1. During mass gain phases utilizing exogenous insulin, 500-850 MG 1-2 times daily of Glucophage increased the effective value of insulin. This was due to an elevation in receptor-site number and sensitivity. Glucophage also decreased the amount of insulin needed for maximum results.
2. During pancreatic regeneration or protocols that included Glipizide, Glyburide, or other pancreatic/insulin stimulation, Glucophage increased the effectiveness and amplified results. 500 MG 2 times daily was the common Glucophage dosage for this purpose.
3. During diet phases, bodybuilders have utilized Glucophage as a means of decreasing glucose production by the liver and glucose absorbtion by the intestines. This in itself decreases insulin secretion by the pancreas and increases the body’s dependance upon fat stores for energy requirements. This was employed especially so during GH and PGF-2 use, and was synergistic with anabolic/androgenic steroids. Since cell insulin receptor-sites are more sensitive and since there is an existing cross-over stimulation between IGF-1 and Insulin (and their opposing receptor-sites) lean mass retention was notably increased. This effect helped decrease the negative effects dieting has upon IGF-1 production endogenously.
*Since less IGF-1 is produced during diet phases, less lean mass is normaly retained. If cell receptor-sites are more plentiful and sensitive, less IGF-1 is required for stimulation. 500MG daily of Glucophage was usually considered effective for this.
Glucophage was talem with meals and never less than 6 hours before sleeping. Individuals with kidney problems did not take Glucophage and most athletes were aware of the fact that in some cases stacking with oral 17-alfa-alkylated drugs could induce even greated liver damage.