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18-Year-Old Dwayne Coleman Squats 900lbs., Breaks Own Records

Nah, that Wendt kid did that horrible bench raw..this kid did it in multiply..gotta meet somewhere in the middle with this one.

Squat was absolutely legit though..squat suits or not..dude had serious depth..don’t even know how well his squat suit was working for him if he could get that low.
I thought the exact same thing. This is multiply and these are great numbers but his raw is somwhere much lower. And the squat was amazing. But like u said fisther, a normal squat suit would shove his feet wider apart and make him truly fight to hit depth. He his depth quiiick and popped out even quicker which is impressive as fuck regardless of equipment. Honestly, he’s probably just a squat dominant PLer right now and he’s young as hell. More training age and that guy will have Ray potential.
There was a time in my life where I had no real injuries, and points where I felt strong on everything (feel-wise not saying I was a powerlifter or anything). Nothing seemed to hurt or a challenge if i put my mind and dedication to it as a goal.

.................................now at 48, my body hurts just watching that, and I feel like i'd snap like a twig. LOL!

I love watching this stuff. Kid, obese or not (yes he is, lol), is in the gym (and table, lol) getting it done instead of being out on the streets doing bullshit and getting in trouble (<---hope he doesn't prove me wrong, lol).

At 18, he is a baby. He will learn a lot. He will get with guys that will steer him in the right direction hopefully. Powerlifters, as much as they try to kill each other in meets, they support each other and want to see their competition strive as much as themselves. Hopefully he will be taken under the wing of somebody that sees his potential and will help him with not only lifting and setting records, but injury prevention, and eating to stay health(ier), at least as much as possible for that sport.
the two are not mutually exclusive

he can simultaneously be a record breaking powerlifter AND a fat fuck

we sit here and talk shit ALL DAY LONG about all the pro bodybuilders, why is this guy any different?
because he’s 18? Because for some reason you have sympathy for him being fat? It’s ok to shit talk pros because they have good physiques?

the dude made his choice on what to prioritize

and BMI…….really?
I’d have expected ‘fat Cunt’ as opposed to ‘fat fuck’ coming from you to be honest. Anyway how come you’ve gone off the boil recently you Cunt?
What, more important things to do than commenting on morbidly obese black teenagers bouncing weights up and down on their shoulders? Jesus, someone’s busy!
Nobody mentioned race . Way to interject that needlessly in an effort to inflame.
►he's strong kid ..well nourished & strong ..no 2-ways about it

..i would go as far as to say that MOST on this board could not even un-rack 900lbs ..never mid taking even 1-step back

..his un-rack was smooth ..but his step-back was sloppy ..& excessive

..which all = money left on the table ..& would very likely make a difference if the squat was closer to his max potential

^^^ALL THAT SAID; the kid's physique ..more specifically his abundant fat-ness ..is a POSITIVE contributing factor to his lifts

..so in other words "IF" the kid loses his "gut" ..then he loses that advantage ..& subsequently, those numbers

He his depth quiiick and popped out even quicker
^^^to my point above ..even without a suit ..his "gut" alone gives an advantage

..now you compress that "gut" into a suit ..triple-ply?? ..& you can exacerbate those forces ..& create a significant "recoil" effect ..cuz man that's alotta PSI !!

SUIT BASICS; the "tighter" a suit is ..the better it works
..more/increased compression = better stability = better energy transfer

which is impressive as fuck regardless of equipment.
^^^have to agree here (..like i said above; he a STRONG kid no matter how you cut it)

SUITS "typically" add 20-30% to a lift

900lbs - 20% = 720lbs

900lbs - 30% = 630lbs

make no mistake ..the "suit-less" numbers are still strong AF ..no matter "who" is doing it ..630/720lbs is a TON of weight!!

but in all fairness ..it's less of an "elite" lift @400lbs body weight in hardcore circles

^^^not trying to take anything away from the kid ..just adding some perspective

this isnt to take away from those impressive lifts or jump into the fat topic but...
do we think that kid could squat his bw or more 20+ times?
i think there are plenty of 200 ish ld lifters that can do more then 2x there bw and there are lots of ppl who can do bw or more 20+ times.
but squating 400+ 20+ times is hard lift. ive seen it done once in person by a guy who wasnt all that big. had to have been low 200s but he squated 4 plates to the ground 20x and made it look easy. that said ive never seen anyone squat 900 in person before. lol
just curious
According to BMI, so is every open pro BB… The kid squatted 900, either praise is accomplishment or shut up. No reason to bring negativity to something that only a handful of humans on this planet can do.
I am stating a fact, fool. If you can't see that, then your blind as fuck. Get the fuck out of here with that BMI bullshit.

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