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any tips for coming off of a 6 month cycle...?


New member
Jan 3, 2003
i am going to be coming off a 6 month cycle of 1000mg test enan and 600mg deca....

i planned on tapering the test down to 500mg over a couple weeks with fina and then startin 2 weeks of hcg and then clomid as recommended by dave palumbo like this..

weeks 16-20 1000mg test enan 600mg deca
weeks 20-24 500mg test enan 75mg fina eod
weeks 25-26 hcg 2000iu eod
weeks 27-28 clomid 100mg ed
arimidex 1mg ed

i also have some nolvadex on hand

also was thinking of adding some tribulus ,zma,and yohimbe bark...

what do you guys think..?
Few thoughts

Use t. prop. during those last few weeks. Good idea to give the Deca 4 weeks to get out.

Consider using nolvadex instead of clomid at the end - there's a nice article on this in the Article's forum.

You might consider using some Proviron at the end (last week of post-cycle "therapy") - it helps w/ sex drive in many people. HCG usually does the trick.

Consider using insulin when you come off to help hold on to gains. An ECA stack or clen will help prevent fat gain from the 'slin, too. Keep food intake high after you come off - the slin will / would help ensure this.

Might look around for a gainskeeper formula.

Last thought: do the HCG 1000 IU ED instead of 2000IU EOD and finish it before you finish the clomid / nolvadex and/or arimidex. (Arimidex AND clo / nolv during the last few weeks may be overkill, but not a bad choice up 'til then.)

Randy I know on paper clomid is weaker than nolv. But in reality it always seems to be more sensitive to the Hypothamalus/Pituatary receptors than nolv and kicks in the process there (or stops the suppression) there way better than nolv.

Yes - do a search on gainskeepers for info on coming off a cycle.
I wrote an extensive plan some time ago, as have others.
I hear ya Xcel...

MikeS said:
Randy I know on paper clomid is weaker than nolv. But in reality it always seems to be more sensitive to the Hypothamalus/Pituatary receptors than nolv and kicks in the process there (or stops the suppression) there way better than nolv.

EDIT -- WHOOPS!!! Sorry Mike!!! Read your post, looked over and saw Xcel's name and goofed. My mistake!!! ---

This seems as if it may be a bit like many things in BB'ing - you've got to find what works for you. Medical research, pharmacology, science in general are definitely not the end-all be all. I would have no doubt that in the studies cited in the article in the PM Articles forum, that there were several subjects who displayed responses quite different than those of the average (aka outliers). Even then, those kinds of studies must be taken with a grain of salt as they weren't carried out on persons who had been on a gram of test for a half a year... 8^) I always like to phrase options with words like "consider" or "think about" for this reason.

I agree though, generally - clomid is the old stand-by. When in doubt, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Last edited:

Here is what I would do.
Cut out the deca, then taper down to 250mgs of test eth per week. Then cut down to 50mgs of prop EOD for 2 weeks with arimidex, nolvadex, even clomid wont hurt, also some HCG. Then stop all test and just use arimidex and nolvadex. Slin would be good here as would alot of eating, a ton of creatine maybe 20grams a day and spend some loot load up on creatine. I have been experimenting with cort-bloc that might help too.

How were the results from this 6 weeker?
Your HCG dose is way to high.

There is no need for any more than 500iu ED. There are many adverse reactions to extreme doses of HCG. Most notibly the desensitization of your leydig cells which would further prolong your recovery.

Also if you start taking Nolva now you will notice that the size of your testes will increase if you have had any atrophy which I am sure you have after 6months of AS use.
Nolva just like clomid has been shown to increase FSH and LH production even while using AAS.
Coming off of a cycle is very hard for everyone so be ready for that. Its hard on the ego when you start to shrink, and you will, so be ready for that. prepare yourself for the reality of what is ahead first and foremost.

Now is not the time to be asking what to do, you should always have a plan before you are even close to coming off. However I would stick with the old saying Keep it Simple Stupid. I would not try to look aroud in vain right now looking for that magic drug that will allow you to keep everything you gained because it doesn't exist. If you have HCG then use it but be ready with estrogen blockers because some have bad rebound problems when using it.
I always lose a little when coming off but am never unhappy when its all said and done. This is my protocol for coming off a cycle.

this starts depending on what you are using, different esters require different timing.

.5mg of liquidex or arimidex daily throught therapy
300mg of clomid day 1
100mg clomid days 2-7
50mg clomid days 8-14
50mg clomiid EOD days 15-25

It is also a good time to run arimidex for a while after as it will hinder female pattern fat storage while your test levels are recovering.

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