You can run your cycle anyway you want. The only hard part about blasting and cruising is the timing since using TRT prescribed test, you'll be utilizing long esters. In my opionion that would mean you will want to start your cruise portion about two weeks after your pinning during blasting phase. That way you are actually cruising for that period on TRT doses and not 500mg or whatever you choose. I think there could also be some use of a short ester like prop to help kick off your second blast phase as well. That way you don't have to worry about the front end timing as much.
I personally don't use HCG or clomid as being on TRT, I just deal with being shut down. If you feel better with HCG as some do, then by all means you can utilize it however I don't see where that is needed unless you are not on TRT which I feel the whole blasting and cruising if for. That way a someone who isn't on TRT can recover after the shorter blast phase during the cruise and then blast again.