another thing to do is to get a deep tissue massage 1 to 2 times a week, you will need to find asomeone that knows their anatomy, and has a eye for bodybuilding....
my guys is 6'3" 290lbs, so he is able to get some leverage on me as well, I get this done 2x a week, 3x precontest... by far one of the most important factors in my routine next to training and nutrition. the firsd few times you get it done you will be wiped out and not be able to train for a day or 2(if it is done correctly), also it shoud hurt, like really hurt...(I have to bite a rag sometimes) if they are making it feel good it is not being done correctly... getting rid of some of those knots and increasing blood flow will really make the muscle pop when you flex as well...
you wll have to shop around though and find someone that is good, a male preferably so they have the strength to get into the muscle deep....