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25mg MK677 bloodwork FAQ = 4iu pharm grade HGH (used 25mg mk677 for 6 months out of the year for 5 years straight with 7 bloodworks)

In conclusion, back in 2016, I found this brilliant article on MK677 on, it has been preserved here:
After reading the article, 2 years later I bought some MK677 from China, and have used it ever since, and continue to buy it only from China. It's still dirt cheap from China, but here in the states it is marked up anywhere from x3 to x4 the China cost.
Cool posts Tregar.

I have a couple questions.

If it increases GH then why wouldn't it help cause fat loss like GH - assuming calories are held equal?

Would there be any reason to avoid carbs around administration? Would the body want to release GH when insulin/glucose is high?
FrankStyer said:
If it increases GH then why wouldn't it help cause fat loss like GH - assuming calories are held equal?

Would there be any reason to avoid carbs around administration? Would the body want to release GH when insulin/glucose is high?
Thanks for kind words FrankStyer. I have actually found that on a keto diet, fat loss is accelerated beyond my normal keto diet and running x 3 times a week when taking MK677 contrary to the study that found there was no fat loss in subjects on a regular carb rich diet, so I disagree on the point that MK677 will not help with fat loss, so long as you follow a keto diet imho. Also, read the study above, by author who lost 40lbs on it. Here is the study that found "Mean fat-free mass decreased in the placebo group but increased in the MK-677 group, however no significant differences were observed in abdominal visceral fat or total fat mass"

P.S. Nitrogen retention is extraordinary on it, MK677 reverses diet-induced catabolism, just like the study below, for example, I fast from 7am till 3pm every day to maintain my 220lbs, 12% bodyfat, eat only in an 8 hour window, consuming only a 20g casein shake in water at 7pm during fast period, and I have been able to avoid any muscle loss and consistently add muscle and improve strength week after week while losing even more fat with the keto diet + MK677, a study on older adults showed a 25% increase in strength in un-trained very old adults (60 years old) on leg press exercises, however, in my experience, there is up to a 35% increase in strength in weight trained athletes like myself (I keep a weekly workout journal). Like a member once posted, the strength gains on it can be compared to dianabol, I totally agree, there is an all day fullness in the muscles and mega pumps in the gym. Keep in mind my protein intake is around 1.2g per lb of body weight, use 6g CLA daily combined with 1.25g betaine before each meal, chromium picolinate, fish oil, daily 50g MET-rx protein plus shake or pudding with added 25g casein = 75g, HMB x 8g a day, HMB + BCAA's before cardio (20 minute run) to also help prevent any muscle catabolism.

MK677 Increases Muscle Mass in arms and legs of older 60 to 81 year old adults, 25% increase in strength:

zzzzz pic 20.JPG
zzzzz pic 21.JPG


  • MK677 reverses diet-induced catabolism (1).pdf
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FrankStyer said:

Thanks for kind words FrankStyer. I have actually found that on a keto diet, fat loss is accelerated beyond my normal keto diet and running x 3 times a week when taking MK677 contrary to the study that found there was no fat loss in subjects on a regular carb rich diet, so I disagree on the point that MK677 will not help with fat loss, so long as you follow a keto diet imho. Also, read the study above, by author who lost 40lbs on it. Here is the study that found "Mean fat-free mass decreased in the placebo group but increased in the MK-677 group, however no significant differences were observed in abdominal visceral fat or total fat mass"

P.S. Nitrogen retention is extraordinary on it, MK677 reverses diet-induced catabolism, just like the study below, for example, I fast from 7am till 3pm every day to maintain my 220lbs, 12% bodyfat, eat only in an 8 hour window, consuming only a 20g casein shake in water at 7pm during fast period, and I have been able to avoid any muscle loss and consistently add muscle and improve strength week after week while losing even more fat with the keto diet + MK677, a study on older adults showed a 25% increase in strength in un-trained very old adults (60 years old) on leg press exercises, however, in my experience, there is up to a 35% increase in strength in weight trained athletes like myself (I keep a weekly workout journal). Like a member once posted, the strength gains on it can be compared to dianabol, I totally agree, there is an all day fullness in the muscles and mega pumps in the gym. Keep in mind my protein intake is around 1.2g per lb of body weight, use 6g CLA daily combined with 1.25g betaine before each meal, chromium picolinate, fish oil, daily 50g MET-rx protein plus shake or pudding with added 25g casein = 75g, HMB x 8g a day, HMB + BCAA's before cardio (20 minute run) to also help prevent any muscle catabolism.

MK677 Increases Muscle Mass in arms and legs of older 60 to 81 year old adults, 25% increase in strength:

View attachment 159969
View attachment 159971
Why do you think that is? That carbs impair the fat burning effects, I mean? I know with regular exogenous GH, eating carbs won't blunt the GH response, because it's exogenous (obviously). But perhaps a high carb diet would prevent the body from responding to the MK677 because the body doesn't release GH on it's own in the presence of carbs/insulin?

It would be interesting if true. In nearly every other circumstance I think all the data points towards low fat higher carb being superior in virtually every way.
I am somewhat interested in doing something like microdosing Mk-677 (like 5mg) along with small doses of gh in order to get some more benefit while stretching out my gh supply.

I don't know if it actually works like that. I don't like regular doses of Mk-677, as I get fatigued and I can't deal with that.
I am somewhat interested in doing something like microdosing Mk-677 (like 5mg) along with small doses of gh in order to get some more benefit while stretching out my gh supply.

I don't know if it actually works like that. I don't like regular doses of Mk-677, as I get fatigued and I can't deal with that.
Unfortunately, there is an interference effect between rhGH & the secretagogues. The mechanisms suggested for the negative feedback effect of GH on its own secretion include inhibition of (hypothalamic) GHRH synthesis and release, somatostatin synthesis and release, and/or stimulation of local IGF-I production from the somatotroph itself.
If it increases GH then why wouldn't it help cause fat loss like GH - assuming calories are held equal?
GH (i.e., 22kDa-GH) is antiadipogenic & lipolytic. However, MK-0677 does not simply increase GH secretion. It activates the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). The functions of the GHS-R include GH release, stimulation of prolactin and cortisol (ACTH), cardiovascular activity (beneficial), PPARγ regulation (adipogenesis, lipid metabolism, insulin sensitization; not clearly beneficial/potentially harmful), & β-cell protection (via PI3K/PKB, JNK inhibition; beneficial) & activation of the GHS-R may be pancreatic regenerative.
Would there be any reason to avoid carbs around administration? Would the body want to release GH when insulin/glucose is high?
GH increases (blood, serum) glucose & insulin. This relates to GH's functioning as a dual effector (rather than as a mere somatomedin to IGF-I). GH functions mainly as a signal that upregulates energy metabolite availability from the liver, reservoirs, and adipose tissue, whereas IGF-I facilitates their influx into peripheral cells. Endogenous GH secretion is increased during hunger & stress for the purpose of energy mobilization. However, even here, its net effect is anti-catabolic, and its secretion causes subsequent increased insulin secretion (storage) as well as local autocrine/paracrine IGF isoform activity (influx).

The logic of macronutrient timing peri- bolus (timing matters around an rhGH injection) would relate mostly to GH's principal systemic effects on FFAs (GH increases circulating FFAs/promotes systemic insulin resistance) & the oscillating pattern of FFAs. That is, FFA liberation follows an oscillating, rhythymic pattern (palmitate [glycerol] flux) after an rhGH bolus.

Timing matters of macronutrient intakes with respect to GH administration (for practical use, as rhGH) that encompasses temporal and qualitative aspects (e.g., training mode or type; intensity; etc.) both the bolus & training (because muscle contraction increases GLUT-4 translocation and influx of glucose) is more logical.

Here, tregar has showed us that 25 mg MK0677 confers benefits for him (principally as an "anti-aging" compound) reflected by an increase to serum IGF-I. I don't think he's even attempting to provide us with a use case for maximal fat loss nor muscle anabolism.
jcc80 said:
I don't like regular doses of Mk-677, as I get fatigued and I can't deal with that.
Like I said on page 1, my only concern is that around 25% of people (like myself) never experience any lethargy on MK67, zero lethargy...however from the reviews I have read the other 75% of people do experience lethargy on it, in which case I would recommend NOT using it, it's just not worth it if it makes you tired. Find something else to use like peptides or HGH then.

Please note as well: HGH, peptides or MK677 will increases blood pressure around 7 points above normal, for me it takes my blood pressure from 110 to 117, which is still normal and considered very good blood pressure...this is due to water retention that occurs in the muscles.
On the 5 to 6 months off MK677, I use a blend of 5mg mod grf 1-29 (cjc-1295 no DAC) + 5mg ipamorelin (100 mcg of each) x 3 times a day, 1st thing in morning, pre-workout or pre-cardio on non workout days, and pre-bed

This is my bloodwork after using the blend for 2 weeks, as you can see it took me to the IGF-1 range of better than most 18 year olds, a remarkable 406 ng/ml IGF-1. I had the blood drawn at the local lab core approximately 1 hour after my first injection into skin pinch of my abdomen, I inject right under the skin subcutaneously x 3 times a day. Luckily, there was not much of a line of people in the morning, only 2 people in front of me. I go super early.

For those who suffer lethargy on MK677, there is hope, just use the peptide blend.

5mg mod grf 1-29 + 5mg ipamorelin
5000mcg (5mg) per vial
add 2ml bac water in vial
4iu (2 small tics, as each tic = 2iu) on a standard 100iu (1ml) insulin pin gives 100mcg of each
4iu (4 small tics, as each tic = 1iu) on a 3/10 syringe insulin pin gives 100mcg of each

zzzzz pic 14.JPG
Regardless of anything thank you for all of this first hand information tregar it is very valuable
I was referring to DatBTrus thread in which he says consumption of carbs prevents the GH secreting/stimulating drugs from being able to stimulate the body to secrete it's own GH in contrast to exogenous GH which obviously doesn't depend on the body releasing anything and consumption of carbs wouldn't effect it in that way
If you read the entire DatBTru thread you will find multiple bloodworks showing that this old theory is nonsense. You can be full on food and still have a huge GH release.
Unfortunately, there is an interference effect between rhGH & the secretagogues. The mechanisms suggested for the negative feedback effect of GH on its own secretion include inhibition of (hypothalamic) GHRH synthesis and release, somatostatin synthesis and release, and/or stimulation of local IGF-I production from the somatotroph itself.
Makes sense. I am considering a short break from the daily pinning, and I do have some Mk that I haven't really touched. How long would you say I should discontinue the GH before introducing the Mk-677?

In fact, reading a post of yours in another thread just now, I am curious about the possibility of diminishing returns anyway. I have been on GH for about 8 months, basically 5 days a week at 2-3 iu.

You've been sharing some great knowledge here which is much appreciated.
P.S. If you enjoy buying overpriced MK677 from the states, then be my guest, I've seen the price rise from $30 to $40 to $50 to now $70 plus within 3 years, but it is still only $15 to $20 a gram from China. Here in the states, it has almost reached the price of 1 month's worth of pharm grade HGH from China which I used to get for ninety dollars. I don't care if you put zinc, magnesium whatever in your formula, I'm not gonna buy your hyped up product in the states. The whole point of MK677 is that it is cheaper than HGH, now not quite so if you buy in states. I'm for the people not the people selling it for x3 to x4 times the cost, anyone can do that.

Please see the study I posted way above, taking 25mg mk677 in the morning will give you 33% more HGH increase than taking it at night before bed, this is shown on graph on the study I posted. I always take the powder with my coffee. And get it mailed to me express from China, arrives in only a week to 7 days using bitcoin.
I finally found a reputable place in the US that has 2g of mk677 for around 90.00, starts with a "s". Please do not PM me to ask me where...I will not tell, as do not want a run on it. But that is at least a reasonable price at 45.00 for a gram, we need more places like this. This is way better than the 70.00 and more everyone else is asking domestic. Reminds me of the "old days" 5 years ago when you could buy it for 35.00 domestic. There are times I don't want to order from China, even though it is 15 a gram, the shipping is 50.00...and there is a min order of 10g, so it does add up.

Chainsaw, Just buy a 1mg scale from *mazon for cheap, add 25mg of the powder to the scale, take with coffee in the morning, every morning for 6 months, I simply weight the 25mg out on scale, and down with some coffee. cheap and effective, remember the study on page 1 shows taking it in the morning will give you 25% more HGH then if you take it at night, weird but true.

I use it for 6 months straight, as it remains 100% effective for this time period, after that I switch to the more expensive peptides, and use those for 6 months, all explained on page 1 with how to dose the peptides, the peptides remain effective forever, after using the peptides for 6 months, then I go back to the must take a long break from the mk677 for it to remain effective year after year....switch back and forth like this...kicks ass..I am on my 3rd month of mk677 and my strength is thru the roof, amazing pumps all day, and the best I've looked in ages muscle mass wise. MK677 is incredible stuff, love it.

I also take arachidonic acid x 4 caps before every workout, HMB x 6g a day, betaine 1.25g x twice a day, 2 caps 85% CLA before every meal, glutamine several extra grams a day, bcaa's preworkout, in AM, and pre-cardio, MET-rx 2 scoops with 1 scoop of nutricost unflavored pure casein = 75grams kick ass protein daily with cold water and a dash of no carb creamery in a splash of almond milk in it. I'm on a year round keto diet and do cardio x 3 times a week as well. Tesosterone cypionate at 210mg a week or 30mg a day using insulin syringe to draw and inject, it takes a little bit longer to draw the oil up with a 29g 1/2" slin pin, but it injects farily fast into shoulder daily, a routine just like shaving or brushing teeth. Beats the heck out of butt injections using standard shots.

Remember, 75% of people out there experience lethargy or tiredness with mk677, and the other 25% like myself get zero lethargy with it, just increased energy and good nootropic brain effects. If you are one of the ones who get tiredness on it, I suggest not using it, but use peptides (see page 1 on how to use and measure) or HGH instead.
I am somewhat interested in doing something like microdosing Mk-677 (like 5mg) along with small doses of gh in order to get some more benefit while stretching out my gh supply.

I don't know if it actually works like that. I don't like regular doses of Mk-677, as I get fatigued and I can't deal with that.
Not to be a necro poster.... i've done what you are thinking. 2.5iu's gh in the morning, 10mg mk at night. It worked kinda overly well, blew up, looked really full, but still vascular. As far as sides, had to discontinue the mk after a couple months due to terrible carpal tunnel symptoms. Ymmv.
This is such great information. Thank you!! I Have been on Mk677 12.5mg for a few months and got bloods done..My IGF is 219. I will start taking 25 mg nightly and get bloods in a month. I also got tested for serum HGH. Mine was 12.9 ng/ml. The reference interval is 0-10. So the MK677 is working!!!! Love this thread. I learn so much from all of you. Thanks!!!
Now this is a freaking awesome post Tregar. Thank you for the time and effort you took to make this happen brother. Iv'e never tried MK677, only a low dose of GH.. now i'm curious
I finally found a reputable place in the US that has 2g of mk677 for around 90.00, starts with a "s". Please do not PM me to ask me where...I will not tell, as do not want a run on it. But that is at least a reasonable price at 45.00 for a gram, we need more places like this. This is way better than the 70.00 and more everyone else is asking domestic. Reminds me of the "old days" 5 years ago when you could buy it for 35.00 domestic. There are times I don't want to order from China, even though it is 15 a gram, the shipping is 50.00...and there is a min order of 10g, so it does add up.

Chainsaw, Just buy a 1mg scale from *mazon for cheap, add 25mg of the powder to the scale, take with coffee in the morning, every morning for 6 months, I simply weight the 25mg out on scale, and down with some coffee. cheap and effective, remember the study on page 1 shows taking it in the morning will give you 25% more HGH then if you take it at night, weird but true.

I use it for 6 months straight, as it remains 100% effective for this time period, after that I switch to the more expensive peptides, and use those for 6 months, all explained on page 1 with how to dose the peptides, the peptides remain effective forever, after using the peptides for 6 months, then I go back to the must take a long break from the mk677 for it to remain effective year after year....switch back and forth like this...kicks ass..I am on my 3rd month of mk677 and my strength is thru the roof, amazing pumps all day, and the best I've looked in ages muscle mass wise. MK677 is incredible stuff, love it.

I also take arachidonic acid x 4 caps before every workout, HMB x 6g a day, betaine 1.25g x twice a day, 2 caps 85% CLA before every meal, glutamine several extra grams a day, bcaa's preworkout, in AM, and pre-cardio, MET-rx 2 scoops with 1 scoop of nutricost unflavored pure casein = 75grams kick ass protein daily with cold water and a dash of no carb creamery in a splash of almond milk in it. I'm on a year round keto diet and do cardio x 3 times a week as well. Tesosterone cypionate at 210mg a week or 30mg a day using insulin syringe to draw and inject, it takes a little bit longer to draw the oil up with a 29g 1/2" slin pin, but it injects farily fast into shoulder daily, a routine just like shaving or brushing teeth. Beats the heck out of butt injections using standard shots.

Remember, 75% of people out there experience lethargy or tiredness with mk677, and the other 25% like myself get zero lethargy with it, just increased energy and good nootropic brain effects. If you are one of the ones who get tiredness on it, I suggest not using it, but use peptides (see page 1 on how to use and measure) or HGH instead.
I have a few questions if you don't mind:

What brand arachidonic acid do you take?

Have you noticed anything from the betaine? Any concern with TMAO produced in the gut?

What do you make of some people saying MK677 causes brain damage? And do you notice increased hunger while taking it?
Awesome read, very informative! Who do you use for your mk677 and peptides if you don’t mind me asking bc I stopped using peptides 4 yrs ago bc quality was so hit or miss but I’d like to give it another go and give my body some down time from gh.
Thanks jfrost89 for kind words, directions for peptide use on post #7 of page 1, along with how high they took my normal HGH, around equivalent of 4.2 iu HGH, as I took bloodwork 1 hour after shot.

I always get my mk677 2g powder for only eighty dollars, comes out to 40 a gram, this I can live with, reminds me of prices as they were years ago, super cheap. Just google 2 grams of mk677 along with the word sports technology, you should find it, easy credit card payment and 10% coupon is sent after your first order to use on subsequent orders, very high quality, all you need is a 1mg scale to meaure out.

I have been using 25mg a day for several months, my strength is at all time peak, never been better, beating all my old records, leg press, 5 x 45 plates + 10lb each side for 20 reps, etc. Love mk677, feels like you are on dianabol all the time, same strength and gains weekly. For the first time, seen girls at work staring at my legs in jeans, has not happened in forever. Plan to stay on for 7 months, then come off for 7 months, during the come off period, I switch to peptides, directions for use on page 1, how to measure out, how to use, this way mk677 never looses effectiveness, as it stays super strong for 7 months at a time, at which point I switch to the peptide shots for the next 7 months, then back to mk677, etc.

No tolerance to the mk677 this way, and peptides of course never any tolerance no matter how long it is used. Blown away by the muscle gains and strength with mk677 after only a few months....highly recommend so long as you experience zero lethargy with it, as I get none...around 25% of people get no tiredeness on it, instead extra energy and brain nootropic effects. All these incredible effects without ever raising my testosterone from my normal 25mg a day taken daily using 29 gauge insulin 1 cc 1/2 needle into shoulder in am just like shaving and brusing teeth, part of daily routine. Easy and comfortable.

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