A buddy of mine recently went down to mexico and picked up some organon andriol boxes of 30 x 40mgs. I have never used this product before although I have heard that 240mg/day was required for effect. Does anyone have any experience with this product? Also do you think say using it during the last 10 days of a test only cyle, and then flowinf into pct would be beneficial at all? Thanks for the help.
Yes, I have used it a couple of times up to about 6 caplets per day which would be the 240mg and it seemed to work well I think I stacked it with Anavar one time and winny the other. I like it, I travel to Asia quite often and can pick it up pretty cheap. In fact i was going to reccomend it on your other thread as an alternative to travelling with injectables. I have read where some say its no good at all but I am quite sure it works but not as well as injectable test but it does work. Its absorbed thru the lymphatic system so its quite safe to use.
Being absorbed through the lymph portal, not toxic at all. But a poor choice for cycling. Unless its free I wouldnt bother. Hypothetically it should be a great drug. Real life-its not too hot.
it is free and free is good...sometimes warlord....free doesn't make it good though this time...it looks good on paper but in thr real world it does not stand up to ther hype.....sorry to say
MIKES and bbb Have you two used Andriol before? How much did you use and for how long and did you stack anything with it?
I will agree its a week alternative to other test products however it worked for me and I have used it alone. Like I said I used 240mg/day. I think of it this way 240mg mabe 40% actually made into the bloodstream.
It will keep test levels up and constant if taked daily spread out over the day this has been proven in Euopean study's I cant quote them because I did not save'm but its prescribed quite frequently there for low test levels in males. For a bodybuilder, yes there is far more better and effective products, no question.
MIKES and bbb Have you two used Andriol before? How much did you use and for how long and did you stack anything with it?
I will agree its a week alternative to other test products however it worked for me and I have used it alone. Like I said I used 240mg/day. I think of it this way 240mg mabe 40% actually made into the bloodstream.
It will keep test levels up and constant if taked daily spread out over the day this has been proven in Euopean study's I cant quote them because I did not save'm but its prescribed quite frequently there for low test levels in males. For a bodybuilder, yes there is far more better and effective products, no question.
MIKES and bbb Have you two used Andriol before? How much did you use and for how long and did you stack anything with it?
I will agree its a week alternative to other test products however it worked for me and I have used it alone. Like I said I used 240mg/day. I think of it this way 240mg mabe 40% actually made into the bloodstream.
It will keep test levels up and constant if taked daily spread out over the day this has been proven in Euopean study's I cant quote them because I did not save'm but its prescribed quite frequently there for low test levels in males. For a bodybuilder, yes there is far more better and effective products, no question.
Since it is clear you know what you have and you are dead set on using it..take it with a long acting test like cyp at 400mgs a week, and 200mgs tren a week and your andriol at 240mgs a day...
bbb, Its not me thats wanting to use it. I was just giving Worlord my experiences using it. With test and tren it better be free cause you will be wasting money using it WITH the other more effective gear. LOL...