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100 mcg mod grf 1-29 (cjc-1295 no DAC) + 100mcg ipamorelin x 3 times a day increased my IGF-1 from 227ng/ml to 406 ng/ml

Damn that’s really good IGF for mod/ipamorelin

I wonder if 200/100 3x ipamorelin/grf could get you into the 500+

Ipamorelin is quite weaker than ghrp-2, years ago when we were blood testing gh rlease, I found 1h post 100/100 ipamorelin my GH serum was like around 8-9 ng, where as ghrp-2 would push it into the high teens. We always wondered if 200-300mcg ipamorelin was the actual saturation dose per injection

But GH is cheaper than 600mcg ipamorelin per day
I've been on 25mg mk677 taken in the morning with coffee since September, that makes 5 months, will continue to take until the end of Feb (6 months)....absolutely love it, have broken all my previous strength records, in the best shape of my life. To me it's a miracle cheap compound for utilizing your body's own built up natural growth hormone that is not normally used as somatostatin puts the breaks on it as you get older. Feel like and have the endurance of a 20 year old, with wonderful nootropic brain effects, quality sleep daily, and the cheap price can't be beat.

When I come off In feb, then I will use peptides using dosage instructions on 1st few pages of this thread, will use for 6 months, then go back on mk677 again so that the mk677 remains effective. The peptides never use effectiveness, but they are quite a bit more expensive. So this back and forth I've been doing for years, same results as 4 iu of HGH, but only a tiny fraction of the cost. Yes, there is a published study showing if you take mk677 powder in the morning, there is 25 to 30% higher HGH released all day long, don't know why but that's what the study found. Zero lethargy from the mk677 only good benefits.

p.s. I'm on a keto diet year round, so there is next to zero water retention from the mk677 in my face, my face looks completely normal and does not blow up from it. I get great pumps from it in the gym, just incredible, and consistent strength gains week to week way beyond what I could do without it. Love, love it. I do also take cheap enhanced brand arachiodonic acid x 4 caps each time I work out, and this also helps with great pumps and adding strength. The pumps are insane.

Other thread on mk677:
You may have touched on this on already but I’m curious to know if you’ve experienced any prolactin based side effects with the prolonged administration of the MK. Seems most don’t experience it in 8 week periods, but you’re saying 6 months on.

The IGF numbers from the Mod/Ipam are impressive
I may be able to accommodate but it's not going to be anytime soon, maybe fall early winter. Need to get labs right now on nothing to get a baseline. I'll post if I do.

I used to be up for the 3x daily but I am like you and really only am up for once, maybe twice on training days.
Just curious if you ever did this. I've got about a month's worth of GH left, and debating on ordering more or going with peps for a while. Same sponsor I order the GH from has the peps for a great price.

I'd even be open to pinning twice daily. 3 just isn't gonna happen.
Just curious if you ever did this. I've got about a month's worth of GH left, and debating on ordering more or going with peps for a while. Same sponsor I order the GH from has the peps for a great price.

I'd even be open to pinning twice daily. 3 just isn't gonna happen.
No and I will not be. Sorry.

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