I don't know Warren. But I would definitely put a lot of consideration into having the surgery if it can get you back to 100%, faster and possibly permanently. I know surgeries are the last option for most of us. But what happens if you exhaust all of the other non invasive and alternative methods to only find temporary relief and end up back in the same situation a couple years from now. Right now you are still young (ish-hehe) and can probably make a full recovery quicker than you would as you get older, but would have to put some things on the back burner for awhile. However, the benefits will probably outweigh the inconvenience that you would have to go thru right now, to be better in the long run. Just a thought. Regardless of your choice, I hope everything works out in your favor and your back to doing all the things you love, happy and healthy. I will keep you in my prayers. As well as you Michael on whatever you guys choose. Good luck, and we are with you here at PM.