ok just started 3rd cycle 3 weeks in 600mgs. cyp. 400 deca not going to do the diana this round the weight gain seams to be more steady i have not got the sudin weight gain jump i have just a few lbs, a week question is had a few headaches and like some vision blocks a few times think it is the deca but it seams to have stoped so is it that my body has adjusted? and have not have any probs. with the deca dick is this still to come? i will stop the deca 10 weeks and plan to do the cyp. 12 2 weeks off then start pct. 50 clomid 40 tam a day for a month. I feel good on gear as usual. but there is a downer getting off will it be worse now with the deca ? anything i should adjust? and i have never had any sides to speak of maybe a itchy nipple no gyno. acne not even a sign