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Ashley Madison

Has Tinder stopped being a thing? I thought that was the go to thing for one night stands.
Has Tinder stopped being a thing? I thought that was the go to thing for one night stands.

It's still a thing, but girls on there started figuring out what we use it for and they TOO have started using it to their advantage.
Religious folks should not get upset at gay marriage; they should be up in arms about sites like AM that straight up promote and attack traditional marriage values.

The commercial on Sirius makes my stomach turn and I personally find it distasteful.

Suum cuique...
just made a profile on there for shits/giggles after seeing this thread. I can't believe how many chicks on there are asking for sugar daddies or requesting a certain income per month; some chick on there is asking for financial assistance of 2.5K/month.
Has Tinder stopped being a thing? I thought that was the go to thing for one night stands.

As a friend previously noted, it depends on the area you live in. As with most fades, Tinder usage has declined in some areas, while other areas are just now increasingly using it. Also, depends on the age group you are looking for...I'm not in my teens/twenties anymore…happy hunting.
This is a terrible friggin site. I like ass just like any other man but I don't want another mans wife. I'd be fucked up if mine ever did that shit. Get a damn divorce and put an ad on backpage.
AFF is legit...There are some straight freaks on that site.

It sure of my exes was into threesomes, and she would line one up for us almost every weekend off AFF.. The problem was, it kinda ruined the one on one sex between us after awhile bc it didn't seem like enough... But she wasn't something I expected to last forever anyway... We had our fun and moved on.
Actually meant my current girlfriend on AM!
I'm not down with fucking someone else's wife. That's just a moral thing for me. I've been divorced for over 2 years, and won't touch a married women, or separated one.

You can hook up easy on Match if that's what you want. I've done it plenty of times......not proud of it.
wow, a lot of division in this thread about ppl opinions on the matter lol. ya banging other ppls wives prob isnt the best idea, not something i do personally but not judgemental of others. i agree with the ppl in here saying why bother with marriage, but seems like an outdated way of doing things.
I'm not against the possibility of getting remarried, but it's a very abstract concept. I really doubt it will happen. If it happens, I would be beyond shocked....I date a good amount, however I just have gotten burned out on the whole thing. It's nice being only accountable for ones self. Once you learn to love yourself, things really become good.
I should also add that I don't judge anyone if they fuck married woman. Who am I to judge people...
If they're fucking my wife, you dont need to judge them, God will take care of that after I kill them...YOU DONT KNOWINGLY FUCK SOMEONES WIFE! Doesnt matter how much she wants it. It's a bro code type of thing, punishable by death.

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If they're fucking my wife, you dont need to judge them, God will take care of that after I kill them...YOU DONT KNOWINGLY FUCK SOMEONES WIFE! Doesnt matter how much she wants it. It's a bro code type of thing, punishable by death.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

That's SO true these days. If I was still married, I wouldn't touch her....maybe the other guy would get it. It wouldn't be pretty and I would hate to see how it might play out. That being said, she would be out the door so fast. I'd def kick her out.....if able to these men get screwed on some stupid shit. I'm not a women hater either.....Things are just messed up these days.

You are right, it's a BRO CODE, but some guys don't care.....pathetic
C'mon guys...there are a lot of reasons people cheat, first and foremost, they are not getting their needs met emotionally, physically or a combination of both. While I don't condone cheating I certainly can understand how it can happen. Instead of threatening to "kill the guy" maybe it would be more helpful to focus on making sure you communicate with your partner as far as what she wants...what she NEEDS from you.

With that said I was in a sexless, loveless marriage for 20 years. We went to counseling 3 times and the counselor always sided with me. He had his T checked ( with me insisting he see an endocrinologist) and it was low. After several months of replacement therapy and still nothing I gave up. This was 19 years in and I was just sooo over it. I had tried everything. So yes...I went to AM. I honestly did not think my ex would care as I said so many times if things don't change I'm either having an affair or getting a divorce. I met my partner on there and we've been together for 10 years now. BEST decision I ever made.
if you're gonna cheat, better to leave the person than be a lying piece of shit
if you're gonna cheat, better to leave the person than be a lying piece of shit

This is my thought too. My first wife cheated on me and I wish she had just left me rather than have an affair. It really grosses me out to think that I was having sex with her at the same time he was. If the person the spouse is cheating with has a disease you could end up with it too. Just the idea of sloppy seconds is so nasty.

I feel like somone that would cheat on their spouse is just the lowest of the low, and much of that feeling comes from my experience of being cheated on. It was one of the lowest points in my life, ranks right up there with almost dying from a heart attack! If you are that unhappy then you just need to leave the relationship/marriage. For those that are religious it really doesnt make any sense, since you made a oath to God to be faitful to your spouse.

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