I like Kai and I like Pucinella but putting the two of them together for a documentary is a little tough IMO. Kai is a great bodybuilder but he's hard to listen to as he draws out his thoughts which often are a little out in left field and combined with his slow talking it becomes a little boring at times even if the information is interesting.
Pucinella, you're great at what you do as well but I feel that maybe having a more interesting subject with less chatter and more bodybuilding would be more beneficial to you and your reviews. I respect your work and this documentary and I understand that it's exactly that, a documentary, but you have to realize the crowd your speaking to (bodybuilders) tend to be a little ADD and often dont appreciate the conversation as much as the action. Thats why you see some many people coming to the boards asking for answers instead of researching themselves.
Good luck to you and thanks for this inside view of Kai, I personally thought it to be interesting, just a little slow.