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Blood pressure ranges


New member
Apr 4, 2007
Just wondering what is the acceptable range while on aas and at what level you should See your doc thx

Normal is 120/80. It should be that first thing in the morning even on gear.
So long as diastolic is below 90, the systolic being into even the lower 140s isn't bad, and thats from talking to doctors + nurses. If diastolic is above 90, or systolic stays above 145 regularly, then its worth taking some action pretty quick. Keep in mind that hydration can make a bigger difference than you think, and so can any activity.
Diuretics, Bloat and BP

Are people taking these to reduce bloat and BP?
Agreed with Big Bapper....I deal with blood pressures every day and just know your numbers. Stay on top of them, monitor them, and know how to read them.
Normal is 120/80. It should be that first thing in the morning even on gear.

Big Bapper is correct. Even on gear, you should still target a normal BP which is at or under 120/80. If your diastolic exceeds 80 and/or you are symptomatic (i.e., dizziness, new headache, blurred vision, nausea, etc.), then you should see your physician. If you are prone to hypertension, you may want to have it treated even if it is only borderline when you are not on gear (I would recommend an ACE inhibitor, such as lisinopril, as a good first line option).

So long as diastolic is below 90, the systolic being into even the lower 140s isn't bad, and thats from talking to doctors + nurses. If diastolic is above 90, or systolic stays above 145 regularly, then its worth taking some action pretty quick. Keep in mind that hydration can make a bigger difference than you think, and so can any activity.

I was just in the hospital and the nurse said the same thing to me that diastolic is more important because its the pressure when your heart is at rest or between beats. The upper number can vary quite a bit thru the day depending on so many things. Anxiety can also make it go up. My diastolic was 83.

Also, would not bodybuilders or men with a lot of muscle mass have a higher BP just due to more tissue to pump blood into? Just not sure there is a one size fits all number. How can you apply that to a 100lb woman as well as a 250lb ripped bodybuilder? Sort of like body mass index.
what do you bros use as a natural alternative to lowering bp.. mine climbs considerbly when using aas
So long as diastolic is below 90, the systolic being into even the lower 140s isn't bad, and thats from talking to doctors + nurses. If diastolic is above 90, or systolic stays above 145 regularly, then its worth taking some action pretty quick. Keep in mind that hydration can make a bigger difference than you think, and so can any activity.

lower 140s is bad. it is not too bad but bad none the less. low 140s is stage 1 hypertension and if it doesn't respond to diet and exercise you're doc should give you some meds to control it. 120 - 139 is prehypertension. this is where i fall. usually in the mid 120s. it will probably get worse with age and i will have to take meds eventually. but for now a good diet and daily exercise keep it in good range.
I'm sitting at 160/105 right now, which is beyond bad. Just started taking Hawthorn Berry in hopes of getting it down to a manageable level. I REALLY do not want to go on prescription meds because of the cost and the sides. My mom, dad, sister, and grandmother are all on BP meds and the sides aren't what I want to deal with.

My BP is also one reason I have yet to do another cycle. It just isn't safe.
thanks all for the posts! I was just wondering i have never had any issue with it and aas before but I was woken up in the middle of the night with a headache that was un bearable and you could see every vain in my head bulging out and my pulse was like a f**king drum through them!!! scared the crap out of me! haven't had any issues the rest of the day so far but I did cut out the dbol which was new to me and probably contributing to the problem. ill see how i feel, up my Hawthorne berry intake and take some readings later and ill let you know where it falls thanks guys!!!

lower 140s is bad. it is not too bad but bad none the less. low 140s is stage 1 hypertension and if it doesn't respond to diet and exercise you're doc should give you some meds to control it. 120 - 139 is prehypertension. this is where i fall. usually in the mid 120s. it will probably get worse with age and i will have to take meds eventually. but for now a good diet and daily exercise keep it in good range.

I don't think if your an athlete with some extra mass you should be concerned at all if you systolic is 120-139 or even if it spikes over 140 from time to time. As if long as your diastolic is in check say 65-75.

Mine bounces between 130-145 / 65-75 depending on the time of day and my doctor said that is great.
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I agree. My numbers have been 139-142/60-62 for a couple of years and my doc is absolutely fine with that.
I don't think if your an athlete with some extra mass you should be concerned at all if you systolic is 120-139 or even if it spikes over 140 from time to time. As if long as your diastolic is in check say 65-75.

Mine bounces between 130-145 / 65-75 depending on the time of day and my doctor said that is great.

Para and Crom and others, you are correct, the diastolic number is much more predictive of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. If your diastolic is in check and your systolic is only slightly elevated, then you should be fine.

One of the biggest issues I have seen over the years is that most nurses do NOT know how to take a BP properly on a bodybuilder. If the patient has large arms, then a large cuff must be used to properly assess BP. The use of a normal size cuff will result in a false positive reading (i.e., bot the systolic and diastolic readings will be inadvertently high due to the size of the cuff and not the actual BP). If your arms are large and a nurse or physician squeezes a normal size cuff on your arm, then you should request a larger cuff. If they do not have a larger cuff, then they will need to mathematically adjust the readings. In my experience, the smaller cuffs can give readings that are 10 mmHg higher than the patients actual BP.
Are people taking these to reduce bloat and BP?

Both. If taken in the short term, thiazide diuretics will reduce bloat by increasing micturition. Over time, the body adapts to the diuretic effect, but the diuretic will continue to exert a hypotensive effect due to its impact on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Loop diuretics (like Lasix) are much more effective for reducing fluid retention/edema. Potassium sparing diuretics are often used to manage both bloat and the side effects of other diuretics (i.e., those that result in potassium depletion). Short term use of any diuretic should result in a reduction in fluid retention and a concomittant decrease in BP. Longer term, most of non-loop diuretics exhibit less of a diuretic effect and more of a BP normalization effect.
Blood Pressue

Really glad to see this post. This is a big reason why I just joined this forum.

1) Does anyone know if anybody, anywere, has done a blood pressure study on bodybuilders? Any power and strenght athletes? There are enough bodybuilding docs out there that someone might know. On gear, off gear? Adjusted for age? Sex? Black/white? Logically, with the amount of muscle on the frame and the ratio of muscle/fat I am guess that it should be a whole different set of norms.

Can any of the pros on this list ask their European buds? I know that many studies of athletes have been done in Sweden, for example.

2) Size of the cuff. Regular cuffs are usually too small as pointed out. There are now "fat boy" cuffs and leg cuffs and you can ask for either. I"ve not heard about the 10 points difference before mentioned above, is this documented?

3) My own bp tends to be high but not terrible. When I religiously cut the salt, its much better and when I've time to sit and rest before having it taken, it is of course better. Studies have show that if you have a dog or cat, if you spend time petting them, your bp will lower. So take your bulldog to your doc's office with you.

4) I've taken atenolol for years (50mg) and it seems to help, but in 2009 the standards are different from 1995 when I started and so I might be switched. I have no idea what he is going to use but I will ask for something old & with a track record. New drugs are unproven more often than not.
Really glad to see this post. This is a big reason why I just joined this forum.

1) Does anyone know if anybody, anywere, has done a blood pressure study on bodybuilders? Any power and strenght athletes? There are enough bodybuilding docs out there that someone might know. On gear, off gear? Adjusted for age? Sex? Black/white? Logically, with the amount of muscle on the frame and the ratio of muscle/fat I am guess that it should be a whole different set of norms.

There have been a number of studies done. Here is a recent study (though the sample size is small) comparing BP in bodybuilders not using AAS versus those on AAS. Now, I warn you, the abstract is written in a biased way. The point to note is that NEITHER group was clinically hypertensive during the period. Therefore, I do not necessarily agree with the author's conclusion.

1: J Sci Med Sport. 2003 Sep;6(3):307-12.
Blood pressure and rate pressure product response in males using high-dose anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).

Grace F, Sculthorpe N, Baker J, Davies B.
Centre for Ergogenic Drugs Research, School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan, Pontyridd, Wales, UK.

The literature regarding the blood pressure response to AAS use is equivocal. In addition, there is currently little data available on the Rate Pressure Product (RPP) response to anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) use. The experimental aim of this study was to investigate the effects of AAS administration in combination with resistance training on blood pressure and rate pressure product in male amateur bodybuilders and compare the results with a morphologically matched, resistance trained control group. Subjects were divided into two groups (n=16 AAS users; n=16 controls). Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure, RPP. Resting Heart Rate and Body Composition measurements were obtained before (Pre), during (During) and 6-8 weeks following (Post) the AAS cycle in the AAS users with similar time intervals for the control group. No significant cardiovascular or morphological changes in the control group were found throughout the study. Significant increases in both diastolic (P<0.01) and mean arterial blood pressures (P<0.05) were found from Pre to Post cycle in the AAS group. RPP also increased significantly (P<0.01) from pre to post AAS cycle. All cardiovascular parameters returned to normal baseline measurements between 6 and 8 weeks post cycle. No blood pressure measurements throughout the study were consistent with clinically defined hypertension. The findings indicate that the AAS group exhibited significant increases in standard cardiovascular measurements compared with the control bodybuilders, and provides a contraindication to AAS use especially in borderline hypertensives.

As to your other points, there have been a number of studies that have evaluated hypertension in the context of the various strata you mention; however, no well designed studies that I am aware of that focus on these strata for the populations of interest (i.e., bodybuilders and strength athletes). If anyone is aware of a quality study performing this type of an assessment, please share, as I would be interested in reading it. Hope this info helps and welcome to PM!
I'm sitting at 160/105 right now, which is beyond bad. Just started taking Hawthorn Berry in hopes of getting it down to a manageable level. I REALLY do not want to go on prescription meds because of the cost and the sides. My mom, dad, sister, and grandmother are all on BP meds and the sides aren't what I want to deal with.

My BP is also one reason I have yet to do another cycle. It just isn't safe.


Some of the most commonily prescribed meds cost $4 a month at Walmart or Walgreen Pharmacies. Don't let price keep you from getting treatment. You can tell your physician that price is important an to pick a common med with generics that is on the list from Walgreen or Walmart. They don't like it, but they will do it.

If you are borderline then you should have something on hand in case it creaps up on a cycle. My diastolic is 83 ish but my systolic can creep up to low 140's or so but is usually in the 130's. My doc has never concerned but i do not get tested all the time and i know it gets up there sometimes. My dad is on lotensin and it works great w no sides. thiazide diuretics are old school, cheap, effective and safe. they can help w bloat also.

I still am currious why there is a one size fits all number. I mean how can it apply to every human being, race, gender etc.? a very large muscular, lean ripped body builder would naturally have a higher bp than a 100lb woman....just physics at work.

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