group of 52 ------- 67 to 205 ng/ml igf-1
IGF-1 range for older adults ----------------- 59 to 225 ng/ml igf-1
IGF-1 range for young adults is ------------ 116 to 358 ng/ml igf-1

4-6-18, baseline igf -1 = 227 ng/ml------------------------------------------------- baseline

This is my bloodwork after using the blend for 2 weeks, as you can see it took me to the IGF-1 range of an 18 year old. I had the blood drawn at the local lab core approximately 1 hour after my first injection into skin pinch of my abdomen, I inject right under the skin subcutaneously x 3 times a day. Luckily, there was not much of a line of people in the morning, only 2 people in front of me. I go super early.
zzz mod grf 1-29 + ipamorelin blood work (100mcg of each).JPG

5mg mod grf 1-29 + 5mg ipamorelin
5000mcg (5mg) per vial
add 2ml bac water in vial
4iu (2 small tics, as each tic = 2iu) on a standard 100iu (1ml) insulin pin gives 100mcg of each
4iu (4 small tics, as each tic = 1iu) on a 3/10 syringe insulin pin gives 100mcg of each

Results: skin looks younger, great pump during workouts, increased endurance for workouts or cardio, increased strength and helped me burn fat, sharper cognitive skills, got rid of brain fog, deep sleep, vivid colored pleasant dreams like I've never had before.
I took the bloodwork after 2 weeks on, but have been using the peptides for 3 months.
Good post: thank you for the contribution. I still don't see the cost/benefit as coming out favorably when you have to devote so much time to pinning, not to mind reconstituting, versus low dose rhGH. I suppose if very price sensitive, this factor may weigh heavily. But this is a good informal n=1 dose/response case study.
Thanks for kind words Type-IIx...I don't mind the pinning at all, it sure beats the bloat and hunger of MK-677, and the lack of effectiveness after 6 months on it. Small price to pay.

Past bloodwork:

4-11-18, 2 days on 4iu of pharm grade HGH from China = 380 ng/ml--------------increase of 153 points

2-3-20, baseline igf-1 taken a 2nd time = 229 ng/ml igf-1------------------------------------------new baseline

Based on my bloodwork from years ago, this 100mcg mod grf 1-29 + 100mcg ipamorelin x 3 times a day is giving me around the equivalent of 4.2 iu pharm grade GH from China, even slightly better than the 4iu of HGH I tried out years ago.
Thanks for kind words Type-IIx...I don't mind the pinning at all, it sure beats the bloat and hunger of MK-677, and the lack of effectiveness after 6 months on it. Small price to pay.

Past bloodwork:

4-11-18, 2 days on 4iu of pharm grade HGH from China = 380 ng/ml--------------increase of 153 points

2-3-20, baseline igf-1 taken a 2nd time = 229 ng/ml igf-1------------------------------------------new baseline

Based on my bloodwork from years ago, this 100mcg mod grf 1-29 + 100mcg ipamorelin x 3 times a day is giving me around the equivalent of 4.2 iu pharm grade GH from China, even slightly better than the 4iu of HGH I tried out years ago.
Thank you for all the great info

Guess real question , why not do low dose hgh instead
I get the question all the time "why not just use low dose HGH?" I have used 4iu of pharm grade HGH from China before, these peptides give me the same IGF-1 and GH as 4iu pharm grade GH, but this is my own home made GH from the pituitary, I am lucky in that my body normally produces high GH for my age group, so the peptides just put the breaks on somatostatin and cause my body to release the stored up GH I have already, the body never forgets how to make youthful levels of GH, back to the levels I used to produce when I was around 18 or so...

...the great thing about your natural GH, is that the body is making lots of it already, it's just as you get older, you are not able to release it all, you need the signal to do this, and the peptides thankfully can do this. One thing forgot to mention, I've noticed the increases joint lubrication in the gym as well, as GH increases collagen production, welcome relief. What can happen to the body when you are on pharm grade HGH over time? Say for years on end...will it screw up your natural levels permanently? These are things to consider...I've also read people try and take HGH in the morning or late evening in an attempt to prevent the natural release of HGH from your brain during sleep, but studies show this night time natural release of HGH does not happen when you already take HGH injection during the day, whether it is morning, afternoon, or evening. Not to mention, I can go on-line and use a credit card, and have it within a few days delivered, I love the convenience...if I can do this using my own natural GH, then it's a no brainer for me.

You all probably know me, as I have taken bloodwork around a dozen times using my health medical card which has a high limit, I can have it done "for free" basically. I have posted numerous bloodwork results using mk677 in the past, and the peptides give me the exact same high GH release as MK677. I showed for example, how at the 6 month point the peak GH levels released by mk677 start to weaken or drop from the peak, and at 7 and 8 months they are down even more from the MK677 is a derivative of GHRP-6, it will loose effectiveness, just as the experts have said, and just as my bloodwork results have shown, it can't be used daily for life, but the peptides remain effective everyday for life.

I will continue to take bloodwork using theses peptides every so often, and post bloodwork here again after 6 months, a year, etc. As a scientist, I like to track these things and post results for others to learn from.

I am not the first to post peptides bloodwork, here for example is an old one done by medical doctor Alpha6164 on his best friend who used peptides:
Alpha6164's (medical doctor's best friend):
167 igf1---->272 igf1 (100mcg grf(1-29) + 100mcg ghrp2 x 3 times a day) = 105 point increase
I also get the question "why not throw in mk677 even at 12.5mg along with your peptides", but it will not do anything to take my GH any higher, there is a limit to what can be reached naturally, and the peptides already have me there, the body puts a closed feedback loop in place after taking either mk677 or peptides, to keep the levels from "getting too high", they will not go above higher than the levels of around 4iu or so of pharma grade HGH naturally, not to mention I can't tolerate the "face bloat" of mk677, I just look plain weird...with the peptides I look fine in the face.
I get the question all the time "why not just use low dose HGH?" I have used 4iu of pharm grade HGH from China before, these peptides give me the same IGF-1 and GH as 4iu pharm grade GH, but this is my own home made GH from the pituitary, I am lucky in that my body normally produces high GH for my age group, so the peptides just put the breaks on somatostatin and cause my body to release the stored up GH I have already, the body never forgets how to make youthful levels of GH, back to the levels I used to produce when I was around 18 or so...

...the great thing about your natural GH, is that the body is making lots of it already, it's just as you get older, you are not able to release it all, you need the signal to do this, and the peptides thankfully can do this. One thing forgot to mention, I've noticed the increases joint lubrication in the gym as well, as GH increases collagen production, welcome relief. What can happen to the body when you are on pharm grade HGH over time? Say for years on end...will it screw up your natural levels permanently? These are things to consider...I've also read people try and take HGH in the morning or late evening in an attempt to prevent the natural release of HGH from your brain during sleep, but studies show this night time natural release of HGH does not happen when you already take HGH injection during the day, whether it is morning, afternoon, or evening. Not to mention, I can go on-line and use a credit card, and have it within a few days delivered, I love the convenience...if I can do this using my own natural GH, then it's a no brainer for me.

You all probably know me, as I have taken bloodwork around a dozen times using my health medical card which has a high limit, I can have it done "for free" basically. I have posted numerous bloodwork results using mk677 in the past, and the peptides give me the exact same high GH release as MK677. I showed for example, how at the 6 month point the peak GH levels released by mk677 start to weaken or drop from the peak, and at 7 and 8 months they are down even more from the MK677 is a derivative of GHRP-6, it will loose effectiveness, just as the experts have said, and just as my bloodwork results have shown, it can't be used daily for life, but the peptides remain effective everyday for life.

I will continue to take bloodwork using theses peptides every so often, and post bloodwork here again after 6 months, a year, etc. As a scientist, I like to track these things and post results for others to learn from.

I am not the first to post peptides bloodwork, here for example is an old one done by medical doctor Alpha6164 on his best friend who used peptides:
Alpha6164's (medical doctor's best friend):
167 igf1---->272 igf1 (100mcg grf(1-29) + 100mcg ghrp2 x 3 times a day) = 105 point increase
Right I remember this reading this in a book or something - maybe i printed some pubs - when datbtrue was here

So basically for you its preference

One of the things I remember is HGH taken does not cause the pituitary to stop working - tested and proven - Only thing I don't remember is what time those studies included
I have read a study where HGH was given daily to people for years, then when they stopped, it took the body a very long time to recover and start producing natural GH again, when they were given HGH on a once every 2 day period, the body recovered quicker than the daily dose. The bloat and hunger from mk677 does come off after 3 to 4 weeks, and the studies show mk677 does not do anything for fat loss, but it has potent nitrogen retention....I will be taking another bloodwork after being on peptides 5mg/5mg blend of mod grf 1-29 (cjc no DAC) + ipamorelin (100mcg of each x 3 times a day) for 3.2 months now, will post in 1 to 2 weeks.
bodybuilding peptide calculator:

Example shown below of how I calculate using 3/10 insulin syringes:

For 5mg mod grf 1-29 and 5mg ipamorelin BLEND all in one vial, I add 2ml bac water,
using a 3/10 syringe, each unit or tic mark I pull out is 1 iu or 25mcg, I want a
100mcg dose, so I pull to the 4 units or 4 tic marks = 100mcg to inject, I inject x
3 times a day.

I will be posting more IGF-1 bloodwork (taking another bloodwork next week after using the peptides for 3 months) and post when I get the results a few days after next week.
peptide calculator.JPG
I wish someone would run labs on something like 100mcg mod grf/200mcg ipam ONE time per day.

I'm just a "hrt plus" kind of guy and I definitely don't want to pin thrice daily. I have before. I just don't want to do it again. I just do a couple iu gh nightly for the anti aging effects.

Your post is super detailed though, and I thank you for it.
I wish someone would run labs on something like 100mcg mod grf/200mcg ipam ONE time per day.

I'm just a "hrt plus" kind of guy and I definitely don't want to pin thrice daily. I have before. I just don't want to do it again. I just do a couple iu gh nightly for the anti aging effects.

Your post is super detailed though, and I thank you for it.

I may be able to accommodate but it's not going to be anytime soon, maybe fall early winter. Need to get labs right now on nothing to get a baseline. I'll post if I do.

I used to be up for the 3x daily but I am like you and really only am up for once, maybe twice on training days.
I may be able to accommodate but it's not going to be anytime soon, maybe fall early winter. Need to get labs right now on nothing to get a baseline. I'll post if I do.

I used to be up for the 3x daily but I am like you and really only am up for once, maybe twice on training days.
That's cool. I got enough gh to last me to the end of the year, I think. If you end up doing it, and remember to update, cool!
I actually went back on the mk677 at 25mg today, gonna use for at least 3 months....the peptides are just too expensive right now, mk677 is dirt cheap, will go back on the peptides after a long many month mk677 run.
I actually went back on the mk677 at 25mg today, gonna use for at least 6 months....the peptides are just too expensive right now, mk677 is dirt cheap, will go back on the peptides after a long 6 month mk677 run.

I will just alternate the two every 6 months so the mk677 stays 100% effective, go on the peptides for 6 months, then back on mk677...mk677 never loses any effectiveness this way.

mase 1 said:
" I notice great muscle fullness on mk677. Do you notice a difference with ghrp/ipamorelin in regards to comparing muscle fullness?" Yes, there is muscle fullness on the peptides, but the fullness on mk677 is even greater, like a dianabol feeling, super great nitrogen retention too. Really great mk677 pumps, very full indeed. The mk677 gives me the HGH of 4.0iu, I've done bloodwork on both mk677 and 4iu of pharm grade HGH, both the same. The mk677 also has a great nootropic effect on the brain, improved mood, sleep, better energy all day. No lethargy at all for me, zero.
I'm on a year round keto diet, so the water retention in the face is minimal, and goes away along with the hunger pains after 2 to 3 weeks. Then it's smooth sailing.
Mk677 sends my igf-1 from 225 to 380 or so igf-1. I've run at least ten bloodwork studies over 4 years, posted all bloodwork. Daily 25mg takes me to the HGH output of an 18 year old.
Update: 2 days after being on 25mg a day mk677, feel great! crystal clear clarity in the brain, zero brain fog, feel great pump all day, increased endurance in gym and cardio on off day, really great mood, mega pumps during workout, great sleep, love the stuff! Will use from June 23, 2022 till end of December 2022 (6 months).
Update: 2 days after being on 25mg a day mk677, feel great! crystal clear clarity in the brain, zero brain fog, feel great pump all day, increased endurance in gym and cardio on off day, really great mood, mega pumps during workout, great sleep, love the stuff! Will use from June 23, 2022 till end of December 2022 (6 months).
Do you experience the hunger and water retention sides?
bodybuilding peptide calculator:

Example shown below of how I calculate using 3/10 insulin syringes:

For 5mg mod grf 1-29 and 5mg ipamorelin BLEND all in one vial, I add 2ml bac water,
using a 3/10 syringe, each unit or tic mark I pull out is 1 iu or 25mcg, I want a
100mcg dose, so I pull to the 4 units or 4 tic marks = 100mcg to inject, I inject x
3 times a day.

I will be posting more IGF-1 bloodwork (taking another bloodwork next week after using the peptides for 3 months) and post when I get the results a few days after next week.
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