He didn't run any liver function, not sure why. BMP was all normal except glucose (I'm type 2 and it was high).
cholesterol 279
triglyceride 466
ldl 158
vldl 93
chol/hdl 10
ldl/hdl 5.6
HDLC3 28
All were high except HDL which was low. Do you think winny would cause all of the cholesterol? The doc wants to use chol pills at some point. I'm a little iffy, I've heard they lower testosterone. That would be OK on cycle, but off, I'd rather take my chances if thats the case.
TSH was 1.13 >>>> .54 to 5.70 is normal
That is normal, but do you think I would benefit from a small increase, or leave it alone? I'm not sure on how much TSH changes during the day. Is this a constant level?
cholesterol 279
triglyceride 466
ldl 158
vldl 93
chol/hdl 10
ldl/hdl 5.6
HDLC3 28
All were high except HDL which was low. Do you think winny would cause all of the cholesterol? The doc wants to use chol pills at some point. I'm a little iffy, I've heard they lower testosterone. That would be OK on cycle, but off, I'd rather take my chances if thats the case.
TSH was 1.13 >>>> .54 to 5.70 is normal
That is normal, but do you think I would benefit from a small increase, or leave it alone? I'm not sure on how much TSH changes during the day. Is this a constant level?