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blood pressure high after hard workouts

Yeah, that long after exercise, even just 45 minutes, your bp should be lower because of vasodilation. Blood vessels dilate to carry more blood faster, bigger pipes! If you were to measure it right after doing a hard heavy set than it would be higher because of the increase in contractile force of the heart and the large increase in blood volume being actively pumped throughout the body. It takes about 30 to 40 min or so to go down. If yours is high after several hours then its probably the yohimbe.


Thank you Maldorf. All good intel as always. You are my go-to guy on
heart / bp issues. You are living it.

Don’t know where you associated me with yohimbe. This is the first time
I have written (actually cut-and-pasted) the word. I know nothing about
it so I would never take it or comment on it. Probably got me mixed up
with another member :(

Anyway . . . trick question . . . sort of . . . about blood pressure. What
‘exercise’ or action raises it the most?
Mine is always higher for a few hours after a workout, especially a hard leg workout.

Your average blood pressure is what matters, take 3-4 times per day at different times and the blood pressure monitor should show you the average over time.

There is a daily pattern to blood pressure too

"Blood pressure is normally lower at night while you're sleeping. Your blood pressure starts to rise a few hours before you wake up. Your blood pressure continues to rise during the day, usually peaking in the middle of the afternoon. Then in the late afternoon and evening, your blood pressure begins dropping again."
All good info goal245. Thank you.

FYI . . . a good cardiologist will take it in three different boldly positions;
laying down, standing, and seated (do not cross your legs). And will do
this at the start and the finish of your appointment and will use an
appropriately sized cuff and not use a machine, will use a stethoscope
and a sphygmomanometer.

I like what you said about a daily pattern and that it is your average
blood pressure that matters. This one time and done thing at a doctors
office often leads to misleading ‘results’ and perhaps even diagnosis’s.

I have records of my blood pressure going back many many years,
perhaps 30 years.

Another thing about ‘timing’ or time of day. You boldly measurements
(at least arms and legs) are always at their biggest the first thing in the
morning, right after you get up, as the blood tends to pool in the extremities.
So if you want to brag about how big your arm is, measure it first thing in the
morning as it, they, will get smaller during the day. Don’t know about
legs, never measured them . . . well, maybe calves.
Thank you Maldorf. All good intel as always. You are my go-to guy on
heart / bp issues. You are living it.

Don’t know where you associated me with yohimbe. This is the first time
I have written (actually cut-and-pasted) the word. I know nothing about
it so I would never take it or comment on it. Probably got me mixed up
with another member :(

Anyway . . . trick question . . . sort of . . . about blood pressure. What
‘exercise’ or action raises it the most?

I was referring to the original poster about his yohimbe. Sometimes I'm not clear,lol.
Add citrulline to your workout

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Hey maldorf,

thanks for the information :) always detailed answers.
Yeah, same for me. my cheeks where hot and red till the evening..
i drop the yohimbine now. not worth it..
gonna try alpha yohimbine tomorrow, you have any experience with it? ppl say it doesnt have the sides yohimbine does.
if not i will go plain coffee..
checked again after backs and HIIT. (45min post workout)
all points dropped by 15 points.
still a bit higher than usual but im happy
that means no yohi for me anymore ;-)
Hey maldorf,

thanks for the information :) always detailed answers.
Yeah, same for me. my cheeks where hot and red till the evening..
i drop the yohimbine now. not worth it..
gonna try alpha yohimbine tomorrow, you have any experience with it? ppl say it doesnt have the sides yohimbine does.
if not i will go plain coffee..

Never heard of that variant of yohimbe. The only personal experience I have with yohimbe was back in the late 80s.
Hey maldorf,

thanks for the information :) always detailed answers.

Yeah, same for me. my cheeks where hot and red till the evening..

i drop the yohimbine now. not worth it..

gonna try alpha yohimbine tomorrow, you have any experience with it? ppl say it doesnt have the sides yohimbine does.

if not i will go plain coffee..

Yes, alpha-y is a great alternative to y-hcl and shouldn’t notice any of the sides you do with y-hcl. Just not as potent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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