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blood pressure and AI question


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 12, 2009
long story short..... i went to the doctor because i developed what they think is pink eye and they took my blood pressure... and it was 160/90-95 .....inever had high blood pressure before and diet for the most part is spot on.... the only difference is i went out the night before and drank heavy..... this is very rare for me and im thinking i shocked my body pretty good.... i am planning to start my first cycle in a few weeks and want to know if you think my blood pressure was due to my alcohol consumption the night before or some other unknown problem... 2-3 months ago all blood leveles were checked and everythign seemed fine.. cholesterol was a little high but i ate before the blood work...doc said that was why it was slighly elevated ...if you were me would you start the cycle as planned?

i also have armosain on hand that i was going to use during cycle for water retention(and now i gues high bp) ... should i take it ED or E3dS? on cycle
160/95 is not good. a night of heavy drinking could certainly throw your natural level off, however i don't think it would be enough to raise it that high. you said you have never cycled before and eat very clean so your BP should normally be somewhere around the 120/70 mark. my advice to you would be to not start the cycle until you find out what is causing this jump. you have to figure that the juice is gonna raise your blood pressure somewhat, so you don't want to start with a blood pressure that is already elevated it could be dangerous. good luck and i would have it checked every few days.
does anyone have a decent cheap moniter that i can pick up at a local pharmacy?
160/95 is not good. a night of heavy drinking could certainly throw your natural level off, however i don't think it would be enough to raise it that high. you said you have never cycled before and eat very clean so your BP should normally be somewhere around the 120/70 mark. my advice to you would be to not start the cycle until you find out what is causing this jump. you have to figure that the juice is gonna raise your blood pressure somewhat, so you don't want to start with a blood pressure that is already elevated it could be dangerous. good luck and i would have it checked every few days.

I agree 100%. You need to have it measured again. I am a bit shocked that your doc didnt make an appointment for you to come back again and have it measured. What they will do is measure your BP on 3 different occasions. If it is significantly high like it was for you then he will prescibe you some meds and have you come back more to evaluate treatment. Something like an ARB would work probably. That reading you had was significantly high and will cause damage to your heart if it stays like that very long, see Chris' post about his cardiomyopathy.

To go on now not knowing why it was high that day and if its still high is asking for problems. If you do suffer from high BP now then you can go on meds and control it, and after that then you can consider going on a reasonable cycle.
does anyone have a decent cheap moniter that i can pick up at a local pharmacy?

I bought a cuff and stethoscope and do my the way the docs/nurses do. Its really easy and much more accurate than those automatic cuffs you buy. If you dont think you could learn how to do it or dont want to try then just buy an automatic. None of it costs much. The cuff and stethoscope you can get cheap.
ill just get the one that ypou have its not that difficult... and i just remebered that ive been taking ephedrine and caffiene pre workout on and off for the last month or 2..... at 200 mg caffiene and 25 mgs ephedrine.... this could be it couldnt it?
ill just get the one that ypou have its not that difficult... and i just remebered that ive been taking ephedrine and caffiene pre workout on and off for the last month or 2..... at 200 mg caffiene and 25 mgs ephedrine.... this could be it couldnt it?

Only if it was withing a certain time frame of the measurement they took. im not sure how long those effects last, and I cant imagine that its more than 12 hours. You might want to research that. even if it were partly responsible for the high reading, I dont think it alone would be responsible for your BP being that jacked up. the lower the bp you have the better. Right now mine averages about 110/68 or so, but im on a bloatload of meds and have had a heart attack.

If you have questions about how to take your BP and dont know how yet, just PM me. I can tell you. You should be able to find it on the net though and print it out.
So youll want a sphymomanometer with cuff, and a stethoscope.
Oh, and if you have big arms youll want to buy a large size cuff. thats what I use. if you use one too small it will give you a high reading.

It could be that the nurse or doc who did your bp used a cuff thats too small too. just another posibility.

Even if you find out your bp is ok, you wont have "wasted" money on buying these instruments because now you will be able to watch your bp on your own at home and monitor it while on cycle. Once you go on cycle your bp will most probably go up some.
thanbks for all your help....im pretty sure my arms are around 17-18 inches and ive tried buying a digital moniter in the past that didnt come close to fitting.... ill go into the pharm today and see if i can buy a large size.... if it isnt too muhc trouble could you pm me the directions it would make it a little easier for me then searching... ( not because i cant find it, but because i am a worry wart and will start thinking im going to die with all my "symptoms") i read into things a little to omuch haha

Put the cuff on either arm so that the bottom margin sits just above your antecubital space(the area where they draw blood).

Put the bell(think thats the term) of the stethoscope on your antecubital space so that part of it sits just under the bottom of the cuff. the bell is the circular part that is metal. YOu are going to be listening for your pulse here.

Pump the cuff up to a high enough level to cut off your blood supply. So id be safe and go up to about 200 or so.

SLowly release the pressure using the bulb. its important that you go slow so you can be accurate.

Listen for the sound of your pulse. The second you first hear your pulse will be your upper number(systolic). At first you wont heart a thing because your blood cant travel past the cuff because the pressure in it is too high. Once you release the pressure to the point where your BP is higher than the cuff, the blood is going to get through and make a bumping sound against the bell. Each time your heart beats it will go BOOM! Tihs is somewhat loud.

Proceed to lower the pressure more, slowly. When you get to the point where you cant hear your pulse anymore at all is your lower number(diastolic pressure). The pressure in the cuff is so low now that it doesnt impede blood flow anymore. This is the one thats harder to find, you have to listen real careful and have a quiet room.

Sometimes I put the bell of the stethoscope on the inside of my arm where the brachial artery is. YOu can feel your pulse really easy there, and sometimes I can hear that better than in the usual spot (antecubital space).

It takes some practice. I really feel like getting the systolic reading( your bp when your heart beats) is easier than getting your diastolic( your bp when your heart is not beating). Getting the diastolic requires you listen really careful to the point where you cant hear your pusle anymore at all.
Just wondering, had you taken any cold medicing/allergy medicine prior to appointment or say w/i 12 hours of appt? Some of that stuff, especially the cold medicine with DM in the name can raise BP substantially!
Just wondering, had you taken any cold medicing/allergy medicine prior to appointment or say w/i 12 hours of appt? Some of that stuff, especially the cold medicine with DM in the name can raise BP substantially!

Would it raise it that high!? I wouldnt think so, unless you took a higher than suggested dose.
long story short..... i went to the doctor because i developed what they think is pink eye and they took my blood pressure... and it was 160/90-95 .....inever had high blood pressure before and diet for the most part is spot on.... the only difference is i went out the night before and drank heavy..... this is very rare for me and im thinking i shocked my body pretty good.... i am planning to start my first cycle in a few weeks and want to know if you think my blood pressure was due to my alcohol consumption the night before or some other unknown problem... 2-3 months ago all blood leveles were checked and everythign seemed fine.. cholesterol was a little high but i ate before the blood work...doc said that was why it was slighly elevated ...if you were me would you start the cycle as planned?

i also have armosain on hand that i was going to use during cycle for water retention(and now i gues high bp) ... should i take it ED or E3dS? on cycle

The alcohol could make an increase but probably only while its in your system.
One reason I like AI's during most of my cycles is that it reduces my BP. Many benefits running an AI.
i have armosain that i wil be taking EOD 15mg during my cycle before i went to the doc the alcohol still had to be in my system i drank like a fish the night before didnt get home till 2-3 in the morning and had my pressure taken at around 5 oclock... i did not really drink much water when i woke up and took 2 alieve before going as well
well there u gooo alieve is linked to high blood pressure... i wasss stressing over nothing... i think.. i will check the pressure tommorow to make sure im back to normal
good 2 know that ...
Well, if the BP appears to be normal now just be sure now to measure it at least once a week while youre doing what you plan on doing.

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