has anyone had any problems with this.......just wondering if high protein diets affect this......any info is appreciated.....thanks
Whats the Q? You have high BP? Get on Lotrel.........it will save your kidneys.........all BBers should do it
Well, if it is a concern then talk to your gp. Get some tests done. If it is proteinuria then it can have consequences if left unchecked.
Good advice oldfella; I've had foamy urine since 1967 - and I still do. But I'm going to have a urinalysis and find out if it is a problem.
WTF.......youve had it since 1967 and havent gotten it checked.......ive had it off an on(more on) for a little over a month and im concerned......
When I asked a doctor about it in 1967 he did not seem alarmed. He correlated that symptom with my inability to gain weight. I've had many, many physicals since then - and urinalysis tests without any negative findings.
My guess is that this phenomenon is related to other factors in addition to protein. I am going to the doctor on Monday to have it checked again to be sure.
If your kidneys are leaking protein, then this is a sign of kidney damage.
The only way to find out is by doing blood and urine tests.
The blood tests will check for some main markers of kidney problems such as high creatinine,potassium and phosphorus levels.
Some may argue that high creatinine is normal with bodybuilders, that is true to a certain extent, however the blood work will check for other markers of kidney damage as well.
I would do the urine and blood work right away to catch any problems before it's too late.