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Brain-boosting drugs and the double standard


FOUNDING Member / Featured member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 18, 2002
This always pisses me off to no end. If someone wants to pop a pill to boost brain function for a performance edge, its embraced, certainly not criminalized. But if someone wants to use a hormone for anti-aging or boost physical performance, you are looked at like you are a weirdo, and if you are caught, you are a criminal. WTF? Would someone please explain this to me?

Because of stereotypes plaguing bodybuilders and athletes in general.
And the whole crusade against being "unnatural" and a "cheater"

even though i dont know who the fuck youre cheating if youre just taking it for yourself...
This always pisses me off to no end. If someone wants to pop a pill to boost brain function for a performance edge, its embraced, certainly not criminalized. But if someone wants to use a hormone for anti-aging or boost physical performance, you are looked at like you are a weirdo, and if you are caught, you are a criminal. WTF? Would someone please explain this to me?


Because you bodybuilders are using drugs to improve yourselves. VANITY. If the academics get a little hopped upped on a little speed then it just cures cancer faster brick. Those great minds will one day produce the greatest inventions and technologys of tommorow. You bodybuilders will just get bigger and take up more space. Right?
O/T brick but this reminds me of the time you and I ate those black lotus pedals and went wondering around that crazy town. Remember when you puched that camel in the face....priceless. ;)

Sorry but we have been on the hole Connan thing for a few threads and I needed a larph.
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O/T brick but this reminds me of the time you and I ate those black lotus pedals and went wondering around that crazy town. Remember when you puched that camel in the face....priceless. ;)

:D Remember the look on that camel's face? he was like… WTF? He was so stunned he forgot to spit :p
The real reason for this is plain and simple. Jealousy is the main emotion that drives and fuels the anti-steroid crowd.

"I could have played pro baseball, but I didn't want to be damn juicer".
"You can't look like that without a little help".
"Those are fake"!

I am sure you have all heard quotes just like those three at one time or another. All are motivated by jealousy.
The real reason for this is plain and simple. Jealousy is the main emotion that drives and fuels the anti-steroid crowd.

"I could have played pro baseball, but I didn't want to be damn juicer".
"You can't look like that without a little help".
"Those are fake"!

I am sure you have all heard quotes just like those three at one time or another. All are motivated by jealousy.

I would disagree with this statement and say it is ignorance and puritanical morality.
The real reason for this is plain and simple. Jealousy is the main emotion that drives and fuels the anti-steroid crowd.

"I could have played pro baseball, but I didn't want to be damn juicer".
"You can't look like that without a little help".
"Those are fake"!

I am sure you have all heard quotes just like those three at one time or another. All are motivated by jealousy.

I wouldn't say your statement is ignorant like mr. intellect up here, actually i believe it to be pretty accurate just ignorantly stated. I do believe that being big brings a lot of competitive conflicts, since by nature woman are more physically attracted to muscular men than skinny or fat men. Big men also get more respect from other men and the fact that steroids improve performance are all factors that induce jealousy in those who do not enjoy these qualities. however people are jealous of those who accomplish these things without steroids aswell. So the jealousy induced by the benefits of steroids is certainly one of the many causes to this witch hunt against steroids. Steroids became illegal after Ben Johnson won the Olympics, one could easily argue that it was jealousy and envy towards his victory over the American Carl Lewis that caused steroids to be illegal. After watching bigger faster stronger and watchin Joe Biden say his little speech, which goes something like this:
"In college i thought of myself as a pretty good athlete. But i find myself angry. That these Ba...(was about to say bastards but quickly changes it to people) people were the same ones who would've taken me out, me out! not because they had more god given talent but because they enhanced with artificial means."
After watching him say this i realized that senators and congressmen are just like any other men, they are deeply hurt by feeling inferior to these "juice monkeyes " who took them out in college, and perhaps also got the girl and maybe sparked unwanted respect in these people towards the juicers. I know all this sounds arrogant, but i think it is a pretty accurate description of the feelings caused by steroids on the general public (men), them being illegal is a lot to do with the lawmakers feelings rather than intellectual decisions. This really demonstrates anti-intellectualism in America. It is really annoying to see how much Pride and feelings in general replace intellect in the decision making of our state.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't studies found that the typical AAS user is a man in his 30's that hits the gym regularly and just wants to look better? Not your hardcore bodybuilder as most people think?
Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't studies found that the typical AAS user is a man in his 30's that hits the gym regularly and just wants to look better? Not your hardcore bodybuilder as most people think?

and works a fulltime 9-5 40-50 hour workweek, typically corporate, yes this is true. sorry USA WE ARE SUCH CRIMINALS LOL
Something I bumped into that reminded me of this thread.

Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy


see that is just it... in their own words:
"That response must start by rejecting the idea that 'enhancement' is a dirty word"
In other words:
A pill for anti-aging or physical enhancement = cheating
A pill for mental enhancement = "useful for improved quality of life and extended work productivity, as well as to stave off normal and pathological age-related cognitive declines"
this reminds me of excerpts from the movie bigger stronger faster, he talks about similar stereotypes and how AAS are portrayed in the public eye. A doctor was reading this big list of side effects and damn i thought there would be no way i would even try that stuff, come to find out it was vitamin C. Also, there are more visits to emergency room for aspirin overdoses every year than AAS usage. It is a good movie, looks at AAS from both sides, really put things in perspective.:D
Steroids have negative views by people that are not knowledgeable about them. Them will never take the time to learn about them and the types of people on them, just imagine everyone as a roid-rager choking everyone in sight. haha

I'm a natural guy but think steroids and weed should both be legal. :D
It's generally easier to embrace the habits we find useful.

While mocking those that have no appeal to us personally.

I think people should be equally loaded with brain boosting chemicals and testosterone.

We could form a society, live together and all work for the common good of that small community.

Think of it- All the best physiques both male and female, growing crops, teaching the young, engaging in mixed martial arts, perfecting gene manipulation, engaging in frantic copulation, surpassing the accomplishments of the outside world in every endeavor while seeking spiritual enlightenment.

In this world I would be a benevolent dictator, much loved, always making decisions that were best for the society, relinquishing selfish impulses, working for the common good.

I would call this land, Jethro Town.
While mocking those that have no appeal to us personally.

I think people should be equally loaded with brain boosting chemicals and testosterone.

We could form a society, live together and all work for the common good of that small community.

Think of it- All the best physiques both male and female, growing crops, teaching the young, engaging in mixed martial arts, perfecting gene manipulation, engaging in frantic copulation, surpassing the accomplishments of the outside world in every endeavor while seeking spiritual enlightenment.

In this world I would be a benevolent dictator, much loved, always making decisions that were best for the society, relinquishing selfish impulses, working for the common good.

I would call this land, Jethro Town.

how far is that from bozeman and butte? lol
While mocking those that have no appeal to us personally.

I think people should be equally loaded with brain boosting chemicals and testosterone.

We could form a society, live together and all work for the common good of that small community.

Think of it- All the best physiques both male and female, growing crops, teaching the young, engaging in mixed martial arts, perfecting gene manipulation, engaging in frantic copulation, surpassing the accomplishments of the outside world in every endeavor while seeking spiritual enlightenment.

In this world I would be a benevolent dictator, much loved, always making decisions that were best for the society, relinquishing selfish impulses, working for the common good.

I would call this land, Jethro Town.

I would move there.lol
While mocking those that have no appeal to us personally.

I think people should be equally loaded with brain boosting chemicals and testosterone.

We could form a society, live together and all work for the common good of that small community.

Think of it- All the best physiques both male and female, growing crops, teaching the young, engaging in mixed martial arts, perfecting gene manipulation, engaging in frantic copulation, surpassing the accomplishments of the outside world in every endeavor while seeking spiritual enlightenment.

In this world I would be a benevolent dictator, much loved, always making decisions that were best for the society, relinquishing selfish impulses, working for the common good.

I would call this land, Jethro Town.

That's hilarious! :D Where the kids are always smart and well-behaved and the men and women are good looking .

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