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question about weight gain


Active member
Dec 13, 2023
so its been about 7 years since i was fully committed at the gym. 2 months ago i got out of detox. i do have some fat but not obese or anything. maybe 20% bf. so about 6 weeks ago i really started getting back into things. got a coach. diet is in check. routine. my thing is im putting weight on pretty fast. i take 5iu of hgh a day. 20 minutes of cardio every training day. the thing is my stomach is shrinking. definition is starting on abs. and arms, chest, back, legs are getting bigger. im really happy with results but i started this at about 237. im now almost 260 or could be more. im sure some is water from hgh and getting back on creatine. like i said im very happy with my results but is this unhealthy?is this water? is this muscle memory? is it newb gains? is my heart shitting the bed? strength consistently going up. muscles getting bigger. fat burning away. ive always weighed more than i look. my upper legs have always been big and i think thats why i always weigh more than i look. i dunno. any advice or guess would be helpful. if it were a matter pf just cutting back gear, i would but all im on is 5iu of greys and a dialed in diet. i should mention in the past ive been a lean 250. i just never experienced gain this fast. thanks for listening
so its been about 7 years since i was fully committed at the gym. 2 months ago i got out of detox. i do have some fat but not obese or anything. maybe 20% bf. so about 6 weeks ago i really started getting back into things. got a coach. diet is in check. routine. my thing is im putting weight on pretty fast. i take 5iu of hgh a day. 20 minutes of cardio every training day. the thing is my stomach is shrinking. definition is starting on abs. and arms, chest, back, legs are getting bigger. im really happy with results but i started this at about 237. im now almost 260 or could be more. im sure some is water from hgh and getting back on creatine. like i said im very happy with my results but is this unhealthy?is this water? is this muscle memory? is it newb gains? is my heart shitting the bed? strength consistently going up. muscles getting bigger. fat burning away. ive always weighed more than i look. my upper legs have always been big and i think thats why i always weigh more than i look. i dunno. any advice or guess would be helpful. if it were a matter pf just cutting back gear, i would but all im on is 5iu of greys and a dialed in diet. i should mention in the past ive been a lean 250. i just never experienced gain this fast. thanks for listening
You have a coach. Why are you on here asking these questions? Ask your coach.
You have a coach. Why are you on here asking these questions? Ask your coach.
Just posted about this in the other thread. Isn't it crazy how many guys are or have been 250+ lean, yet have no photos to back it up. I don't know if they think they're fooling us or if it's just to fool themselves. Probably the latter.
Hard to say what’s healthy without any sort of comprehensive blood work up to start with.

So no questions if you have a coach? Got it. Thanks for the advice.
I don’t understand why you’re paying him if you’re going to question his coaching. It’s baffling to me. 🤷‍♂️

If you want input then post up your stats, bloodwork and pics. Nobody can assess your questions without all factors.
Just posted about this in the other thread. Isn't it crazy how many guys are or have been 250+ lean, yet have no photos to back it up. I don't know if they think they're fooling us or if it's just to fool themselves. Probably the latter.
It’s absolutely the latter. I just can’t wrap my mind around all these guys on here bitching about their coaches lately or questioning them.

If I have an issue with my coach I don’t come on here and question them or ask for input, I fire the coach if we can’t resolve it or get on the same page. And yes, I’ve done this before. Huge waste of everyone’s time to do anything other than that.
It’s absolutely the latter. I just can’t wrap my mind around all these guys on here bitching about their coaches lately or questioning them.

If I have an issue with my coach I don’t come on here and question them or ask for input, I fire the coach if we can’t resolve it or get on the same page. And yes, I’ve done this before. Huge waste of everyone’s time to do anything other than that.
Im not bitching or even complaining. Im happy with the results. I just dont want to bug him on the weekend. I was curious if people have experienced weight gain like this. Me and him will definitely discuss it on check in.
Im not bitching or even complaining. Im happy with the results. I just dont want to bug him on the weekend. I was curious if people have experienced weight gain like this. Me and him will definitely discuss it on check in.
Do that first. You just don’t want your coach thinking you don’t trust them or aren’t coachable. Keep in mind a lot, if not most of the top coaches read this board.

And it never hurts to send a message on the weekend- that’s why you’re paying for coaching. 😊
Do that first. You just don’t want your coach thinking you don’t trust them or aren’t coachable. Keep in mind a lot, if not most of the top coaches read this board.

And it never hurts to send a message on the weekend- that’s why you’re paying for coaching. 😊
You're right. Were just a month into the coaching and obviously the first few weeks theres a lot of communicating. So i just want to give him a break on the weekends lol. Im also a fan of this board and appreciate everyones experiences here. If i only talked to my coach when it comes to fitness, it would get stale. Honestly my progress with my coach is more than i could have hoped for.
You're right. Were just a month into the coaching and obviously the first few weeks theres a lot of communicating. So i just want to give him a break on the weekends lol. Im also a fan of this board and appreciate everyones experiences here. If i only talked to my coach when it comes to fitness, it would get stale. Honestly my progress with my coach is more than i could have hoped for.
The three things that stand out from me on your post:

1. You don’t know your actual weight now. Every bodybuilder knows how much they weigh everyday to the decimal point.

2. Post up a picture of the before and current if you want guys input.

3. Based on your post you guys should have done a hard cut before pushing up in weight based on what you claim your bf% is.

Just my observations since you have put in a little effort here. If you want us to critique more pics, actual weight and blood work would be needed. But trust your coach as it’s why he’s there.
The three things that stand out from me on your post:

1. You don’t know your actual weight now. Every bodybuilder knows how much they weigh everyday to the decimal point.

2. Post up a picture of the before and current if you want guys input.

3. Based on your post you guys should have done a hard cut before pushing up in weight based on what you claim your bf% is.

Just my observations since you have put in a little effort here. If you want us to critique more pics, actual weight and blood work would be needed. But trust your coach as it’s why he’s there.
As of this morning 264.7. Tuesdays weigh in 257.2 . Now tuesdays are always after 2 rest days on lower calories. So 264.7 wont be accurate for next tuesdays. But for referance. The week before was 251.2. As for pics im not there mentally to post up for everyone here. And you're hundred percent right on a real cut first, but with how things are going, weather it be fresh back newb gains or the hgh, my fat has visibly gone down and muscles have gotten bigger. I really appreciate your response. And im definitely going to keep going with my coach
You're right. Were just a month into the coaching and obviously the first few weeks theres a lot of communicating. So i just want to give him a break on the weekends lol. Im also a fan of this board and appreciate everyones experiences here. If i only talked to my coach when it comes to fitness, it would get stale. Honestly my progress with my coach is more than i could have hoped for.
I get your rationale here, but you paid the man, and he accepted that payment. That means he owes you his attention and knowledge. Get your monies worth!!!!

No such thing as days off if you own your own business. Unless it’s established!

As of this morning 264.7. Tuesdays weigh in 257.2 . Now tuesdays are always after 2 rest days on lower calories. So 264.7 wont be accurate for next tuesdays. But for referance. The week before was 251.2. As for pics im not there mentally to post up for everyone here. And you're hundred percent right on a real cut first, but with how things are going, weather it be fresh back newb gains or the hgh, my fat has visibly gone down and muscles have gotten bigger. I really appreciate your response. And im definitely going to keep going with my coach
Sounds like you’re just in a recomposition phase. As long as your vitals and blood work look good then I wouldn’t stress personally.
I don’t understand - is this just a humble brag thread? What are you actually asking? Should you be concerned that you’re bigger and leaner lol?
Humble brag post withOUT pics. 😂
I don’t understand - is this just a humble brag thread? What are you actually asking? Should you be concerned that you’re bigger and leaner lol?
Not a brag just hypochondriac thinking i. Having heart failure

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