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Best Appetite Suppressant ?


New member
May 7, 2012
I was hoping to gain some feedback on what everyone thinks the best appetite suppressant is that is not over-the-counter. If anyone has any feedback on the most effective suppressant, I would love to hear your opinion. Thanks.
Adderall doesn’t touch my appetite but does for a lot. Otherwise nicotine is cheap and easy
For pharma options diethylpropion works well as does its much stronger relative, phentermine. There is also a drug in available in mexico called benturix that works well.
Ive not found adderall to have the same effect.

For otc, caffeine or eca is the best that comes to mind. Some like green tea but it makes me nauseaus.

For non-stim psyllium husk or non soluable fiber in general and casein both help with satiety.
Vape typically but used to dip. Can also make DIY patches with liquid nicotine or sublingual candies
EC is about the only thing that works OTC. I take Green Tea everyday, but not sure if it really matters. I take it more bc it's good for you.
ECY and nicotine lozenges. Never tried anything prescription. Even using those, though, this PSMF is still killing me...fawk.

Also, this may sound counterintuitive to some, but I'd even suggest trying to decrease the volume of your meals. I know it's often suggested to load up on veggies to fill your stomach, but I find that sometimes just leaves you even hungrier. Intermittent fasting is great for appetite suppression, as well, if you're willing to explore that route.
Plenty of fiber with water is helpful. I love Fiberlyze.
ECY and nicotine lozenges. Never tried anything prescription. Even using those, though, this PSMF is still killing me...fawk.

Also, this may sound counterintuitive to some, but I'd even suggest trying to decrease the volume of your meals. I know it's often suggested to load up on veggies to fill your stomach, but I find that sometimes just leaves you even hungrier. Intermittent fasting is great for appetite suppression, as well, if you're willing to explore that route.

+1 on IF. Its amazing how much easier it is for me to adhere to my diet using IF. There is something so helpful from a psychological standpoint of just knowing that I cannot eat at certain times of the day.
Start skipping breakfast and start your consumption around lunch. If you have to, just wait as long as you can each day and then slowly push it further toward lunch. Once your body acclimates, you won't want to eat in the morning. I switch to IF half the year and the first week or two are rough but once I'm in the groove it's really easy to stick to it. And this is without any sort of appetite suppressant.
Low self esteem

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How do you consume nicotine? Chewing gums are quite expensive.

how much is it in the US?
here i germany i can buy 105 x 4mg for 24€
and half a 4mg gum does the trick pretty good for me (start with 1/4 gum though, so 1mg)
how much is it in the US?
here i germany i can buy 105 x 4mg for 24€
and half a 4mg gum does the trick pretty good for me (start with 1/4 gum though, so 1mg)

I'm from Spain, but I just on Ebay and you can get it pretty cheap. :headbang:

How many chewing gums do you need a day?
not gonna recommend suppressant but still on topic. after all it all comes down to will and how bad you want it. good strategy is diet hard and reward yourself with cheat meal day based on your plan. it helps mentally to know that after 2 days for example you will be allowed to eat high carbs and you stick to the diet better.
Adipex makes me not even think about food.
I'm from Spain, but I just on Ebay and you can get it pretty cheap. :headbang:

How many chewing gums do you need a day?

i have never needed more than 2 gums.
this is the maximum for me
How about self control and stop eating so much

Generally when you lower your food consumption over the course of a few weeks your body will get used to the change and not signal as intense of a hunger signal, nor will you be able to eat as much since you're now consuming less

drugs r bad mkay

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