I just want to see a contestant break out into a full fist fight with one of the gladiators on the show for once! bahahahaha You really have to be in shape to take those guys and gals on. Hope it does well.
it needs better wardrobe, better "games" etc. I agree it won't last long but nothing like seeing juiced up athletes going against "normals" only in entertainment! can't do that anywhere else (although it happens anyway )
just don't see it gaining an audience though, i for one am a big fan of the UFC. and that IS "american gladiators" 2 guys in an arena and the best man wins.
Yeah I saw Hogan advertised on the commercial. He needs the money to pay for his 50M divorce. I always likened American Gladiators to pro wrestling. Fake with a bunch of wimpy guys going up against muscle bound beasts. They have no chance at all and almost always lose. Pros vs. Joes is the same way, a bunch of jobbers getting their ass beat, lol.
Wolf is played by Hollywood Yates who is a friend of mine and a great dude. He lives out in Glendale and was actually in my store today telling me some stories. He looked just beat. They filmed every show for the entire season already and worked the athletes seven days a week. He said it was a ton of fun and looks forward to next year.