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9 Months out - Masters Nationals


IFBB Judge
Nov 1, 2005
Ok. Here goes. I've been on this Forum for years mainly answering threads on the Judges Forum and learning from others. It took alot of nerve for me to do this but I have decided to compete in the 2011 Masters Nationals in Pittsburgh next July. It has been 22 years since I last competed when I placed 7th nationally, so I'll see if I still have it LOL. I turn 58 in December and am competing in both the Over 40 and 50 Divisions. Phil Hernon is training me for that show and is, in my opinion, one of the top bodybuilder trainers in the world!! I know Phil can get me in the best shape possible for this show. I'm attaching pics that were taken this past Saturday. I'm currently 250 at 7% bf and down from 282 four months ago. I would really like your comments/feedback since this will probably be my last contest in life; guess one can't compete forever unfortunately LOL. Be honest in your comments..I can handle it :) I still have 9 months so I need other perspectives on what to work on. I appreciate it!
Much respect,



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Mike, being 50 I can appreciate guys over 50. I hope you are taking some Growth Hormone. You are thick, no doubt, just get alot leaner. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck.
You def have the size and muscle. You obviously have plenty of time to diet and dial in; especially with Phil in your corner. Good luck and damn 58! Your a monster.
Thanks, guys! I appreciate you all taking the time to post a reply! Yeh, I plan on just getting leaner and learner for 9 months until the show......just getting tired of chicken though LOL. Yep, on Growth!

look great for 58

and your NOT 7% bf:(
You are thick & carrying a lot of muscle! You are not 7% but you are lean enough for 9 months out. Calves look good, what do the quads & hammies look like?

I'm 51 so I know the hard work it takes! :headbang:
Thanks all for your comments! Yeh, a trainer at the gym I go to did the caliper method for bf but he really didn't seem to know what he was doing. ....guess not; I was surprised myself LOL Would anyone venture to guess so I have a relative idea?
lookin great especially for being over 50. arms and back are huge. keep us posted over the nxt 9months
Mike, isn't 58 just an awesome age? Personally, I think it's a damned good age to compete!!!

You look plenty thick. Calves look good too. How are the quads and hammies?
Hey Ojs and Amazon Doll,
I wouldn't say its an awesome age, but I can't do anything about that anyway :)

Quads are my weakest part. I am working them twice a week now until I can hardly walk. I'll show them in my next progress pics :)

Thanks again everyone for your comments! They are truly appreciated!
Much respect!
Mike, if you don't mind me asking, how tall are you and what's your current weight?
hey Mike. I'm glad to see another 57 year old here. I sure understand the unique issues that brings too. Looking good brother! You definitely have the big size! …just get leaner as was mentioned already. You have plenty of time to do it right. Slow and steady is best in my book. Keep this thread updated. It will be a good one.
Thanks Brick! I didn't realize how many others on here were into the sport in their 50's! Man, this thread will really help with my motivation. Some times you feel like you are all alone in this sport, and, around our age, sometimes I wonder if I am crazy for doing this; It was a lot easier in my 30's LOL, but I am actually finding it much more rewarding now to see the changes happening. Funny how things work out...........I was thinking about updating this thread with progress pics monthly.

hey Mike. I'm glad to see another 57 year old here. I sure understand the unique issues that brings too. Looking good brother! You definitely have the big size! …just get leaner as was mentioned already. You have plenty of time to do it right. Slow and steady is best in my book. Keep this thread updated. It will be a good one.
GO for it Big Mike.. I'll be 50 this year and plan on doing my first show too.. You have alot to work with and Phil's guidance to get you there.. You only Live once...

Looking good mate! Wishing you all the best.
Thanks Brick! I didn't realize how many others on here were into the sport in their 50's! Man, this thread will really help with my motivation. Some times you feel like you are all alone in this sport, and, around our age, sometimes I wonder if I am crazy for doing this; It was a lot easier in my 30's LOL, but I am actually finding it much more rewarding now to see the changes happening. Funny how things work out...........I was thinking about updating this thread with progress pics monthly.

I agree that it was easier when we were in our 30's but its MUCH more rewarding now I believe. Especially when you see others in our age group that have never touched a weight through the years and you see what time and a sloppy lifestyle did to them. Then I feel damn good. :)
Please do

Keep us updated... There is a lot of respect for you on this board and I think a thread like this can not only be very motivating but also very educating. I know I will look forward to it.

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