Sounds like you got a good plan.......very few guys can to 2 things at once. I just like you taper .[Honestly how big was your for the show ,not sucked in?] that alone made you stand way out . You are so damm broad that I told you it is going to take 225- 232 [pealed]to really fill you out in to be a top flight guy . your later 20s will be kind to you if you still with the sport. So hang in there .you should be proud . You looked great , have nice shape , and did well.
Side note.Some will not agree with this . But I think for most guys to really fiil out .You have to really you body to grow .If you want to be to 225 on stage or so you are going to need to be 275- 280 lbs down the line during your off season . Look at Ronnie , Trey Brewer , Jay , Tom Prince ,Phil, priest ,ect[even km2000 did it to first get his size].......they all went to 50 -60 lbs over there projected weight. Dante even Greg Zulak advised this for years . If you want to be a 225lber , then plan on being 275- 280 . Yeah is going to suck .You look thick and bloated . The fat kills your shape .But fat can a will be lost with hard work . IMO you need to take your time maybe a year or two and get up to that weight . Hold it for at least 6 months and try to get harder while doing so . The pick a show and destroy it . Afer you get the right size for your frame . Then stay lean year round .It is much healthier and easier to get into shape without a doubt. But from what I have seen to really push it the evelope ........pick your desired contest weight off the future .And plan adding 50 -60 lb spounds of good off season weight and train to hold that . [and not just slop .....but good off season nutrition ,heavy basic training , using progessive resistance, learning about rest and recovery setting the metabolism with some cardio and nutritional varriences ] but you have been staying lean at 220 - 230 for a couple of need to force you body to grow ,because our bodies don't want to ........depending on what you weighed [I am thinking low 200s you should have been low to mid 190s ] You just need to realize you have the perfect x frame ,it just needs to fill out..............take a couple of years and force your body to grow [ and no ,it more a battle of food and training ,than drugs ....I promise] but if you think you are going to keep staying at 220 -230 off season and get to where you need to be you are fooling yourself...........look you are a good loooking kid, have the shape , you just need to pay your dues and put on the size......and yes ,it isn't that healthy and no you wont look that great........but it is nessary for a younf guy that wants to jump up to the national level [ask peter putnum.......he used to walk around at shows at 240 all the time , when he competes in the low he can stay lean and market himself year round because he already added the size ] Look at any pro .......very few ever get bigger after they turn pro or become national level guys.....why > they don't keep pushing their bodies off season.........mainly for business reasons ,some for ego /chicks, and some smart guys for health[ once you close to your genetic max need to ever not be lean anyway] But look at the guys in the past that did grow as pros .Dorian 310 off season /265 of stage , ronnie 320 -330 off season ,close to 300 on stage , nasser 330 /285 on stage........if you want to grow you have to push and not be afraid of what it looks like.....then slowly pull it in [shit , Trey Brewer is going to diet 25 weeks for the jrs this yr] Then like I said , you will have maxed out your genetic limits for the most part anyway , then you can just stay lean and try to make small improvements here and there . And strive to master conditioning.........By time and time again for a guy you level that wants to step up. This is what is takes IMO.........And holy fuck Phil.........think how freaking strong you would be at a reasonally conditioned off season 275 ? My god , you would get an MD contract based on that luck on where you go on this you should be proud .....I think you looked great[ oh yeah ,You used to work for Richie , think about a teen he went up to 260 and competed at a few shows prior to nationals at like 211 .......but he hated dieting so hard he stayed lean after that ......but let me ask you this .......did he ever get much bigger after wards........nope !!!......i rest my have to force you body to a get bigger and it isnt fun so most don't do it isn't always that attractive or that healthy ......but there is no need to ever do this longer than 2-3 yrs max , because if you are doing right you will have met most of your genetic limits any way as far size goes......lean stay lean and helthy forever]