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BodyBuilder Arrested

How old is that, couldn't see the boxes, looks like the Gastineu era circa 1985? I had the audio off if that is a dumb question, just the style makes it look 20 years old minimum.
Did he get busted for steroids or for all the guns he had LoL
he was originally busted for the guns but then they found steroids....IMO your going to get caught with AAS if your involved in other illegal stuff
Did he get busted for steroids or for all the guns he had LoL

Exactly. That is a shitload of guns there. Confusing video too because he looks/sounds as though this has happened to him numerous times before ("You're under arrest." "For what NOW?") :confused:
he was originally busted for the guns but then they found steroids....IMO your going to get caught with AAS if your involved in other illegal stuff

Ah, ok, that would clear it up.
Sounds like he was selling too...wasnt the book they were looking through at the end transactions ?
I've seen more storyies on steroid bust that were second compared to the fact that they were raided because of guns. Why do some dealers have to do the tough guy with a gun BS?

the dude gets arrested for steroids and could supply his own army with weapons from his wardrobe. But the steroids were "bingo"!!

what a fucking moron that cop is. Reads the label "for intramuscular injection only" and then tells the guy he wouldnt shoot it into his veins...!!!

Sounds like the cop had bought with AAS from this guy before.

Cop: You're under arrest.
Guy: For what?
Cop: Possession of steroids.
Guy: They're the same ones you took before.
Sounds like the cop had bought with AAS from this guy before.

Cop: You're under arrest.
Guy: For what?
Cop: Possession of steroids.
Guy: They're the same ones you took before.

What he said.

...and it's not illegal to own guns guys. What does make it illegal if he has felony charges from before, then yes...illegal. I love when someone gets busted and the media reports all the firearms that were confiscated...never do they clarify if they were legal or not...they just throw it i the sotry to make it sound so much worse.
LOL at their outfits.. it looks so staged.. some dude in a cut off golds gym sweatshirt, and some meathead tank top.. with the MULLET LOL.
Is it just me or didnt u guys notice juicemans legs... hahahaha..........
He said Bingo cuz he is going to be popping them soon after he fills out all the paperwork.
Is it just me or didnt u guys notice juicemans legs... hahahaha..........
He said Bingo cuz he is going to be popping them soon after he fills out all the paperwork.

his gym doesn't have a squat rack:p and his skinny buddy with the golds tank top on :rolleyes:
Is it just me or didnt u guys notice juicemans legs... hahahaha..........
He said Bingo cuz he is going to be popping them soon after he fills out all the paperwork.

yeah i noticed that too...youd think with all the juice he had he would have some bigger wheels
lol this guys lawyer is gonna have a field day in court. So many things wrong here......
Is it just me or didnt u guys notice juicemans legs... hahahaha..........
He said Bingo cuz he is going to be popping them soon after he fills out all the paperwork.

But did hear what the dumbass copper said, He said he wouldn't stick that horse stuff in his veins, HA HA I wish they would take it after the paper work is done & put it on you tube, They think there so smart, Fuckin Dumbass
Damn, looked like some nice gear too

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