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Low appetite post workout


New member
Feb 6, 2024
Anyone else deal with this?

I assume it’s just from the central nervous system being stressed post workout.

Sometimes I find if I listen to my hunger I don’t eat a whole food meal till 2 hours post workout and by then I’m so behind on food I find I end up having to combine 2 meals; which I’d imagine isn’t optimal but I’m not sure.

I’ve considered adding a shake to my post workout routine, but was curious if anyone had any good recommendations or suggestions for “decompressing” post workout.
Offseason I sometimes have this post leg days. I always have whey and Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes right after training, then 1 - 1.5 hours later I will have a solid meal. Whey and cereal tastes great and sits pretty light when appetite is down
I know a lot of people have trouble eating after training but I've never had this happen to me I'm always crazy hungry - maybe you're training too lightly lol

Seriously if you can't eat it just eat cereal with whey as above or if you can't even eat it, just make a meal in the form of a shake.
I'm always crazy hungry - maybe you're training too lightly lol
I’m training very hard (I’d like to think…) but it’s almost like after I’m in a “fight or flight” for a bit (it’s worst on leg days), then once that period is over I’m ravenous and can eat a house lol.

I’ll try swapping rice/chicken for cereal and whey.
Offseason I sometimes have this post leg days. I always have whey and Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes right after training, then 1 - 1.5 hours later I will have a solid meal. Whey and cereal tastes great and sits pretty light when appetite is down
I’ll try the cereal right after since it’s so light, and if I feel shitty after I’ll try a shake instead then maybe a solid meal 1 hour later once appetite is back in full force.
I don't understand why people don't treat cereals with whey or whey/maltodextrin (any carbs) as a normal meal and think they should eat an hour after... I never recommend something like that - most of my clients have whey+creals/cream of rice etc. + fruit after training and this is treated as a normal meal, the next one is eaten 2-3 hours after
I don't understand why people don't treat cereals with whey or whey/maltodextrin (any carbs) as a normal meal and think they should eat an hour after... I never recommend something like that - most of my clients have whey+creals/cream of rice etc. + fruit after training and this is treated as a normal meal, the next one is eaten 2-3 hours after
I always assumed it was just because it’s easier to eat again sooner because the shake isn’t so filling, so you can get more food in in a shorter window
I don't understand why people don't treat cereals with whey or whey/maltodextrin (any carbs) as a normal meal and think they should eat an hour after... I never recommend something like that - most of my clients have whey+creals/cream of rice etc. + fruit after training and this is treated as a normal meal, the next one is eaten 2-3 hours after
Or maybe just the bro science of making sure they don’t miss the anabolic window 😂
drinking a shake consisting of e.g. 50g of protein and 150g of carbs and then eating the next meal in an hour is not correct in my opinion, because an hour after such a shake, even though you may have an empty stomach, your sugar level will still be elevated and you don't want to eat a meal until your sugar levels drop. will return to the base line

Another thing is that you don't have to eat a meal right after finishing the last set, especially if you use an intra shake during training - personally, I never eat directly after training. I usually finish the training and wait for my Anna because she still has posing, etc., so the entire training takes her more than less, so when I finish, I usually go on the treadmill to do some extra steps, then we usually go to the grocery store for shopping, we come back home, I take shower and eat a post-training meal - it usually takes me between 50-80 minutes from the end of the training to the time I eat a post-training meal
50g of protein and 150g of carbs and then eating the next meal in an hour is not correct in my opinion, because an hour after such a shake, even though you may have an empty stomach, your sugar level will still be elevated and you don't want to eat a meal until your sugar levels drop. will return to the base line
Is this because it would cause more insulin resistance long term/poor A1c?
Is this because it would cause more insulin resistance long term/poor A1c?
no - the point is that if your blood sugar is high your nutrient partitioning will not be optimal and most of the carbs will end up being stored in fat tissue instead of muscle.
no - the point is that if your blood sugar is high your nutrient partitioning will not be optimal and most of the carbs will end up being stored in fat tissue instead of muscle.
With this in mind, would you recommend checking bg before meals for a short period to see how long it takes one to clear and be ready for next meal?
With this in mind, would you recommend checking bg before meals for a short period to see how long it takes one to clear and be ready for next meal?
No exaggeration - I know there is one coach who recommends checking glucose more than 24x a day lol

if your morning glucose is good (and you checked your post-meals glucose level several times and it was ok) then after 2 hours after your meal your body should return your blood sugar back to its base level - and you can feel it when your blood sugar is too high (or at least you should feel it if you have experience and you know your body)
I know there is one coach who recommends checking glucose more than 24x a day lol
What the fuck 😂 I must ask… who? If you’re comfortable sharing. I’d just get a CGM at that point.

Sounds good. Have you ever taken the approach of checking pre meal, and if high adding a low dose of humulin r/humalog pre meal? Though I imagine if this was done long term it’d lead to insulin resistance
This also makes me curious if perhaps less frequent larger meals would be better

Say 4x larger meals rather than 6x more frequent, or maybe it all equals out if carbs are equated 🤷‍♂️
What the fuck 😂 I must ask… who? If you’re comfortable sharing. I’d just get a CGM at that point.

Sounds good. Have you ever taken the approach of checking pre meal, and if high adding a low dose of humulin r/humalog pre meal? Though I imagine if this was done long term it’d lead to insulin resistance
This also makes me curious if perhaps less frequent larger meals would be better

Say 4x larger meals rather than 6x more frequent, or maybe it all equals out if carbs are equated 🤷‍♂️
the method you are writing about is actually used by the coach I mentioned and it is total bullshit for me - I would never recommend it to anyone

I never recommend eating only 4 meals, the minimum is 5 + intra. If you are a bodybuilder, if their quantity is smaller the meals become too large and are harder to digest system - unless you are 180 lbs and your maintenance is 3000 kcal.
My appetite was always tanked when i was training to failure. The moment i started leaving one or two reps in advance I am really hungry. Try that approach.
I'm always hungry after training, maybe your pre-workout meal is too close to the workout? Try eating 2 hours before training.

After training, stretch for 20-30 minutes, or do some cardio, then you should be able to drink their shake without any problems. An hour later, eat a solid meal.

Of course, just a minute after finishing a strenuous workout it is normal not to feel hungry, but you should let your body cool down and your CNS relax.
I have been cooking cream of rice or rice flakes for a long time after training. I add additional water to the cooked bark or flakes, add whey, blend the banana and drink it. I use about 1 liter of water because it helps the meal digest faster. If you have problems with appetite, I do not recommend eating thick cream of rice after training where you use little water because, despite the small volume, it takes much longer to digest.

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