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Acne Scars...

Big Fucker

New member
Apr 4, 2003
Anybody here succesfully got rid of any acne scars? I've had one from last year that I can't get rid of. What r some good creme's?
Check this stuff out! I'm going to order a bottle to try **broken link removed**

xcelbeyond said:
Check this stuff out! I'm going to order a bottle to try **broken link removed**


Looks good bro. I have been using Cocoa Butter and Vit.E but haven't noticed much of a difference if any. Also, hopefully tanning will help some..
Anybody ever try this stuff? ^^^

...so this is supposedly the best way to get rid of acne scars?
there really isnt much you can do for acne scars by way of creams and that. When you get teh, the collegen under the ski that helps keep your skin frim and smooth is lost and this is why there is a depression or "crater" where the pimple or acne was. The only viable options to really get rid of acne scars are

* excision - which is ehre a plastic surgeon cuts out the car and then stiches the skin together. Good but leave a slight scar line but when it heals isnt noticeable.

* laser resuracing - most plastix surgeons will take a co2 laser and laser off the dermis layer of your skin. Underneath new skin will heal and most of the scars will be gone but only side effect is your face will be pink for months and if you have dark or olive skin you rish hyperpigmentation.

* retalyne - which is a collegen base injection that doctors use with an insulin needle to inject under the scar the plump or pump it up. Much in the same fashon as botox or collegen injections in your lips. Same idea. Lasts about 4-6 months and then you have to do it again

* chemical peels - they put a small amount of TCA acid on your face that takes off the the top few layers of the skin much like laser resurfacing but not as bad. Very good results but drawback is you face is red for about a week or so after. Needs repeated treatments to fuilly work but for light scars it takes them away in one shot
I have a few acne scars and bunch of chicken pox scars on my torso. I got the chicken pox when I was 17 and it wrecked my skin pretty bad. Honestly though most people can't tell unless they get really close and depending on the size of the sacring, several coats of pro tan will cover it up and you shouldnt be able to see it.
there really isnt much you can do for acne scars by way of creams and that. When you get teh, the collegen under the ski that helps keep your skin frim and smooth is lost and this is why there is a depression or "crater" where the pimple or acne was. The only viable options to really get rid of acne scars are

* excision - which is ehre a plastic surgeon cuts out the car and then stiches the skin together. Good but leave a slight scar line but when it heals isnt noticeable.

* laser resuracing - most plastix surgeons will take a co2 laser and laser off the dermis layer of your skin. Underneath new skin will heal and most of the scars will be gone but only side effect is your face will be pink for months and if you have dark or olive skin you rish hyperpigmentation.

* retalyne - which is a collegen base injection that doctors use with an insulin needle to inject under the scar the plump or pump it up. Much in the same fashon as botox or collegen injections in your lips. Same idea. Lasts about 4-6 months and then you have to do it again

* chemical peels - they put a small amount of TCA acid on your face that takes off the the top few layers of the skin much like laser resurfacing but not as bad. Very good results but drawback is you face is red for about a week or so after. Needs repeated treatments to fuilly work but for light scars it takes them away in one shot

these are all the best options ive seen. Ive also heard of skin plugs where they take skin from areas like behind there ear and 'graft' where scars are present.
Looks good bro. I have been using Cocoa Butter and Vit.E but haven't noticed much of a difference if any. Also, hopefully tanning will help some..

IMO tanning actually makes it worse if you are going to be using a tanning bed. You can cover it up with spray on or "mystic tanning" but if you lay in a bed it is going to make the rest of your skin dark, and the scars will stay light. Which makes them that much more noticable. This has at least been my experience in dealing with the same.
I just read on one of the acne websites of a new treatment derms
are using that is actually rather simple compared to crafting and such.
It's called needling where they take a needle and break the scar tissue
from under the indention and as your body sheds and grows new skin
the indention goes away. Thats basically all i know about it but i hope
to learn some more about it as it does make since. But my main problem
is red marks left behind that after months of trying stuff and researching
ive came to the conclusion that only time can fix.
I thought I remember seeing some cream on animal's website that was supposed to be great for scar removal. Shelby posted the link a while back.
"retin a" is supposed to work on scars. it takes a couple months to get results and some people get bad sides the first few weeks. from what i've read it increases the turnover rate of skin cells and this gets rid of wrinkles, acne, and scars. i'd probably try it if the sides didn't sound so bad
* chemical peels - they put a small amount of TCA acid on your face that takes off the the top few layers of the skin much like laser resurfacing but not as bad. Very good results but drawback is you face is red for about a week or so after. Needs repeated treatments to fuilly work but for light scars it takes them away in one shot

I am interested in the chemical peels after reading this. Is this something you can do at home with a product you can buy at the drug store or something or do i have to go somewhere for this?
i heard accutane works good, kinda similar to retin-a, where it increases the skins rate to produce more cells. Im on only 20mg ED, for a month, and im not noticing much

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