►he's strong kid ..well nourished & strong ..no 2-ways about it
..i would go as far as to say that MOST on this board could not even un-rack 900lbs ..never mid taking even 1-step back
..his un-rack was smooth ..but his step-back was sloppy ..& excessive
..which all = money left on the table ..& would very likely make a difference if the squat was closer to his max potential
^^^ALL THAT SAID; the kid's physique ..more specifically his abundant fat-ness ..is a POSITIVE contributing factor to his lifts
..so in other words "IF" the kid loses his "gut" ..then he loses that advantage ..& subsequently, those numbers
He his depth quiiick and popped out even quicker
^^^to my point above ..even without a suit ..his "gut" alone gives an advantage
..now you compress that "gut" into a suit ..triple-ply?? ..& you can exacerbate those forces ..& create a significant "recoil" effect ..cuz man that's alotta PSI !!
SUIT BASICS; the "tighter" a suit is ..the better it works
..more/increased compression = better stability = better energy transfer
which is impressive as fuck regardless of equipment.
^^^have to agree here (..like i said above; he a STRONG kid no matter how you cut it)
SUITS "typically" add 20-30% to a lift
900lbs - 20% = 720lbs
900lbs - 30% = 630lbs
↑ make no mistake ..the "suit-less" numbers are still strong AF ..no matter "who" is doing it ..630/720lbs is a TON of weight!!
↑ but in all fairness ..it's less of an "elite" lift @400lbs body weight in hardcore circles
^^^not trying to take anything away from the kid ..just adding some perspective