A friend of mine has been running Jins at only 2-3ius a day for about 8 monthswit very good results. He recently purchased generic brown tops from a board spon. because of the price he desided to run at 4ius a day. He did this for a while and felt that he was not geting anything from that dose so he uped to 8ius a day, still very littleresults compared to a owdose of Jins. The board spon. was kind enough to send a couple of blue tops as sample to my freind to try and see if there was a differance. The results from the blue tops are fantastic. He is runing the lue tops at 5ius a day and says it is the best he has ever had do not know why there is a difference. HGH sould be HGH . The blue tops look like they have more HGHin them and when kept cold they do not break away from the vial like the brown tops. Maybe 191 vs 192? Maybe under dosed? anyway just thought I would post results. His results.