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Low appetite post workout

My appetite was always tanked when i was training to failure. The moment i started leaving one or two reps in advance I am really hungry. Try that approach.
Man, even if it was more optimal for me to “leave reps in the tank” I could never train that way. It would take the joy out of training for me.
Workout (hard), do 20-30 min of cardio walking on a treadmill, then go to your car and drink a shake of whey and organic rice crispy cereal (this is a food meal). Then eat another food meal 2.5 to 3 hours later.

Don’t over complicate it with number of meals per day etc. but I’ve yet to find anyone who isn’t hungry after doing the above that’s training hard enough with good insulin sensitivity.
I have been cooking cream of rice or rice flakes for a long time after training. I add additional water to the cooked bark or flakes, add whey, blend the banana and drink it. I use about 1 liter of water because it helps the meal digest faster. If you have problems with appetite, I do not recommend eating thick cream of rice after training where you use little water because, despite the small volume, it takes much longer to digest.
man please stop talking about adding large amounts of water to your meals - I know who you are and I know that you are obsessed with the issue of "how much water to add to rice flakes" and you have probably asked all bodybuilders in Poland about it, and I suspect that in the world too...
I have the opposite problem. I don't understand how anyone isn't hungry. I can't wait to eat when training is over and I'm actually hungry all day and I look forward to every meal. I need over 6k of pure food to not be hungry. Dieting is a pain for me lol
I am never hungry after my workouts. I just have my protein drink and fruit whether i feel like it or not. Been doing that for over 30 years. Then i have a meal 2-3 hours later. If life was about doing thongs i felt like i would have done a lot less in my life. Going to work would have been one of those things that got passed on. I just do what gets me the result i want.
If using a high stim pre, especially if it has DMAA or DMHA, stop. That is NOT going to help your appetite and can absolutely take longer to wind down post.
Try doing 20-30 minutes of cardio after you lift then have your shake/meal
man please stop talking about adding large amounts of water to your meals - I know who you are and I know that you are obsessed with the issue of "how much water to add to rice flakes" and you have probably asked all bodybuilders in Poland about it, and I suspect that in the world too...
Wouldn’t more water do the opposite and dilute stomach acid?…
I’m training very hard (I’d like to think…) but it’s almost like after I’m in a “fight or flight” for a bit (it’s worst on leg days), then once that period is over I’m ravenous and can eat a house lol.

I’ll try swapping rice/chicken for cereal and whey.
You using any stimulant based preworkouts? Those are appetite killers for me.
I’m training very hard (I’d like to think…) but it’s almost like after I’m in a “fight or flight” for a bit (it’s worst on leg days), then once that period is over I’m ravenous and can eat a house lol.

I’ll try swapping rice/chicken for cereal and whey.
Offseason I sometimes have this post leg days. I always have whey and Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes right after training, then 1 - 1.5 hours later I will have a solid meal. Whey and cereal tastes great and sits pretty light when appetite is down
same exact thing here with the rice krispies but with a sliced banana mixed in
First off, if your having intra carbs, lower the amount. I know a lot of ppl who think they need 75g-100g of carbs and crushes their appetite.

Check your blood sugar. If your not reasonably low post workout your not training hard enough. Outside of legs cause that’s just due to Cns stress

Cream of rice and whey is good like most said, I’d stay away from sugary cereal depending on carb intake cause the sugar can cause some stomach inflammation after weeks and weeks of doing it, rice crispys and stuff is obviously fine
man please stop talking about adding large amounts of water to your meals - I know who you are and I know that you are obsessed with the issue of "how much water to add to rice flakes" and you have probably asked all bodybuilders in Poland about it, and I suspect that in the world too...

yes, and virtually every best coach and player in the world says it doesn't matter.
Anyone else deal with this?

I assume it’s just from the central nervous system being stressed post workout.

Sometimes I find if I listen to my hunger I don’t eat a whole food meal till 2 hours post workout and by then I’m so behind on food I find I end up having to combine 2 meals; which I’d imagine isn’t optimal but I’m not sure.

I’ve considered adding a shake to my post workout routine, but was curious if anyone had any good recommendations or suggestions for “decompressing” post workout.
Hey! It sounds like you're feeling pretty wiped out after your workouts, which is pretty common when your central nervous system gets a good push. Adding a shake right after your workout could definitely help manage that post-workout hunger and keep you from having to stack meals later on. A simple protein shake with some carbs can be easy to digest and quick to prepare, helping you refuel efficiently.

As for decompressing, it might help to include some cool-down stretches or even a short meditation session post-workout to help your body and mind transition back to normal. This can reduce stress and improve how you feel overall. Give it a try and see how it goes!
Hey! It sounds like you're feeling pretty wiped out after your workouts, which is pretty common when your central nervous system gets a good push. Adding a shake right after your workout could definitely help manage that post-workout hunger and keep you from having to stack meals later on. A simple protein shake with some carbs can be easy to digest and quick to prepare, helping you refuel efficiently.

As for decompressing, it might help to include some cool-down stretches or even a short meditation session post-workout to help your body and mind transition back to normal. This can reduce stress and improve how you feel overall. Give it a try and see how it goes!
Lol what is this chatGPT bs

“Manage that post workout hunger” 😂 well I guess the bots are still not perfect yet
I do like Luki does. Since I have an Intra shake I wait a little bit before I eat my meal pwo. I do my second dose of slin pwo then eat 15 to 20 minutes later.

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