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2003 central states-may 31


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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 14, 2003
took 3rd open heavyweight. everybody i talked to had me second but you know how that goes. i lost to the open overall winner and the novice overall winner(who i thought i should have beaten). went pretty well though and got the indianapolis championships this saturday.
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they used halogen lighting so it really drownded the tan
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Right on, Josh!!!

Delts are loking great, man.

It looks like you could tighten up your abs a bit and add a little more fullness to the legs and pecs. Overall, great though.

Are the guys that took 1st and 2nd in your class in the first pic?... Which was which?...


P.S. Kinda looks to me like the lighting there sucked pretty bad...(?)
Here is what the Judges saw

Ok here is some of that brutal honesty I hate and every other amature hates but you got placed where you deserved.

ABS: Look soft especially in the lower ab, can't really see your inters or the sers.

Legs; Looked ok you need to do more front squats to thicken them up hammies looked ok might have over shadowed the quads, calves seemed ok.

Arms: Seem to have good arms, triceps, and delts,

Chest: Good well rounded chest no flaws.

Back: Your back is you overall weak point, no width and with very little cuts, no deep Imagery, no deepness, no christmas tree, seems everyone was weak there but you were the weakest.

Overall Mass: You seemed a little smaller than the other two.

Diet: You could have dieted 3 more weeks to sharpen up.

Don't come away with that as insults come away with "maybe I do need to work on that
Just looked again

Reading Fathead's post I took another look. Your chest looks much better in the side tri than in the side chest. (lighting and distance), and I'll retract the chest comment. (Arms and delts are so strong that they are almost overpowering.)

Fathead is great to have around here. He really isn't trying to be blunt - this type of what you might call "brutal" (I think its refreshing) honesty is exactly what BB'ers need to get better.

There's a guy / friend at my gym, a young guy, who has AMAZING potential. He's prepping for teen nationals now. Won his 1st show - teen overall. Everyone in the gym (mostly the young women who he works with) is telling him who awesome he looks. But now he's starting to screw up, partly d/t finding a woman for the first time and the joy of the orgasm, and cheat on his diet. The guy who's training w/ him (very knowledgeable - has trained w/ some pro's) made the commen that he may look good if he wants to "hit the beach, but that's not the damn point." ;) Unfortunately, there aren't enought people around him who knowing BB'ing and he's really begun to believe that he is better than he actually is...

JOsh, I'm definitely not saying that you're at all like that. Thing is, when you get to your level, I think you need that honest brutality even more b/c it takes so much more just to improve the slightest bit. Being satisfied as a BB'er is the worst fate that can befall you...

Thanks Randy

Your right I am being a judge becaue again in my day I did judge a couple of shows and that's what my scorecard would have been like. Josh overall you look good but your back is lacking I would not say big time but it's what you need to focus on the most. Diet wise everyone looked a little smooth so it was not just you again. Don't worry in 20 yrs of competeing I have had every thing thrown at me from everyone and the biggest was my arms being small but after a while they just seemed to start to take shape and match the rest of me.

Don't worry you look like a big young guy so you have a lot of time so keep at it.
You look great bro, give priority to your weak points and you should be at the top soon!

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