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Boldenone and gyno


New member
Oct 9, 2023
Hey guys,
Assuming that boldenone reduces e2 for a person. Will it be effective to prevent gyno considering it convert to estrone which is a very weak estrogrn but still an estrogen.
How is your experience with boldenone in this regard?
For some people yes, for others no…. It’s gonna have to be a trial and error experience for you. Keep your AI’s on hand in case, and get bloodwork a few times to see how you’re personally reacting to the compounds.

For some people yes, for others no…. It’s gonna have to be a trial and error experience for you. Keep your AI’s on hand in case, and get bloodwork a few times to see how you’re personally reacting to the compounds.


Won't be a better answer to this question then this post right here.

I will just stress, the best thing I did for myself was establish my personal Test to EQ ratios with multiple e2 tests initially. I started with 750mg test and 1250mg EQ, e2 labs. Bumped test to 1250. E2 labs. Bumped both to 1500/1500, e2 labs. Yes it kept my E2 down, yes I have gyno and when on EQ I dont have gyno issues alongside the test dose.

If I were to run EQ with lower test now (plan to try something this summer), I will pop a dbol every week or two for a hit of E2.

All that said, plenty of guys say they see zero lowering of E2 on EQ, get your labs done.
My question is more about estsrone effecting gyno.
I know boldenone is different for everybody and i am going go test my e2 on boldenone. But i am worried about estrone that is why i am asking for anecdotal experiences
I did bloods for E1 and E2 while on just 1g EQ.

My E2 was like 18ng/dl (I don't remember the unit so pardon me). Libido was shit, had boners but dull orgasms, awful.

My E1 was like 1500ng/dl.

I have gyno on right nipple but at that dose it didn't flare up at all.

So I would say that E1, for me, did nothing estrogenic.

It's hard to say mate, I would like to give the OP an answer but, the only thing you can do is bloods for E2 and evaluate how you respond. Sorry...
There’s no way you’ll know unless you try. Every body reacts different to every compound so asking for advice about what others are doing is really irrelevant. Equipoise makes me drier and veiny and definitely suppresses estrogen. Iv found that every compound that is not a “wet” compound has this similar effect on me. You just have to try it out and see.
E2 is produced primarily in ovaries and testes by aromatization of testosterone. Small amounts are produced in the adrenal glands and some peripheral tissues, most notably fat. By contrast, most of the circulating E1 is derived from peripheral aromatization of androstenedione (mainly adrenal). E2 and E1 can be converted into each other, and both can be inactivated via hydroxylation and conjugation. E2 demonstrates 1.25 to 5 times the biological potency of E1
Gynecomastia or other signs of feminization in males may be due to an absolute or relative (in relation to androgens) surplus of estrogens. Gynecomastia is common during puberty in boys. Unless E1, E2, or testosterone levels exceed the adult male reference range, the condition is usually not due to hormonal disease (though it sometimes may still result in persistent breast tissue, which later needs to be surgically removed). For adults with gynecomastia, the workup should include testosterone and adrenal androgen measurements, in addition to E2 and E1 measurements. Causes for increased E1 or E2 levels include:

-High androgen levels caused by tumors or androgen therapy (medical or sport performance enhancing), with secondary elevations in E1 and E2 due to aromatization

-Obesity with increased tissue production of E1

-Decreased E1 and E2 clearance in liver disease

-Estrogen producing tumors

-Estrogen ingestion

Normal male E1 and E2 levels also may be associated with feminization or gynecomastia, if bioavailable testosterone levels are low due to primary/secondary testicular failure. This may occur, for example, when patients are receiving antiandrogen therapy or other drugs with antiandrogenic effects (eg, spironolactone, digitalis preparations).

Some guys say primo really does that for them

Bloodwork is the only way to know for sure
Some guys say primo really does that for them

Bloodwork is the only way to know for sure
Primo does a real number crushing estrogen when I use it. Takes a few months to get brittle but most definitely
You should not get gyno from EQ. In regard to estrone, read Juggy’s first post.

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