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Bodybuilding is my number one priority???

Dusty Hanshaw

IFBB Pro / Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
May 24, 2007
For those of you who are sick of hearing me preach I am sorry but I have read something along the lines of "BBing is my primary focus" so many times that I feel compelled to ask that anyone that feels this way take a step back and think about what matters in life. Make bodybuilding something that you do rather than something that you are. Balance in life will bring you the kind of happiness that a one dimensional person will never find. Give yourself an honest assessment and decide if you are letting this sport override to much in your life. If that is the case ask yourself what you are going to do when it is time to exit the competitive stage for good. I just think that it is important to remind ourselves that no matter how successful or unsuccessful one is in this sport really doesn't matter. The only person that views bodybuilding as the be all end all in this world is someone who has lost focus on life. I personally have some really lofty goals in this sport but if by chance I am unable to achieve them nobody will consider me a failure because I gave this portion of my life all I had while also focusing on the things that are far more important to me which include my friends and family. Sorry again for the rant but take the time to look at what you have been putting behind bodybuilding on your list of priorities and make sure that you are happy with your list.
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good post

Talk about food for thought and words of wisdom!...Thanks for posting that Dusty I really appreciate that and I bet others do to.

For those of you who are sick of hearing me preach I am sorry but I have read something along the lines of "BBing is my primary focus" so many times that I feel compelled to ask that anyone that feels this way take a step back and think about what matters in life. Make bodybuilding something that you do rather than something that you are. Balance in life will bring you the kind of happiness that a one dimensional person will never find. Give yourself an honest assessment and decide if you are letting this sport override to much in your life. If that is the case ask yourself what you are going to do when it is time to exit the competitive stage for good. I just think that it is important to remind ourselves that no matter how successful or unsuccessful one is in this sport really doesn't matter. The only person that views bodybuilding as the be all end all in this world is someone who has lost focus on life. I personally have some really lofty goals in this sport but if by chance I am unable to achieve them nobody will consider me a failure because I gave this portion of my life all I had while also focusing on the things that are far more important to me which include my friends and family. Sorry again for the rant but take the time to look at what you have been putting behind bodybuilding on your list of priorities and make sure that you are happy with your list.
For those of you who are sick of hearing me preach I am sorry but I have read something along the lines of "BBing is my primary focus" so many times that I feel compelled to ask that anyone that feels this way take a step back and think about what matters in life. Make bodybuilding something that you do rather than something that you are. Balance in life will bring you the kind of happiness that a one dimensional person will never find. Give yourself an honest assessment and decide if you are letting this sport override to much in your life. If that is the case ask yourself what you are going to do when it is time to exit the competitive stage for good. I just think that it is important to remind ourselves that no matter how successful or unsuccessful one is in this sport really doesn't matter. The only person that views bodybuilding as the be all end all in this world is someone who has lost focus on life. I personally have some really lofty goals in this sport but if by chance I am unable to achieve them nobody will consider me a failure because I gave this portion of my life all I had while also focusing on the things that are far more important to me which include my friends and family. Sorry again for the rant but take the time to look at what you have been putting behind bodybuilding on your list of priorities and make sure that you are happy with your list.

This important message is posted time and again but it cannot be read enough. Good thread.
Yes, Dusty and I can't count the times I've heard that from people who-

For those of you who are sick of hearing me preach I am sorry but I have read something along the lines of "BBing is my primary focus" so many times that I feel compelled to ask that anyone that feels this way take a step back and think about what matters in life. Make bodybuilding something that you do rather than something that you are. Balance in life will bring you the kind of happiness that a one dimensional person will never find. Give yourself an honest assessment and decide if you are letting this sport override to much in your life. If that is the case ask yourself what you are going to do when it is time to exit the competitive stage for good. I just think that it is important to remind ourselves that no matter how successful or unsuccessful one is in this sport really doesn't matter. The only person that views bodybuilding as the be all end all in this world is someone who has lost focus on life. I personally have some really lofty goals in this sport but if by chance I am unable to achieve them nobody will consider me a failure because I gave this portion of my life all I had while also focusing on the things that are far more important to me which include my friends and family. Sorry again for the rant but take the time to look at what you have been putting behind bodybuilding on your list of priorities and make sure that you are happy with your list.

- are obviously NOT practicing what they preach. How many times have you heard someone say that and look like crap? I mean IF this were really true they would look different! These same people are nearly delusional. It's like they are ghosts in their own life. I just have to laugh to myself when I hear this most of the time! I am thinking, "Oh really.":rolleyes:

Of course what you are saying is completely true even IF they are actually one of those people who ARE REALLY walking the walk. Bodybuilding should not be your number 1 priority. Like you said, bodybuilding should be something you do, not something you are. That is an excellent, excellent statement. :)
- are obviously NOT practicing what they preach. How many times have you heard someone say that and look like crap? I mean IF this were really true they would look different! These same people are nearly delusional. It's like they are ghosts in their own life. I just have to laugh to myself when I hear this most of the time! I am thinking, "Oh really.":rolleyes:

Of course what you are saying is completely true even IF they are actually one of those people who ARE REALLY walking the walk. Bodybuilding should not be your number 1 priority. Like you said, bodybuilding should be something you do, not something you are. That is an excellent, excellent statement. :)

I seccond that. No passion should ever take completly over your life.

I expierenced kinda the same thing with my younger brother. He was hooked to World of Warcraft - he nearly lost his gf, all of his friends and almost failed his exam.. Luckly his gf managed to get his account cancled.

For me bodybuilding is my no3 priority after family/friends and work.. Nervertheless it is rather time consuming during contest prep lol..
true words,but as we all know during times of competing its hard not to make it a priority when you want to win.Work all day then train at gym practice posing tanning preparing foods go to bed get up and do it all over again.Offseason I have no problem w/balance
Life can be what you make of it; there are almost no rules--or shouldn't be.
The wellness model of balance of focus with social, spiritual, emotional, etc is shit. "Balance" can and often is a preconceived perspective of someone's else's opinion, and they can change over time. Not everyone holds the same philosophies for an entire life-time. There are models for just about everything: Nice linear algorithms that seem to apply to most. Remember that scene in Fight Club were they are laughing about the directions to follow in a plane crash?
The prom night, 9-5, white picket--everything, yapping dog, X-n kids, X-n college attempts, CSI Xcity watching, half bald, half gray, half broke, half of the road everything model is not for everyone.
If being an absolute gym monkey makes one happy, then what the hell. Maybe working toward an impossible goal is folly, but it's better then no goals at all.
What one might hold sacred, I could very likely find valueless.
Great post. I think alot of us share the same sentiment. Alot of us get caught up in bodybuilding once we are bitten by the "bug", but after a while you realize there is more to life than just the gym and muscles and competing. Very good post and sound advice. If you let bodybuilding overtake you it can leave you with nothing in the end if you let it. Balance is key to a successful life and bodybuilding career. Both competitive and non competitive.
- are obviously NOT practicing what they preach. How many times have you heard someone say that and look like crap? I mean IF this were really true they would look different! These same people are nearly delusional. It's like they are ghosts in their own life. I just have to laugh to myself when I hear this most of the time! I am thinking, "Oh really.":rolleyes:

Of course what you are saying is completely true even IF they are actually one of those people who ARE REALLY walking the walk. Bodybuilding should not be your number 1 priority. Like you said, bodybuilding should be something you do, not something you are. That is an excellent, excellent statement. :)

Agreed with Both! Life is about balance. Along the lines of what Jethro said: Everytime I hear someone say "I wish I could work out more", "I would like to start biking", "I would like to lose weight", "I would like to quit smoking", "I would...etc...etc.. I think to myself, "No you don't."

Your actions betray your words everytime. "When all is said and done, more is said than done!"

so you mean life is really not like one of those universal animal articles:confused:
blah blah blah.............i'm going pro bitches


How ironic.....me too!

After this show i plan to sell my house, wife, kid and cars and move to venice to pursue my dreams.:rolleyes:
For those of you who are sick of hearing me preach I am sorry but I have read something along the lines of "BBing is my primary focus" so many times that I feel compelled to ask that anyone that feels this way take a step back and think about what matters in life. Make bodybuilding something that you do rather than something that you are. Balance in life will bring you the kind of happiness that a one dimensional person will never find. Give yourself an honest assessment and decide if you are letting this sport override to much in your life. If that is the case ask yourself what you are going to do when it is time to exit the competitive stage for good. I just think that it is important to remind ourselves that no matter how successful or unsuccessful one is in this sport really doesn't matter. The only person that views bodybuilding as the be all end all in this world is someone who has lost focus on life. I personally have some really lofty goals in this sport but if by chance I am unable to achieve them nobody will consider me a failure because I gave this portion of my life all I had while also focusing on the things that are far more important to me which include my friends and family. Sorry again for the rant but take the time to look at what you have been putting behind bodybuilding on your list of priorities and make sure that you are happy with your list.

So true....I am Six weeks out from my show and this is what I have been focused on the last 5 days:

1) Set my wedding date and reception location....I am more excited about doing this than getting ready for my show..... I think I have told every single one of my friends about it that I have seen or called me

2) Put an offer down on a house and have been haggling over the price with counter offer after counter offer.

3) Just receved a promotion at work and will be sitting down with my manager to dicsuss my raise that I will be recieveing.....The postition that I have been given is Exactly what I have been working towards and I am very happy about it and what it will do for Natalie and I financially.....

Oh yeah I also am getting ready to compete in the biggest show I have ever done....lol....

I love bb'ing and I love to compete but for the last couple years it has been somewhat of a priority but now after this show I will be reevaluating its place in my life....

Again Great post Dusty.....
You know what, some things that you see as a curse are actually a blessing.. my vitiligo keeps me from being self absorbed in bodybuilding, as if it weren't for it I would be totally absorbed into this crazy sport, but the vitiligo now gives me an "I don't give a fuck attitude" it makes my goal harder to accomplish, yet helps bring balance to my life.... now how crazy is that?
You know what, some things that you see as a curse are actually a blessing.. my vitiligo keeps me from being self absorbed in bodybuilding, as if it weren't for it I would be totally absorbed into this crazy sport, but the vitiligo now gives me an "I don't give a fuck attitude" it makes my goal harder to accomplish, yet helps bring balance to my life.... now how crazy is that?

Not crazy man....Its just yin and yang in play keeping balance and harmony in your life.....:p :D
While il admit that this is a good post and should be read by everyone.....

Dusty are you dieting for a show or something? Almost every recent post i have seen from you is something negative or something that has almost a disgruntled tone to it. I cant remember ever hearing you joke around or say anything positive. You are always DEAD SERIOUS. Lighten up a lil brother, have some fun. You have a beautiful women, a great physique, you are smart, accomplished.....life is GOOD. Enjoy it, smile a little more, have some fun....be HAPPY. If i move out to AZ you are either going to love me because im ALWAYS positive and will make you laugh...or you are going to write me off as immature and annoying and want to avoid me.....but damn if i aint gonna try to crack that hard shell on the outside!
Bodybuilding ends for all of us at some point so it best be something done as a hobby IMO. I will always train but the older I've gotten the more balanced life has become. Peace
my x wife use to always say i put lifting over everything! that shit pissed me off so bad.. could b one reason shes my x! lol ;)
this is all so true. I remember a few years back as a teen, I was like every other kid, who thought, man I need to get as big as possibloe as quick as possible, cuz i wanna turn pro. LOL. I was too dumb to realize thats easier said than done, and theres something called genetics. I was smart enough to quickly realize being pro would never happen, but I still put too much focus on lifting etc. My first few years of college, I felt like I missed out on quite a bit trying to be focusd on bodybuilding, which I now look back and think was stupid of me. these last couple years though, ive really balanced things better. When a lot of tests come up, training definitely takes the back seat, although I always try to keep my eating up, but its sometimes hard during the busy times. Alll in all, since ive really tried to balance things out life is much more enjoyable. I realize I dont have the genetics to go pro or anything like that, so I dont see a point in me puting all my time into something that wont get me far. This makes lifting more enjoyable to me, as a hobby, and like dusty said, a part of my life, not my whole life. This made me think Ive taken way too much for granted through my life. It reminded me of the thread DC has over on intensemuscle about doing good things, and just appreciating life and what it offers. Looking back on the grand scheme of things, and reading that thread really woke me up and made me realize bbing isnt real important, nor is looking good. Family, friends, happiness succeeds all of those, and I think it is important to be thankful for what we have.

but Im definitely already thinking about my leg day tomorrow...:D cant help it.

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