LOOK.. HERE IS THE DEAL.. IT MATTERS NOT WHETEHR YOU ARE A DEMO OR REPUB.. LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE..ONE FACT IS THIS....BUSH AINT IN OFFICE ANY MORE.. obama must take ownership of what is happening.. he has racked up enormous costs in the last 10 months.. all on his watch.. not bush.. his watch.. the stimulus was a bomb.. he said unemployment, if the stimulus was passed, would not exceed 8%.. well we are close to 11%.. on his watch.. many demos admit that the stimulus was a bomb.. yet still funnel out the money for something that is not working..
as for the insurance.. if the bill passes.. i dont think it will based on the fact that many demos are in areas that are against it and would like to keep their jobs.. but if it does it will be so watered down that it will not be worth the expense that it will cost... it will be typical "symbolism over substance" just to say they passed a bill.. it will have little effect.. the repubs introduced a bill that allowed people to purchase government insurance (the same the senators ect have) that would not effect insurance as a whole.. but just allow those that dont have insurance the chance to get affordable coverage.. demos shot it down... we already have a system that allows anyone to walk into a emergency room and get care at tax payers expense.. but that is not good enough for the demos..
a guy i work with has a aunt that is admissions officer in MAYO CLINIC.. over 40% of who she sees is of canadian citizenship.. why are they coming here? well, they dont want to wait for treatment in canada.. the wait for serious illness treatment is very long (welcome to government health care).. many dont have that long.. so they come here.. why again? well it is widely known that we have the best health care system in the world.. the demos dont even deny that.. but they wish to dismantle it.. so once again, over 70% of people in the usa (by all polls) are happy with their health insurance.. so the demos, in their infinite wisdom, want to take that away from the majority because the minority are not happy.. only a demo

.. the government bankrupts "cash for clunkers" in teh first week and has to funnel money from other resources to it to keep it running.. and some gullible people actually believe they can run health care for the whole us of a... good luck..