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21years old, 240-225...start of prep for ukbff season


Featured Member
Mar 17, 2009
hey guys, just started prep....21 years old initial pics are at sitting at 225.....all going well so a progress pic from my first comp 14 months ago.....


  • 225 pounds 2.jpg
    225 pounds 2.jpg
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    240 pounds.jpg
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    2009-2010 comparison.jpg
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Thick!:eek: How tall?
Do things right and you will go FAR!

thanks mate, hope ur well after our last convo :) , will post a few more pics once into the prep.....looking to compete in the u90s so u198....i think iv got a gd 30 pounds on me to drop to come in peeled
looking good mate, best of luck :)
Do things right and you will go FAR!



The changes you've made are simply incredible... look at how thick you've become in just one year! :) Awesome! Just don't let your upper body overpower your legs, and you'll be a huge threat on the international circuit soon!
Holy Hell!

Huge improvements bro! :eek:
You look great bro! At 21 yrs old you have a great future ahead of you!
thanks all for the v kind words guys, im v excited about this season being in with the men comapred to juniors last year....fingers crossed can stand up against them without their muscle maturity overpowering me

prep wise iv just being playing with my lucky to have quiet a fast metabolism and can get lean relatively season i was on 6500 cals....this has been brought down to 4200 with the addition of v small amounts of clen/t3 and all is going well....not introduced cardio yet, but wont be touching my food for a while so cardio will be a must fairly soon....this will be at 120bpm fasted prebrekki...for now im concentrating still on heavy lifting and aiming to grow as much as possible and progress my weights each week as far into the prep as poss....

macro wise my breakdown is 400c/400p/120f .....carbs coming from sweet spud, rice, oats and fruit, fats from salmon, red meat, natty peanut butter and plive oil and then protien from the usual sources....ensuring red meat is in there everyday

legs so far are behind, been playing with my rep ranges and need to switch things up to make them grow in sync with my upper half....will work v hard on them and hopefulli this time next year will b more balanced
damn bro thats some phenomenal results. I dont understand how you can get that big in only 1 year....How many cycles did you run or do you just do a yearly one? If your uncomfortable than w/e. Goodluck man tht year i competed twice, worked very hard in both rebound periods......stayed on year round and blast/cruised- nothing drastic dose or drug wise...just tes/deca/dbol/oxy.......the diff for me was implenting datbtrus ideas with ghrp/cjc/slin/gh ... i also beat my log book everysingle week for pretty much a year straight ( obv exluding deload periods) .... now hitting some nice lifts , got a 200kg bench up a few months ago raw

YouTube - jordan 200kg bench.MOV

currently using test/tren/masteron and strenght is thru the roof....will break tht 200 bench with a 220 single soon
You look great man, especially for such a young age - but don't you worry about burning out too quickly due to the addition of so many chemicals in such a short matter of time? (gh, slin, peptides, triple stacked cycles)
hello mate, i dnt to b honest.....the way i see it is tht if im going to b a top level national competitor i need more mass....a lot more mass.....the drugs side isnt the total influencing factor...its if can keep causing progressional i said i can throw up a 200kg bench 5-6 yearsd time i will b a lot lot bigger wen i throw up a 300kg bench and aslong as im continaully pushing those numbers, taking rests from gear then reintroducing it to make sure everything carries on going in the right direction then there is no burnout...just a lot of muscle and strength....
Look good bro how much GH you taking and Whats our peptide dosing like? If you dont mind me asking
By deload you meant you did a sling shot method?
Ex.- 500 test 400 deca 8 weeks than 2 weeks 300 test, repeat...?
By deload you meant you did a sling shot method?
Ex.- 500 test 400 deca 8 weeks than 2 weeks 300 test, repeat...?

yes but higher original amounts of test deca and the deload periods on only 250 test a week
Look good bro how much GH you taking and Whats our peptide dosing like? If you dont mind me asking

hello mate, was htting 8iu eod gh, then baseline amounts of cjc/ghrp a cuple times a day, lantus i worked upto 30iu a day which i realli liked as didnt get overly fat compared to a fast acting slin
Keep up the hard work bro and it will surely pay off!! Who knows might be state side in several years competing with the best!
I look at your pics and im still mind boggled. Cant wait to see you competing with branch and cutler.

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