I will shock both of you and DanielTX with this. And I have had long convo's with Jordan to try the same thing. I know you cannot do it right now because of the phase you are in....but if you ever have a chance both you and DanielTX should try something that I think will shock both of you in the short term...that your waist is not as wide and blocky as you think it is.
Lets say you have a slight injury or I dont know a little burnout or just want a few weeks of training lighter and/or sick of eating and just need a short break.
Do this sporadically:
1 ) Do floor vacuums...lay on your back with your legs straight and blow out all your air, and then for a count of 15, suck in your waistline (while laying on your back) as deep as you can while simultaneously raising your arms overhead, thats the first 10 count and the last count of five dig your heels into the floor and drag your legs upward until your knees are raised and your heels are somewhat near your butt. Do not do the "heels in floor raise" hardcore, just gently do it the last 5 count...dont dig your heels into the carpet (or whatever really hard). Do sets of 8 reps when you can...one set thats all you need. Maybe 2-3x a week, floor vacuums, set of 8 reps, internal count of 15 (secs or shorter), deep vaccums, hands go overhead, knees get pulled up last 5 (seconds or so)....watch out on the first rep if you are breathing heavy from another exercise, that count of 15 is going to seem like an eternity and youll feel like you are going to die from lack of oxygen, rep 2-8 will be much easier. Watch what training the transversus abdominis does over a short amount of time...you are going to get deep ridges in your front abdominal wall you did not have before....
2) Do this....Take your best bodypart that doesnt need to improve greatly and that has a day off training wise after it. Hopefully maybe its legs or back or maybe arms....... train them and then for the next 24 hours take in nothing but an abundance of fluid (you can take in Mio or whatever flavored water you want or ice tea with monk fruit or etc) but nothing in the way of anything that has any caloric value. Just fluid. Fast for the next 24 hours....it will be tough but drink drink drink fluid......This will really work well if you train in the morning...then fast for 24 hours with nothing but fluid...and then wake up (on your day off) and take a look at yourself. Both you and Daniel will have the most sucked in waist you have ever seen and you'll be shocked at how much smaller your waist is and how awesome you look when you wake up (especially coupled with vacuums)....So much smaller in the waist i bet both of you are going to be pretty astonished that you can be that big with that small of a waist. You will look like a million dollars at that very point and you might think of it as something to play with for "vacations, appearances, even competing"...and to this day i still dont know why prep coaches do not develop a fasting competing protocol...their competitors will be devoid of water, lean as hell with a tiny waist up on stage and still rather full especially if they figured out the right amount of carbs to take in all week prior to the fast.....you will not be flat...you'll look awesome. Then break the 24 hour fast and eat as much as you want of good bbing food and youll be back on schedule.
Again this is only if whatever is going on in your life at that very moment allows it.
But i swear to god both you and Daniel will get up from bed after a long fast with liquid and say "Holy shit, Dante was right, I am still really full, vascular as all hell and my waist is the tiniest I have ever seen it at this size and bodyweight".....I promise you that.