had mine done2 yrs ago and my left leg is 1 inch small and still not able to use the same weight as before!!!!Knee still hurts the doc told me to give up bb and dont think about sports anymore as i was a wrestling coach
no offense intended by this but that is the stupidest statement I have ever heard by an "expert" on healthcare!
I am no doctor but I will tell you if it hurts now, stop exercising and see how much worse it gets. seems to me the surgeon who performed the op didnt do a very good job. A friend of mine blew his at the beginning of wrestling season in college his senior year...he got the op right away, rehabbed and still went to nationals and took second!
he's never had a problem since, but if he quits exercising he can "feel" it
some of the best advice I can give (and this is from experience too, I tore my lcl but opted not for surgery as it wasnt a total avulsion/rupture) focus on posterior chain exercises, ie hamstrings and unilateral quad exercises like walking lunges, split squats, step ups at various hights of boxes, and glute-ham raises.
these have worked well for me, I fractured my fibula, tore my lcl and tore my semimembranosus and smitendinosus (hammy muscle/tendons) and tore some medial meniscus...all rehabbed on my own
If I train smart and pay attention to it I can pretty much do it all...
when I dont train for a while though, man it gets tight, aches and gives me problems especially when I wrestle and tran BJJ