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Bodybuilder – Pro, Elite, or . . .


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
the best that YOU can be!

First let me begin by saying this: Bodybuilders ARE NOT Average!

My definition of average: top of the bottom; bottom of the top; the cream of the crap. Bodybuilders tend to be “fanatics” by terms of endearment by “most” people. In other words, we do what it takes to get the job done. Bodybuilders tend to be more successful in other of life’s endeavors – mainly because they know how to persist!

Now I can begin my “rant.” There’s no definition of a bodybuilder. Anyone can say “I’m a bodybuilder.” The guy with his ass nestled up to bar says, “I’m building my body.” I like to think I’m building my body in a more “positive” light.

We have MANY bodybuilders that frequent this board. We are fortunate enough to attract Pros, Elite (those that compete at the national level and beyond), those that compete (I fall into this category) and those that just look to be the best they can be!

No matter what you’re striving for in life – set your goals HIGH. Now as Phil has so eloquently stated – don’t “literally” kill yourself in the process. Say to become a pro, you need to be in top 0.1% (which is not very much!), to become elite – top 0.5%, or be competitive – top 5%. Say you don’t reach your goal, you’re still BETTER than 95% of others!

I really like those that respond to questions/post about “competitive” bodybuilding by those who have NEVER set foot on a stage. Kinda like taking advice from your neighbor about racetrack driving preparation when he’s never set foot on a track. But, he “says” he’s a GREAT driver! Most who haven’t stepped on stage HAVEN’T A CLUE as to what it takes to get there. Now I know there are some here who went through everything, then had other things prevent them from competing, like a natural disaster!

I’ve competed several times but haven’t been in the “running.” In other words, I felt good enough about my prep to get on stage but there were others that prepped better. IMHO, anyone that does this is a winner (at least from within).

I like to think that I’m a bodybuilder. I used to have to tell people that I was one – LOL. So when I say, “people come up to me and ask if I’m a body builder,” I believe that I’ve reached an important goal – I look like a bodybuilder to “others.” I’m far from where I want to be – because I’ve set the bar high. Oh yea, why do that at your age? Why not be satisfied and just lay down? That’s exactly what most people do – become satisfied with “wherever” they currently are. Going into the grave is the next step. As long as you’re actively striving towards a goal, you’ll be living – kinda like a fountain of youth.

My goal is to be “competitive” at the national level. A big dream considering my genetics, but achievable. I could go one more step and say “pro.” But, with my genetics, “competitive at the national level” is a BIG stretch.

MORAL OF STORY: Be the best that YOU can be!

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That was beautiful haha

Great rant, but i gotta disagree sometimes. You look at the national level sometimes, and not every guy has great genetics. Look at Polumbo number one. His genetics are SHIT, but look what he did with it. Iv seen lots of others that arent genetically gifted, but did a good job with what they got.

Nowadays you can change ur muscular shape with oils such as synthol, and nobody would know the difference. I think as long as u dont have wide hips, too tall, narrow shoulders(and u can stretch this one), or just plain skinny you can be competitive with the right drive, drugs, nutrition, knowledge, etc...
Good point Xcel!!!

But honestly, do you think that palumbo did a lot with his physique in a positive way? To me he looks unhealthy. I guess we will not know for another few years. I would love to see his blood test. DOes anyone here know him enough to ask him to post his blood test results?
I still say

No amount of drugs can turn someone without any genitics into Nat or pro level guy. I think hard work good eating and drugs can go a long way, but longer do this the more i see genitics as the biggest difference.
well, i disagree.. palumbo's genetics are not shit.. his structure may not be the best but, you do not get to the national level and be a contender with "shit" genetics..it just does not happen..palumbos ability to add considerable mass and stay shredded put him in a very elite class. hell, he comes in at the 260 lbs mark and shredded as hell. bad gentics would not allow that.. like i said , he has a "not so pretty" structure .. ill give ya that but, his genetics for mass are second to none.. again, not saying his body is pretty but, massive , yes..
LATS said:
well, i disagree.. palumbo's genetics are not shit.. his structure may not be the best but, you do not get to the national level and be a contender with "shit" genetics..it just does not happen..palumbos ability to add considerable mass and stay shredded put him in a very elite class.
I was thinking the SAME thing!


I hope I didn't offend too many people with this post :D

it was close, but fuck it everyone has there own opinion...although I would hate to think just because i had competed I was smarter then the average bber.not true..
I can tell you don`t take criticism all that well because when I posted something about your postcycle over at rippedmass...your answer was shorty...then I posted some good info for you and you never replied..I go by bronson over there.:)
you can`t help it excel, your just a little more stuck on yourself then the average bber...must be cuz you compete.hehe :)
You had some info that got me out on the web looking for confirmation on anastrozole and letrozole's effects on increasing lipids.

I only stated my reasons for using anastrozole post-cycle as it was construed by one reader that I was using two anti-aromatases during a cycle.

Sorry if I didn't expand on my answers. Didn't believe it was necessary.

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In keeping with Excels theme...

The thing that gets me is how many people say...oh I would not want to look like a bodybuilder or have this much muscle or blah blah blah...when the reality for them is...they dont have the discipline, drive, genetics or focus to look like a bodybuilder in the first place....so to confirm they dont want to look like that and by putting muscular guys down, makes them feel better about themselves:rolleyes:
xcelbeyond said:
You had some info that got me out on the web looking for confirmation on anastrozole and letrozole's effects on increasing lipids.

I only stated my reasons for using anastrozole post-cycle as it was construed by one reader that I was using two anti-aromatases during a cycle.

Sorry if I didn't expand on my answers. Didn't believe it was necessary.

arimidex has always been known to increase lipids, what that article was saying is you do not want that , expecially during recovery period...nolva actually helps lipid levels..
hope I didn`t tick ya off excell, my last post was a little shoty.:)

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