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? about MT2. Anyone permanently unhappy?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
I really wanna try this stuff but i've heard a few guys complain they got moles and freckles,etc... Thats the last thing I want is a bunch of moles and freckles even if I am tanned. Anyone get this and it didnt go away when you stopped the MT2? Is it permanent? if so that may be a risk im not willing to take. Of course i'd start with a low low dose but anyone unhappy with results.

I loved MT II. I got an awesome tan as well as awesome hard ons....lol. Seriously though, my personal experience was that too much MT 2 gave me some weird looking moles and freckles. These went away when i ceased use. I eventually found out that a combination of less MT 2 and natural tanning gave me a great tan, no moles or freckles, and a lot less exposure to the sun.....and awesome hard ons!!
it doesn't create new moles. It will initially darken existing moles beyond what the rest of your skin darkens to, and it makes them come out A LOT. It eventually all fades int o itself and you cant even notice, and they all fade out at the same rate as the skin. I've used it 3 or 4 times without problems. The moles did freak me out at first, though.
I loved MT II. I got an awesome tan as well as awesome hard ons....lol. Seriously though, my personal experience was that too much MT 2 gave me some weird looking moles and freckles. These went away when i ceased use. I eventually found out that a combination of less MT 2 and natural tanning gave me a great tan, no moles or freckles, and a lot less exposure to the sun.....and awesome hard ons!!

same here..its a good product but i do have a few freckles left from when i took it
I got a quarter sized spot when i used it. Stopped and it faded in a couple months. But i have noticed that i tan much easier now a year later.

Also I suggest u have your gf/wife use it. They become extremely sensitive and are much more willing to accept your advances.
I got a quarter sized spot when i used it. Stopped and it faded in a couple months. But i have noticed that i tan much easier now a year later.

Also I suggest u have your gf/wife use it. They become extremely sensitive and are much more willing to accept your advances.

haha good point :D
I got a quarter sized spot when i used it. Stopped and it faded in a couple months. But i have noticed that i tan much easier now a year later.

Also I suggest u have your gf/wife use it. They become extremely sensitive and are much more willing to accept your advances.

What about other peoples advances? :eek:
IMO I see doses as being too high. 250mcg/2x/week proved perfect with sun exposure. No problems with moles when dose was low.
i love the stuff. this is my first time running it. i wont go with out it anymore.

im type 1 skin type and i couldnt tan worth a crap..i always got burnt. now i get complements on my tan.
What about other peoples advances? :eek:


I just started using mt2 the past week or so. 200mcg x 2 daily. Many, many freckles have appeared, also scars (recent ones) have darkened considerably. My tan is great though. Lowered to 100 x 2 daily to see if they fade at all. Most ppl say they recede after stopage, so we'll see.
So someone suggested 250mcg 2x per week and W8 you used 200mcg 2x per day. Seems like a huge diff in doses. What is the avg dose. I like to start with whats avg/low and see what happens.

I just hope I dont end up getting some big ass spot on my face. maybe if I inspect everyday and if I see something start to appear i'll cease use of it.
So someone suggested 250mcg 2x per week and W8 you used 200mcg 2x per day. Seems like a huge diff in doses. What is the avg dose. I like to start with whats avg/low and see what happens.

I just hope I dont end up getting some big ass spot on my face. maybe if I inspect everyday and if I see something start to appear i'll cease use of it.

good tread bro, i am lookin in to tryin this in the near future as well......
I'm on my second bottle. I'm type 1 skin. I'm definitely seeing more moles but also starting to be a color other than pasty white. I'm quite happy so far. I take 250mcg then sun then 250mcg. That's about 3 times per week and that is considered normal dosing from what I have read so far.
It really does cause moles/freckles to get MUCH darker. It kind of freaked me out a little bit and I cut back on using it a lot. I guess a long as it's just temporary then it's worth it.

I started at 200mcg/day and gradually bumped it up 50% per day until I got to 1mg and then I did that dose twice a week. Apparently this is a popular protocol but I noticed better results when I was dosing a lower dose more frequently than vice versa.
So from what i've heard you wont just wake up one morning with a big splotch on your face. I guess you already have to have the marks. So whatever freckles or marks you see present can get darker. thats not too bad I guess. I hear this stuff isnt good very long when recon'd with bac water in the fridge.
Like I said I have tired many dosing protocols and 2x/week/250 mcg worked great. Also using claritin when starting out helps with nausea(DATS idea)
Some people get the nausea and upset stomach and some dont. Isnt this due to neurotransmitter response. Im on lexapro so I wonder if this would make me more or less prone to sides.

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