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Another Ketogenesis question


New member
Jun 6, 2008
Hey guys,

I've been on my keto diet for a little while now, with great results. one of the staples of my diet has been eating nuts. almonds, cashews, pistachios, a few ounces per day. I just looked at the nutritional information today, and there are about 7-10g of carbs per oz. i am eating about 3-4 ounces per day. i am trying to stay as low carb as possible to make this diet really work, should i cut out the nuts, or the carbs in nuts digested differently than other carbs...i really like nuts, i would be sad to cut them out, but i want to stay low carb. thoughts?
for a keto stick to walnuts. They have about 1g of sugar for every 3/4c that is nothing to worry about. Also you shouldn't just be snacking on nuts with this diet. Fat cals should be 55-70% of your daily cals, but you still need a deficit, and you don't want fat loads on any particular meal unless its a prep meal before bed after a re-feed. If you do the diet correctly it should feel like you're not eating very much food at all. All these guys who claim of making "gains" while on a keto diet are not doing it correctly, the way it was designed. There cals are too high, some above maintenancelevels. Many bber's and people in general have an overall fat deprived diet, so the shock of high fat can cause gains if you're eating too many cals, but they do not compare to a balanced diet.
for a keto stick to walnuts. They have about 1g of sugar for every 3/4c that is nothing to worry about. Also you shouldn't just be snacking on nuts with this diet. Fat cals should be 55-70% of your daily cals, but you still need a deficit, and you don't want fat loads on any particular meal unless its a prep meal before bed after a re-feed. If you do the diet correctly it should feel like you're not eating very much food at all. All these guys who claim of making "gains" while on a keto diet are not doing it correctly, the way it was designed. There cals are too high, some above maintenancelevels. Many bber's and people in general have an overall fat deprived diet, so the shock of high fat can cause gains if you're eating too many cals, but they do not compare to a balanced diet.

thanks man..i am not eating just nuts..don't worry..my diet is loaded with meats, cheeses and other forms of fats and proteins. i was just saying that i really enjoy nuts and it would suck if i had to cut them out of my diet. thankfully, this is not the case (based on the responses). also, i don't particularly like walnuts, i'm a big almonds, cashew, pistachio guy.
Sorry guys, don't let the net carbs thing fool you. While the carbs in nuts don't have the same impact on blood sugar as say rice, your body still gets the metabolic fuel so this can slow down fat burning. But most importantly, it will eventually pull you out of ketosis (and you will disrupt your keto diet). However, depending on your need, and what your body is doing right now, you might be able to get away with 1-2 oz of nuts a day. Much of this depends on your metabolism.
so, now this threw a wrench in it...what is the real answer...should i or should i not eat nuts??
By experience is the best way to tell if it affects you adversely, check your keto sticks and adjust accordingly. My metab. is slightly faster than average so using up to 50 grams of carbs a day really didnt affect me, although by rule it was kept at about 25 grams a day.
You will have to experiment a bit to find what works best for you.
Sorry guys, don't let the net carbs thing fool you. While the carbs in nuts don't have the same impact on blood sugar as say rice, your body still gets the metabolic fuel so this can slow down fat burning. But most importantly, it will eventually pull you out of ketosis (and you will disrupt your keto diet). However, depending on your need, and what your body is doing right now, you might be able to get away with 1-2 oz of nuts a day. Much of this depends on your metabolism.

Its not an Ideal fat source but its still acceptable. I never saw a drop in ketones from just an oz of nuts with a meal, even multiple times per day. There are some very anal on the keto diet that won't even eat egg whites due to the .25g of sugar, or even fibrous leafy greens due to carbs. I found if 65% of cals are from fat, and you're hitting 1g protein/lb, then carbs are irrelevant as long as the are not simple/complex and you still have a deficit.
when people say that everybody is different, they sure aint lying. Because I would shrivel up to nothing on a diet like that.
not if you did it correctly but you may not make any gains.

I have to agree with Dave here. I started my keto diet right at 17% bf and am down to 12 now. I haven't gained any size, and as a matter of fact I've actually lost a bit, but I'm starting to get some striations and I actually LOOK bigger now than I did before. I just can't wait to get back under the 10% mark so I can start incorporating more carbs again! It really blows when you spend so much time bulking and then lose most of it when cutting up, but that's just how it seems to work...2 steps forward and 1 step back! Over and over again! Oh, and by the way, when on a keto diet ensure that you monitor your weight closely as the ideal weight loss is 1.5-2 lbs/wk. If you're losing more than that, chances are that at least some of it is muscle :eek: and therefore, you need to eat more...if you're losing less, you may want to restrict your cals a bit more.
Its not an Ideal fat source but its still acceptable. I never saw a drop in ketones from just an oz of nuts with a meal, even multiple times per day. There are some very anal on the keto diet that won't even eat egg whites due to the .25g of sugar, or even fibrous leafy greens due to carbs. I found if 65% of cals are from fat, and you're hitting 1g protein/lb, then carbs are irrelevant as long as the are not simple/complex and you still have a deficit.

Again, much of this discussion has to be taken out of the vacume and placed in the context of what your caloric need is, activitiy level and how much tissue your body is supporting. While having nuts in a keto diet is acceptable, you can still over due it. I don't trust a hap-hazard way of dieting. Being more scientific about how much you get in is important to understanding how your body will react and knowing what your body will tolerate. 2 oz of nuts for one guy with every meal may be over kill for another guy (or gal). This is why these kinds of questions can only really be answered in a half way sense. General rules still apply...too much carbs (no matter what the source) will pull you out of ketosis. Too much fat in your diet will stop your body from freeing up your own lipids. You can't just eat willy-nilly just becuase nut are a safe bet.
check your keto sticks and adjust accordingly.

What level should the keto stick read? I seem to have "trace amounts" on the chart. Is that good enough or should it be higher? If, so how do I make it higher?
What level should the keto stick read? I seem to have "trace amounts" on the chart. Is that good enough or should it be higher? If, so how do I make it higher?

You should read trace to moderate amounts most of the day, and moderate in the morning and after cardio and workouts.
Good stuff!

Very good info in this thread, is always best to test run a diet beforehand, that way you know how your body reacts to changes.
Very good info in this thread, is always best to test run a diet beforehand, that way you know how your body reacts to changes.

Yes, while most people respond to dieting in very similar ways, there are always tweaks and twists to your own personal chemistry that you have to watch for. If you know how to read the signs. :D

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