Yea i can't get over 10% body fat what so ever. lowbodyfat has not stopped me from gains. I can be 220lbs and still be under 10% bodyfat. I have gained quite a bit of weight this year. Yes pump I understand about where I live I just havnt decided what comps I will compete in right now that are right for me at this time. I live in cleveland Ohio. I was there at the ifbb north american watching. I was wearing a white and blue t shirt and blue pants.
I had my first show in october. NPC Natural Northern Drug free bodybuilding and figure championships in lakewood ohio. I came in 3rd in the junior division. As far as the full bodybody pic i will be posting them when i get them.
My goal is to get over 205 before i do a comp which will most likely be within the next 3 or 4 months. I want to do at least 4 next year.