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9-10 month difference

That often happens even with the progress of pro, but in this case, the guy has gained weight, kept the same % of fat and looks tougher. Anyway, it is necessary to take pictures of several poses to see the real progress, maybe your front looks the same but your back has improved.
You might be improving regularly, but clearly not enough to justify the change in relation to the time frame.

Unless you have health issues that I am not privy to since I didn't read you
Never over 600mg total. I love it! Stick to the basics and foundational stuff, dial in the diet, train your ass off and use minimal gear necessary (test and primo seem to agree with you) and you’ll do great. Consistency and discipline are key.
Yessir I love the day to day work that goes into this! I’m going to push gear slowly over a gram or up to a gram when I get the finances and start from 500 test 6iu gh to 500 test 200 primo and 8iu gh and escalate from there when warranted (training is stalling)
Yessir I love the day to day work that goes into this! I’m going to push gear slowly over a gram or up to a gram when I get the finances and start from 500 test 6iu gh to 500 test 200 primo and 8iu gh and escalate from there when warranted (training is stalling)
Didn’t mean to reply to all of you at once lol still getting a hang of this but I appreciate all of you guys advice whether it was harsh or not I’m not going to argue back to people who have been doing this longer and know the ins and outs of this more so than I do
Yes insulin is easy as fuck. Literally countless diabetics with half a brain use it every day.

If you struggle with it, that’s a you issue.
What is the big rush for insulin? He's young, limited on money, development and experience. Why are all the PED bullets out the gate?

I think he would be best served hiring a really good coach to learn from. Why does an early 20 year old even need GH? Test in anabolic and learning his body how to push food and training work for him far better investment over the long-haul than bombing drugs in my opinion.
What is the big rush for insulin? He's young, limited on money, development and experience. Why are all the PED bullets out the gate?

I think he would be best served hiring a really good coach to learn from. Why does an early 20 year old even need GH? Test in anabolic and learning his body how to push food and training work for him far better investment over the long-haul than bombing drugs in my opinion.
We got to talking on insulin because he said he was limited, and I mentioned how it’s very cheap at Walmart and he is already using insulin.

Either way, GH and insulin (in terms of PEDs) are both things I wish I incorporated much earlier instead of believing you need to wait to “earn” them, as both are relatively safe and effective. But that’s just my opinion of course, many ways to go about it.
What is the big rush for insulin? He's young, limited on money, development and experience. Why are all the PED bullets out the gate?

I think he would be best served hiring a really good coach to learn from. Why does an early 20 year old even need GH? Test in anabolic and learning his body how to push food and training work for him far better investment over the long-haul than bombing drugs in my opinion.
When I was his age a coach was the last thing I could afford. He needs a good mentor and myself and other vets here I’m sure will be happy to help and guide him. 😊

One thing I’ll add- I wish I had of used low amounts of HGH sooner and LESS gear. When I was coming up all the guys used to say “save HGH until your 40 as that’s when it really shines.” 😂

Truth was we were just broke as shit and didn’t know any better. Test, tren and sdrol were cheap and easy to get. HGH was the Bentley. Lol
pretty small gains for 9-10 months and to be at same bodyfat.
if i did something similar i prob would have gained same amount of muscle weight and would likely have gotten leaner.
i am super thankful i dont get sides from test. at all. up to 2gms and not using an ai and not one pimple. just awful blood pressure eventually lol
manage expectations if you cant bang high-ish dose then results will be bit slower but stay consistent!
i am a BIG fan of insulin. imo u wanna be a bit leaner to use insulin.
ive always been too broke for gh. but high test, slin and tren/npp/masteron did wonders for me.
When I was his age a coach was the last thing I could afford. He needs a good mentor and myself and other vets here I’m sure will be happy to help and guide him. 😊

One thing I’ll add- I wish I had of used low amounts of HGH sooner and LESS gear. When I was coming up all the guys used to say “save HGH until your 40 as that’s when it really shines.” 😂

Truth was we were just broke as shit and didn’t know any better. Test, tren and sdrol were cheap and easy to get. HGH was the Bentley. Lol
Thank you! I try to be conservative with my gear dosages I honestly feel that I progress better with less now that I’m using gh but even before when I would go over a gram or even up to a gram I feel toxic and get more sides such as restlessness acne idk if it’s my genetics or what but some people seem to be able to handle a lot and some can’t but I think it’s something I’m going to have to slowly work my way into
We got to talking on insulin because he said he was limited, and I mentioned how it’s very cheap at Walmart and he is already using insulin.

Either way, GH and insulin (in terms of PEDs) are both things I wish I incorporated much earlier instead of believing you need to wait to “earn” them, as both are relatively safe and effective. But that’s just my opinion of course, many ways to go about it.
I agree man! I handle gh and insulin very well, for insulin if a friend doesn’t have some humalog or novolog I’ll get it at Walmart and use Novalin R IM
Thank you! I try to be conservative with my gear dosages I honestly feel that I progress better with less now that I’m using gh but even before when I would go over a gram or even up to a gram I feel toxic and get more sides such as restlessness acne idk if it’s my genetics or what but some people seem to be able to handle a lot and some can’t but I think it’s something I’m going to have to slowly work my way into
Do not rush gear man. If you need any guidance or want me to review your stuff just hit me up.
Do not rush gear man. If you need any guidance or want me to review your stuff just hit me up.
I will man ! I don’t want to at all I hope to stay under or up to a gram this next phase and utilize being in a rebound to be in a good spot to soak up nutrients as you all have explained before !
How long does it take to gain some knowledge to use insulin...maybe a week or less?
You tell me how stupid you are to learn how to use it
What is the big rush for insulin? He's young, limited on money, development and experience. Why are all the PED bullets out the gate?

I think he would be best served hiring a really good coach to learn from. Why does an early 20 year old even need GH? Test in anabolic and learning his body how to push food and training work for him far better investment over the long-haul than bombing drugs in my opinion.
Don't waste your time bro he has no clue what his talking about
Yes insulin is easy as fuck. Literally countless diabetics with half a brain use it every day.

If you struggle with it, that’s a you issue.
Bro are you that much fucking idiot like really listen to yourself. Diabetics use it all the time they do under a doctor telling them what the fuck they need to take that has nothing to do with taking it as a bodybuilder
You ain't worth my time go on with your ridiculous rant
How long does it take to gain some knowledge to use insulin...maybe a week or less?
Depends how stupid you are .again you never post anything that helps anyone only post to criticizes people .your worthless. I wish everyone that pm me saying same shit about you would have the balls to tell you like I do
You tell me how stupid you are to learn how to use it
Just like u said to me you like to see pics of me when I was competing. You think I disappear? No I posted pics and what did you do just put a like on it but didn't say a fucking word. Because again all you do is insult people or ridicule them. You think you are all that and your just a shrimp in a big ass ocean bud.your worse than a herpes out break
Bro are you that much fucking idiot like really listen to yourself. Diabetics use it all the time they do under a doctor telling them what the fuck they need to take that has nothing to do with taking it as a bodybuilder
You ain't worth my time go on with your ridiculous rant
Dude what the fuck is your problem? Why are you so mad?

And clearly you have no clue how diabetics use insulin.

Why are you acting like insulin is so dangerous? How hard is it to dose insulin to a carb amount and monitor your blood glucose?
Dude what the fuck is your problem? Why are you so mad?

And clearly you have no clue how diabetics use insulin.

Why are you acting like insulin is so dangerous? How hard is it to dose insulin to a carb amount and monitor your blood glucose?
MAD lmfao ok dude you have no idea what I do for a living so go on rant I'm done with your ignorance. Sleep tight fairy

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